48th Carolinas Women's & 10th Senior Women's Four-Ball Championships

48th Carolinas Women's & 10th Senior Women's Four-Ball Championships Player Information

Exempt Player Registration Opens Monday, March 31 at 8:00 PM
Registration Opens Monday, April 14 at 8:00 PM
Registration Deadline Tuesday, May 27
Entry Fee Championship Entry Fee: $350 (includes both players)
Format & Prizes
Both championships are conducted at 36-holes of four-ball stroke play which include gross scores only. Teams are flighted based on 18-hole scores, depending on the number of entries. The overall champions can come from any flight within each championship. Merchandise is awarded to top finishers in each flight and trophies are awarded to the overall champions.
Eligibility Women's Four-Ball Age Limit: 13 & older     Senior Women's Four-Ball Age Limit: 50 & older  
Residency: Maintains Residence in NC or SC     View Women's & Senior Women's Terms of Competition for More Details
Competition Schedule June 2: Practice Rounds Available
June 3: Round 1- 18 Holes of Four-Ball Stroke Play.
June 4: Round 2 - 18 Holes pf Four-Ball Stroke Play. Awards immediately after.
Course Setup Estimated Course Setup and Yardages TBD
Starting Times Will be posted and emailed by May 29
Practice Round Information
Available: June 2 after 1:00pm and May 27-June 1 based on availability
Practice Round Fee: $50
Pro Shop Number: 704-827-3219
Begin calling for tee times (do not call prior): May 24
Registration There is no formal registration prior to the championship.
Food Service Information Lunch will be provided for players on Wednesday, June 4. All other food and beverage will be at the player’s expense.
Spectator & Caddie Information Spectator Information: Spectators are welcome at CGA championships. Spectators are not allowed to ride in a player’s golf cart at any time or rent a spectator cart except as provided in the CGA Tournament Manual.
**Due to the limited number of available carts, spectator carts will not be available**

Caddie Information:
Caddies are NOT permitted at CGA Events. Model Local Rules H-1.1 is in effect.
CGA Official-In-Charge Maggie Watts
Email: maggie.watts@carolinasgolf.org
Phone: 910-687-6872
Host Club Information

Cowans Ford Golf Club
Address: 761 Club Drive, Stanley, NC 28164
Phone: 704-827-3219
Club Website
Payment Options: Check, Mastercard, Visa and American Express. NO CASH.
Push Carts: Personal Push Carts are Permitted