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Player Information | Gwybodaeth Am Chwaraewyr
Welsh Women's Open Seniors Championship (Llandrindod Wells)
Player Information | Gwybodaeth Am Chwaraewyr
Start Times | Amserau Cychwyn
Competition Home Page | Tudalen Gartref y Gystadleuaeth
Players | Chwaraewyr
Handicap Analysis | Dadansoddi Handicap
Registration | Cofrestriad
Wales Golf Policies | Polisïau Golff Cymru
My Profile | Fy Mhroffil
Pin Positions
Scoring | Sgorio
Welsh Women's Open Seniors Championship (Llandrindod Wells)
Start Times | Amserau Cychwyn
Venue | Lleoliad
Welsh Women's Open Seniors Championship (Llandrindod Wells)
Llandrindod Wells Golf Club
Book Practice Round
Welsh Women's Open Seniors Championship (Llandrindod Wells)
Book Practice Round
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Please Note; Change in Venue for this Championship to Llandrindod Wells
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Have a question about participating in Welsh Women's Open Seniors Championship (Llandrindod Wells)?
If so, please email event manager:
Sandy Veale