Hints for Reading Tournament Results


After the tournament, for a short period of time, there will be many changes as data is input to GolfGenius. These tournament results are therefore very, very preliminary. After an email goes out to invite you to review the preliminary results, these results are still somewhat preliminary. After a review period of say a week or so, then the results are considered final. If you have questions or input for the preliminary results, please send them to the tournament director as soon as you can.


An email inviting you to review preliminary results might look like this:

The latest preliminary results, including those for putts and GIRs, may be found online. You may use either a browser or the GolfGenius App to view the results.


Here are some hints to navigate GolfGenius to view results

In a browser:

On a mobile device with the app:

LMGC Home pageCurrent Season Tournaments

Event GGID# from email

Find the portal of interest and view tournament results

Sign in … Member portal … Results

IMPORTANT: The top region of the results page has a pulldown to navigate between the various categories of GIRs, Putts, & Theme for that tournament.

Another hint is to find the “expand all” button to open the results and view your hole-by-hole scores, which can be helpful when checking on skins.

For either browser or app methods, see Hints_for_viewing_results.pdf


As always, the theme and CTP purse payouts are in the form of scrip, and other payouts like skins, putts or GIR’s are in a check. If you do not know about scrip, please read about it on our website found from the header "Tournaments and Events" then navigate to ‘Tournament News and Information.’


View an Example Scorecard…HERE to see how to total putts and GIR’s

Everyone Knows You Must Not Mark a CTP Distance Greater Than the Previous Entry

Everyone Knows You Have to Total Putts and GIRs on the Scorecard

Lack of totals for GIR’s on the scorecard results in ‘no score’ result in GolfGenius

Even if You Have the Putts and GIR’s Noted, The Totals Must be Written Down

Key for Results

CTP is Closest-to-Pin

GIRs is Greens in Regulation

[It is a fact that scorecard instructions say to total putts and GIRs. If they are not totaled then data input to GolfGenius will not occur]

Sometimes there are no totals for putts and/or GIRs on the scorecard. NS means no score, which is essentially the result of not recording the total for the putts and/or GIRs on the scorecard for this event.


Hints for Reading Tournament Results
