Welcome to Our LMGC Tournament News and Information Page!

There is no login to Golf Genius, simply obtain the GGID number from club emails and put that in when you use the mobile app.

Golf Genius is Used by LMGC for webhosting our webpages, mobile scoring for tournaments and final reports of our tournament results. The GGID# for our events is found in email blasts sent to members. For mobile scoring on tournament day, check the scorecard to find your group GGID#. Input scores to the mobile system before turning in your scorecard if not input on the course. It is a good habit to check your mobile scores against the scorecard after the round because you want the mobile hole-by-hole scores to match the scorecard. For an instructional video on mobile scoring, click HERE

Without prior notice to the tournament director, only those players indicated on the tee sheet will be considered for play in the event. Any non-members must have prior approval by the tournament director to join any of our playing groups.

On the day of any regular monthly golf tournament, it is advised to check the scorecard to verify your flight (flights might change from month to month). Knowing your flight helps if you get close to the pin for winning CTP’s by marking your name down in the correct location on the card posted on holes #3, #5, #12 and #17.

For tips on “How to Register,” follow this link, HERE

HERE for browser or mobile app tips


Hints_for _viewing_results.pdf

This is nothing new, but just to let you know what the cart rule is at Lakewood Country Club.

We want carts to be available for everyone who wants to ride, so kindly adhere to the course policy that carts are populated with two riders. In a group with only one player riding and all others walking, then a single rider will be allowed.

Fee Payment Choices

For our LMGC events, your payment choices are either credit card, with an amount that includes card administrative fees, or pay by check or cash. For payment by check, please see the How to pay by check information further down this page. It is suggested that the administrative work for the tournament director is eased when a player pays by check for the entire group. For individuals, we favor your payment by credit card. There is a payment invoice sent in a separate email which is generated by the tournament director using GolfGenius. On the emailed invoice, look for the “Pay Now” button. We do not have a self-service credit card payment link like the LA Golf days, so if you are in a bind for paying by credit card, please reach out in a timely manner and email the tournament director for another credit card invoice.

Another choice for payment is to pay a month in advance. Come to the club room on the day of the tournament for the previous month, find the envelope, insert $, check preferred, for the next event. Be sure to write your name on the front of the envelope.

I am sure you know to check the tournament cost on either the calendar or the event portal page, which is the same as the welcome page for the event.

Finding LMGC Tournament Dates?

Hint: Calendars are on the website. Simply navigate from LMGC homepage to “Tournaments and Events” header, then snap up the appropriate LMGC calendar you are looking for.


LMGC Tournaments – Keep it simple

  • The system is friendly to self-register. Use either a browser or the GolfGenius app, tips for use found HERE.
  • Register yourself with an option to add others to your group. Coordination prior to signing up is key, so be sure to check with your fellow group members in advance of the registration dates.
  • Sign up and pay promptly. Consider sending in one check for the group. For payment of fees, observe any payment dates found on the welcome page for that specific event. (For more, see “portal info” below in FAQ)
  • If you are requesting a time range for tee times, or are a single looking for a partner, or for some reason you do not sign up together with your partner in one transaction, please use the comments section when signing up, or send an email to the tournament director for that event.
  • Please respond as needed to any emails or blasts from board members, especially in relation to your event payment plan.
  • Where do I double-check my tee times? See FAQ’s below.
  • The Tournament Committee encourages the use of mobile scoring while on the golf course. This mobile score input supports what everyone likes, which is seeing the tournament leaderboard in-progress on the day of our tournament.
  • See our example paper scorecard, HERE. Remember to apply two signatures on your scorecard: scorer AND attest by a player other than the scorer, rule 3.3b. Note that it seems like a favorite flaw on some scorecards is to neglect to total up the putts and GIRs. The tournament director does not total these up; look for ‘NS,’ which means No Score, in the GolfGenius event report for cases where these were not totaled on the scorecard.
  • For stroke play tournaments, even if it is a team competition, unless otherwise stated in tournament day instructions, players will hole out all putts, that is, there are no gimmees, and record gross hole-by-hole scores on the scorecard as well as mobile input.
  • Please observe the adopt-a-hole scheme to improve conditions for all. See your Hole assignment information below.
  • One of the enemies of an enjoyable round of golf is slow play. Please play ready golf and stay in position with the group in front of you. It is OK to be waiting on every shot. View our LMGC website about ready golf…HERE.
  • Generally, do not post your own scores to GHIN. YOU WILL BE INFORMED OF CASES WHERE YOU NEED TO POST. The tournament committee will generally post the scores for our member participants.
  • Our usual method for reporting distances on the CTP card is in feet and inches. An example for marking the distance when it is less than one foot is 0’ 10 “
  • An example for marking the distance on the CTP card when it is an ace is 0’ 0”
  • For CTP, do not forget to include your name, and be aware to mark in the correct flight column

Dan Wamba

Tournament Director, LMGC


Tee Time Drawing held at our General Meeting on 3/13/2024

#1 was George Seyller who wants 8:00 AM for both April and May

#2 was Myron Bowens who wants 9:00 AM for both April and May

#3 was Mark Bartlett who wants 7:20 AM for both April and May

Next tee time drawing is to be held at the general meeting in June

Puddle conditions and temporary water in bunkers at Lakewood Country Club (especially in the morning):

With our typical damp course conditions encountered at The Wood in the mornings, l bring to your attention Rule 16. You might want to review the case of abnormal course conditions in bunkers. I like diagram 16.1c. This rule applies any time of year on any course since it is part of the USGA Rules of Golf.

Does LMGC have any local rules?

Yes, see LMGC local rules under our Web Page Header for “Tournaments and Events”


Thank you for adopting your holes and striving to improve the playing conditions for the course.

Each player is asked to adopt two holes to keep the course in great shape. Fix ball marks on greens and, as needed, rake a bunker or two.

If you forget which holes are assigned, choose two random holes to adopt and go to work sprucing them up.

Holes Assigned

Last Name Begins With…

Holes Assigned

Last Name Begins With…

1 & 2


17 & 18


3 & 4


1 & 2


5 & 6


3 & 4

N - O

7 & 8

E - F

5 & 6

P - Q

9 & 10


7 & 8


11 & 12


9 & 10


13 & 14

I - H

13 & 14

T - V

15 & 16


17 & 18

W - Z


Does anyone ever get a hole-in-one in our tournaments?

Did you hear about our Hole-in-one fund to help with the bar bill? You buy in for a one-time low payment. Read more about it on our website: Home page then navigate to …Tournaments and EventsHole in One Fund.


In the case of any conflicts between these specified terms of our competition and terms listed in an event portal, the terms in the event portal shall take precedence.

In many of our individual player events we run a low net / low gross biased competition where we have a gross prize paid to one or more places and a net prize paid to one or more places. For individual game purse payouts, the player can only win for one of the competitions, either gross or net.

In the event of ties for a particular spot (like gross) that pays for one place only, where we do not have a playoff, we use the USGA tie-breaking method to determine the winner on the basis of the best score for the last nine holes. If the tying players have the same score for the last nine, the tie-breaking method determines the winner on the basis of the last six holes, then the last three holes and finally the 18th hole.


How to pay tournament fees by check

Make checks payable to:  Lakewood Men’s Golf Club

(I remind you to NOT make the check out to any individuals.  Please pass this information along to your wife if she is the one who makes out the checks. Thanks)

Do not fill out check with a sharpie or permanent marker because this bleeds through and spoils our bank-cashing markings on the back side of the check

Due to postal delays, mailed payments may take longer than expected, so you might want to get payment in early.

If you have not paid your fees, are you really in the tournament?

Follow the instructions given out with the tournament details given online on the event portal or in an email (or invoice) for where to send your check. Note that fee details are generally included on the event portal for the specific tournament.

Questions about a portal? See the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) below.


LMGC supports…

There are some heritage groups we support annually. The event fee is adjusted for those months. In March, $5 is added to support Junior Golf, and in August, $5 is added to support our LMGC Memorial Fund.

Remember to support the toy drive held annually in November and December. Bring a toy and blanket to the club room in the morning of the November and December LMGC golf events. This toy drive supports the kids on skid row when the Chilo Foundation delivers the goods in mid-December.



LMGC Tournament Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's):


Where does the tournament director list all of the gems of information regarding LMGC tournaments?

You might view our information found by navigating from our home page, http://www.lakewoodmensgolf.club/, then find the header "Tournaments and Events" and click on ”Tournament News and Information.”


Where can I get golf lessons?

Gene Hori does an excellent job as a teaching pro. You can pick up his business card near the exit door of the pro shop. Contact: GeneHoriGolf@gmail.com, (310) 686-5127.


Are there any gimee putts?

As we play per USGA rules in our stroke play tournaments, I remind all golfers that we NEVER allow gimme putts, Mulligans or Breakfast balls. Even in our regular monthly events that might be played in teams, we are posting the individual scores to GHIN, so play your own ball until it is holed out and record all of the gross number of strokes on the scorecard and the mobile app.

A gimme is a short putt conceded by an opponent.

Sometimes gimmes are used in match play. The monthly tournaments are generally stroke play and therefore gimmes are not allowed.


What is a portal and where do I find it? How do I see the current tee sheet?

Our current season tournaments website is one form of portal, and each event has its own portal. On the GolfGenius app, use the GGID number to log in and go to Member Portal, and find yourself at the event portal for that specific tournament. You will see other pages like a Welcome page, other tournament information pages, and the tee sheet. The event portal is a website resource for various features like registration, event details, news, tee sheets and results. It acts like a newsletter for that specific tournament. You may even post pictures on the day of the event.

If you don’t use the GolfGenius app and use the browser method, start from our home page and navigate to “Tournaments and Events” and then pick off “Current Season Tournaments.” Find the event of interest listed on the directory, click on it, and find that you are now on the event portal.

See the Tee Sheet from a Browser

From our Home page, http://www.lakewoodmensgolf.club/ go to ‘Tournaments and Events,’ then snap off ‘Current Season Tournaments’

On the right hand side you may select ‘Tee Sheet’ and be aware you might need to use the pull-down to switch to the proper round

See the Tee Sheet from the GolfGenius app

Bring up the app and put in the GGID number for the tournament

Go to the member portal

Find tee sheets and be aware you might need to use the pull-down to switch to the proper round

Where do I find my individual flight?

Final flights are noted on the scorecard for the event. This is important for CTP and side pots. Please observe this information for entering names in the proper flight column on the CTP cards on our par 3’s.

Where do I find the basics of tournament registration?

If you don’t use the GolfGenius app use the browser method and start from our home page and navigate to “Tournaments and Events” and then pick off “How to Register for LMGC Tournaments.”

What happens when my membership expires?

Is it not possible to renew your registration before it expires? If that doesn’t work, let me introduce you to the Membership Director, name and contact information available on our website. Navigate to “Our Club” and pick off “Board of Directors and Officers.”

Note that there is a Member-Guest event in September. The regular monthlies are for members.

Where do I find the waitlist?

As tournament registration progresses and we hit our ceiling of the number of participants planned for, you have the option to place yourself (or a group) on the waitlist. You may see your waitlist status under the tournament registration area. I use the mobile app and log in with the GGID for the event.  From there I then go to the portal, tournament info and registration.   Look for participants and scroll to the end.

Tournament results are under review and have not yet been released.

Just after the event is completed, be prepared for a review period before the preliminary results are posted. Check HERE if you need a refresher on where to look for results.

Why is there an error when I try to sign in? I put in my email...


Simply use the GGID# for the event. See email blasts for event GGID#s.

What are my credentials to sign in to the LMGC websites? I put in my email...

DO NOT USE EMAIL TO SIGN IN. That is for administrators…

As you navigate our public LMGC web pages there is no issue for signing in, so please do not try to sign in. Go to our home page and navigate as desired. For restricted sites to register or view event portal information, the system will prompt you to sign in, so use the GGID# for that event – please see email blasts that include the event GGID#. So you can see it is a very simple system: no sign in usually and view almost all of our web pages, and for restricted sites, use the GGID# that is sent in the email.

Why do I not see the site needed to register for the tournament?

A) Check that you used the correct GGID#.

B) Perhaps it is too early and registration is not yet open.

I am not receiving club email blasts, why?

Sometimes our members click on “opt out” of emails. To get back on the email list, contact any of our LMGC board members to find out what to do. We must first check your status to determine if you have opted out of receiving emails.

Another possibility is that you were put on the blocked or suppression list because your email provider does not handshake with the GolfGenius system emails. This is caused because you might not have their ‘noreply’ address in your contacts list (suggest you add it now): noreply@golfgenius.com

More for the GolfGenius suppression list: When dealing with mass emails, the restrictions from the recipient's email provider become very strict. Due to this, some email addresses get flagged and placed on the suppression list. We always recommend asking the golfer(s) to add noreply@golfgenius.com to their safe sender or contact list. This will help prevent recurring suppression list visits in the future.

Where do I find the tournament GGID#?

The event GGID numbers are sent out in our email messages. To sign in on the GolfGenius app or use a browser to go to the restricted pages for an event, do not sign in with your email -- use the GGID#.

Why do I think the tournament director does not get my email?

If a big blast goes out and you simply hit “reply,” you might be muddled in with thirty other emails that are sent that way. Help the poor guy out and edit the subject of your reply with your initials or some semblance of logic for your response, like “Not Playing in this Tournament.”

Where do I find the tournament Pay Now button for credit card payment?

The link to pay is sent in an invoice by separate email. Search your email for "Pay Now" or other key words...

If you cannot find the invoice, let the tournament director know and another invoice will be generated and sent by a separate email.

Where do I see the tee sheet? When do I tee off and who is in my group?

It is a good idea to view the tee sheet online. Find tee sheets from the web portal for that event. Sign in with the GolfGenius app and go to member portal… Pairings… Tee Sheets.

Using the browser method:

1. Use the current season and the event portal for that event

2. Navigate to pairings

3. Observe the tee sheet

Where do I see the tournament results? Why doesn't the Leaderboard work?

Using the mobile app, after signing in with the GGID#, go to member portal and look for “Results.” Only on the day of the event will “Leaderboard” offer any preliminary results based on the mobile input from the field. When the tournament is complete, you must go to Member Portal and Results.

Hint #1 - Understand that the GGID# is key to the easy view of the websites that hold our results.

Hint #2 - The top region of the results page has a pulldown to navigate between the game categories of GIRs, Putts, Gross, and Theme.

Hint #3 – Find the “expand all” button to open the results and view your hole-by-hole scores.



How do I find contact information for the officers and board members of LMGC?

You might view our information found by navigating from our home page, http://www.lakewoodmensgolf.club/, and navigate from the header "Our Club" then click on Board of Directors and Officers

Is the cost for a cart included in the tournament fee?

Only for the shotgun starts in September and December is a cart part of the fee structure. For our monthly tournaments at Lakewood Country Club, you may arrange/pay for your cart in the pro shop.

How do I pay online?

The link to pay is sent in an invoice which is found in a separate email. Search your email for key words "Pay Now."

If you cannot find the invoice, let the tournament director know and another invoice will be generated and sent again by a separate email.

For the monthly tournaments, when do I pay and what happens if I drop out?

Once you have registered for the tournament, get your payment into the tournament director in five working days, please. The payment deadline is generally set for 9 or 10 days before the event, but you don’t have to wait that long to pay.

If you drop out before the Monday before the event, we create a club credit to be used in a carryover for the next tournament you enter. For the regular monthly tournaments, let the tournament director know of your need to drop out before noon on Monday for the Sunday tournament. If you cruise past the Monday drop-out deadline and simply no-show for the event, we will work to try to preserve it, but no carryover is to be expected.

If it gets to be past that Monday and you have a replacement, you could contact the tournament director and do that switch before the scorecards are printed, (think Wednesday deadline), and after the replacement pays, you will not lose the fee.

For the regular monthly tournaments, see either the calendar or the specific event portal for any fee amounts and dates listed for payment for that event.

No payments are accepted on the day of the event since the "pay by" due date occurs well before the day of our tournament and there is so much activity on tournament days I prefer to not have additional noise with chasing down those who owe.

For the monthly tournaments, where do I check in? Where is my scorecard?

Before your round, on the day of the tournament, come by the club room, found near the west end of the driving range, to check the table for scorecards.

While the completed paper scorecard will be the official record for the event, the Tournament Committee encourages the use of mobile scoring while on the golf course. This mobile input supports what everyone likes, which is seeing the tournament leaderboard in-progress. If you do not keep mobile scoring while on the course, at the end of the round, simply input the gross scores to the mobile app, please, before you hand in the scorecard. Be sure to total the putts and GIR’s and enter this information on the scorecard. Turn in signed paper scorecards to the box in the club room.

How do you go about getting tournament purse payouts? I have money from a past event and was never sure how to collect it.

The purse payouts, in either check or scrip, are made available in the club room at the next tournament for which you are registered. This is also known as the “check-in table” because we have the scorecards, HIO and general information available to support the tournament. As the name suggests, pick up your items at check-in and avoid any disappointment if you choose to come in after the round and find that all payout items are locked up, which is our normal process.

Explain scrip cards, please?

The purse payouts may be in a scrip card. If you do not know about scrip, think of it as cash on a card that you may use at American Golf facilities. For further information, direct your questions to the authorities in the pro shop.

It says I won something, why was it not on the table at the next tournament?

Mostly this is a question from Associate Members who forget the details described in their welcome letter.

Right, so you didn't get an update from the treasurer on your progress (per the associate's letter) to claim full membership? Yes, winnings for an associate are first applied to his membership upgrade. Work your way up to full membership and then the winnings are found on the table.

You know about the letter, right?  If not, please contact the membership chairman.  The letter is an attachment to your 'welcome to the club" email...

What is "NS" for my preliminary results for putts?

Hi valued member, thanks for pulling up your phone and reviewing your picture of the scorecard. NS means no score. I point out that the scorecard was missing totals for either putts or GIRs, or both. No totals on scorecard means no data input by overworked tournament director and you earned NS. At this point, look at your picture of the scorecard - you used your phone to take a picture, right? - then email the following information to the tournament director: totals for front nine, back nine, and eighteen hole totals to add to the record in GolfGenius. See the example scorecard, HERE.

Note that NS evolves to DNS when the scoring flips over from “in progress” to “completed.” Try to be a stickler for documenting totals for putts and GIRs on your scorecard in the next tournament.

Is the Front Nine Nassau only for nine holes?

We play all 18 holes. Be sure to hole out on every hole, record gross scores and the tournament committee will post the scores to GHIN. Please review the event portal for other tournament details.

Who do I contact about practice rounds before the tournament?

Practice rounds, per USGA rule 5, are approved on days before, but not on, a tournament day. Tee times and green fees for practice rounds are handled by the pro shop, 562-421-0550 ext. 1.


Table of LMGC Tournament Support Information Found on our “Tournament News and Information” Webpage



LMGC Website


Pro Shop

Pro Shop Contact Phone Number:  562-421-0550 ext. 1

Hole in one

See the LMGC Calendar for a partial explanation of the two lists run by LMGC for Hole-in-One (HIO) Participants

The LMGC Monthly HIO participants list is found HERE

If you are not on the list and care to join, bring $5 cash to the next monthly tournament, stick the money in the envelope and write your name on the “Add List”

The non-monthly HIO Participants list is found online too.



Hints_for _viewing_results.pdf

App vs Browser

Hint on when to use a browser or mobile app for best results

Mobil Scoring

A video for Mobile App Scoring Instructions is found HERE

Note that "score summary" is helpful after the first 9 holes to compare mobile entries to the paper scorecard.

Example Scorecard

View an Example Scorecard…HERE

Hints Video

View a short “hints” video, for viewing results using the mobile app, HERE

DO use the pulldown to switch between the different games and DO hit “expand all” to see hole-by-hole scores for skins.

Total those Putts and GIRs on the paper scorecard

IMPORTANT: Remember to total your putts and GIRs

The hole-by-hole entries are only there to resolve questions

See the example scorecard HERE.

Orange ball, what if???


Orange Ball Instructions, 2-Man Best Ball, RWB

Q. But what happens if we lose all the orange balls?

I am sure you all could answer that question yourselves.

A.   Proceed in playing, per the rules of golf, using your own ball. Inform the Tournament Committee of your predicament. You cannot win for the theme, but you are still eligible for side pots and the committee will post your score to GHIN, so play on with your own ball.

Tournament Results

Tips on How to View Tournament Results…HERE

Our Culture

Have you heard these comments around the Wood?

Fast pay makes fast friends.

No pay equals no play.

If you are not waiting on every shot, you are behind - catch up!

Payouts for winnings

Why did I get a scrip card?

Scrip is used for purse payouts for the theme game (that monthly game) and CTP

Why a check?

Checks are used for purse payouts for side pots like skins or gross or putts or GIRs

Map of where to find information using a browser

Find tournament info:

Where to look:

Tournament registration

Home page…Tournaments and Events…Current Season

Why a scrip card vs. check?

Hole assignments

How to register

Event portals


Home page…Tournaments and Events…News and Information

Fees, rules, send check to…

Found on the event portal for that specific tournament (and some fee information is on the calendar).

Not all tournaments have the same fee. Most fees may be found on the tournament portal (might need the GGID number) and on our tournament calendar.

This link will take you to where you may join our club.

Join/Renew your membership – Southern California Golf Association (scga.org)

LMGC membership cost is a question best answered by the Membership Director. His contact information is found on our website (navigate from the home page to “Our Club” and select Board of Directors and Officers).

Golf Instruction

Gene Hori: GeneHoriGolf@gmail.com, (310) 686-5127


Sporobolus indicus

See the photo of those who represented the club on 5/24/23 and helped to remove smutgrass on hole #6, HERE

Can I pick my own tee time?

New in 2024, as described in the LMGC newsletter for November 2023, for those attending the general meeting on 3/13/2024, there is a chance to select your tee time. A raffle will be held and 3 members will be able to select tee times for the next two regular-monthly-tournaments. A tee time drawing will also occur at the general meetings in June and September.

What if???

Items to touch on questions expressed​ lately from members.

​I​F it rains​, you may still play golf.

​I​F we have dangerous weather the staff at the course will respond as necessary and flow information to everyone in an exposed position.​ Pay attention in case there is the blast from a horn to indicate you must come in.

​I​F you know there is lightning nearby, do not go out​ to dangerous conditions on the golf course. 

​IF there are odd conditions on the course, call the pro shop.

Where do I find my flight?

Individual flights for players are printed on the scorecard for the event. Please observe this information for marking the CTP cards on our par 3’s as illustrated below.

Gift donation

2023 Brag picture showing our holiday gift donations, HERE



Ground Rules for CTP Markings

If nearer the hole, enter your name and distance on the CTP card.

Our method is to report distances on the card in feet and inches.

For distances less than one foot, example is 0’ 10“ -or- 0’ 0” for an ace

Marking of the CTP card is to occur at the time your group is in play on that green. Don’t come back later and don’t email the tournament director after you have moved on, or after your round.

At a minimum, please record your last name on the CTP card. If first initial is ambiguous, please use full first name.

It is required to match your name to the proper flight column when marking your name and distance on Closest-To-Pin (CTP) cards.

Do not mark your name in multiple columns.

A Flight

B Flight

J. Miller - 13’ 0”

(Really in A flightà) J. Daly - 7’10”

J. Nicklaus - 7’ 5”


T. Woods - 3’ 2”


Wouldn’t you know that Mr. John Daly, with an early tee time, and probably played in the B flight last month, marked the card for the wrong flight, since he is really in the A flight. Having the CTP card marked in the wrong column is a problem for legitimate B flight players who don’t get their names recorded on the CTP card. Also, don’t just add your name when you are outside the noted distance already recorded on the CTP card.

·        Things to Do Right

o   Have a look at your scorecard for your flight information - and use that information

o   Mark entries in the correct flight column

o   Use first initial and last name unless that matches another player, then full first name on the card, please.

o   Mark distance entries as ft’ inch”

·        CTP Card Entry Flaws to Avoid

-      Do not blame the guy with the scorecard if you do not ask to see your flight and mark an entry in the wrong column. Ask for your flight when your group is on the first tee.

-      Do not mark your name and distance in the wrong flight column – you will not win

-      Do not mark entry distances in anything other than feet and inches. Do not mark as inches only like 101” is not working for us, use standard foot’ inch” entries to win, use 8’ 5.” Ten inches is 0’ 10” and an ace may look like 0’ 0”!!! A distance reported as 9.3 is gibberish and will not win, use 9’ 3.”

-      Do not enter fractions of an inch since we will round up. An example of a WRONG entry is 0’ 6 1/2” which should be 0’ 7.”

-      Do not mark an entry if your distance is greater than the previous entry – you will not win and it confuses others in your flight who come along later

-      Do not draw lines and arrows when you mark your name in the wrong column – you will not win

-      Do not leave the green and come back later to mark the CTP card – you will not win