2025 Village Links Amateur

Format: Individuals play 18 holes of stroke play. Male golfers will play from the white tees, female golfers from the red tees. Players will be flighted by handicap into 6 groups:

  • Championship Flight - Up to 6 handicap
  • Gold Flight - 7 to 10 handicap
  • Blue Flight - 11 to 14 handicap
  • White Flight - 15 to 18 handicap
  • Red Flight - 19 to 23 handicap
  • Green Flight - 24 and Up handicap

The lowest 4 gross scores from Saturday and the lowest 4 gross scores from Sunday in each flight will qualify for the matchplay tournament.

Eligibility: Any Resident Card or VIP Card holder who also holds a CDGA handicap.

Entry Fee: $25 per person.


  • Saturday, May 3 - Qualifying for Saturday bracket
  • Sunday, May 4 - Qualifying for Sunday bracket
  • Throughout May - 1st Round Matches
  • Throughout June - 2nd Round Matches
  • Sunday, July 13th - Final Round Matches

Match Requirements: 1st and 2nd Round matches must be scheduled on the players' own time and deadlines will be strictly enforced. If a match is not played by the deadline, both players will be considered to have forfeit. Committee rulings regarding forfeits are final and unappealable.

Qualifier Tee Times: Players golfing in the Permanent Tee Times between 5:30 AM and 11:00 AM. Players outside of the Permanent Tee Times will play beginning immediately after the permanent times.

Final Round Tee Times: Beginning at 12:30 PM.

Prizes: Each flight winner will receive a trophy. Winners and runners-up and their plus ones will be invited to a Champion's dinner after the conclusion of the final round beginning at 5:00 PM.

Sign Up: Players in the Permanent Tee Times sign up on the 1st tee. Players outside of the Permanent Tee Times must sign up by Wednesday, April 30th at 5:00 PM.

For questions, contact Golf Operations Manager Trevor Hollowed at thollowed@villagelinksgolf.com.