Registration opens Monday, August 9 at 12:00 AM
Page Title

Four-Ball #4

Westfield Country Club (North Course)

Monday, August 30, 2021

6500 Greenwich Rd, Westfield Center, OH 44251

(The information below is subject to change due to COVID-19 policies. Please check back to this page periodically for updates to the portal.)


Opens: Monday, August 9, 7:00 a.m.
Closes: Monday, August 23, 11:59 p.m.

Waiting List

In the case of the event being maxed out, any spots opened as a result of cancellations will be automatically filled with the next available player(s) on the waitlist (ordered by waitlist registration time). There will be no charge until players/teams are moved from the waitlist to the confirmed tournament roster in our system.

ENTRY FEE - $210.00 per team

$210.00: Entry fee includes 18 holes of golf, cart, range balls, lunch & gift certificates.


Players will have up to 2 days (48 hours) AFTER the registration closing date to request a refund and will be subject to a $10.00 administrative fee, regardless of reason. No refund will be processed for a withdrawal notification that is received after 2 days (48 hours) after the registration closing date.


Entries are open to any amateur golfer holding an active NOGA/GHIN Handicap Index® at the time of registration and competition from an authorized NOGA member club. Entries are subject to the approval or rejection, at any time, by the NOGA tournament committee at its discretion. Players must be 19 years of age on or before the date of competition, Seniors must be 55 years of age on or before the date of competition and Super Seniors must be 65 years of age on or before the date of competition. CLICK HERE to see if your Club is listed.


Starting Times will begin at 9:00 am


Monday, August 30, 2021

Find the NOGA Tent upon arrival to register your team for the day

Driving Range: Plan to arrive 1 hour before your scheduled tee time to utilize the range.
Starting Times: Starting Times will begin at 9:00 am
First Tee: Please arrive to the first tee 10 minutes before your scheduled tee time ready to play.
Boxed Lunch: Will be served at the turn.


Four-Ball Stroke Play. Two players compete together as a side, each playing their own ball. The lower score of the two players is the sides score for that hole. Play is governed by the USGA Rules of Golf and its decisions, by the NOGA Hard Card and the terms of competition. Rule 1.3B states that players are responsible for applying the rules to themselves.


100 Players / 50 Teams. If the event is full, teams can still register and be placed on the Waiting List. Teams will NOT be charged until they have been moved from the Waiting List to the Tournament Roster.


Open Division: ALL ages and skill levels
Senior Division: ALL skill levels. To compete in the Senior division, BOTH players MUST be 55 years of age on or before the date of competition.
Super Senior Division: ALL skill levels. To compete in the Super-Senior division, BOTH players MUST be 65 years of age on or before the date of competition
How are teams flighted?: Teams will be flighted based on LOWEST Handicap Index of any team member. A limit of 10 strokes between teammates will be in place. Flight breakpoints will depend on the size and equity of the field.


Once the Divisions and Flights are finalized the tee set and playing yardage will be emailed to players after registration closes.


Pairings will be posted to and sent to players after registration closes. If you would like to request a specific pairing group or tee time, please contact Sean Croell at


During registration, players will choose the club/facility they wish to have gift certificate winnings sent to. Please allow 2-3 weeks after the event for gift certificate winnings to arrive at the chosen club/facility.


In the event that there is a tie, NOGA will retain the tie, unless otherwise noted in the specific tournaments terms of competition.


Thanks to a partnership with the Northern Ohio Golf Association, StrackaLine books can be purchased for a reduced price. A 25% off discount will be automatically added to your shopping cart at checkout. StrackaLine Yardage Books are available for all courses. StrackaLine Greens Guides & Combination Books are available for select courses. CLICK HERE to purchase a Strackaline book for Westfield Country Club (North).


The striking beauty of the North Course has golfers feeling as if they have traveled across the big pond to Scotland, enjoying a round of golf in its purest form. From the back tees, The North Course is a 6733 yard links style course featuring firm playing surfaces, open terrain, links style bunkering and the distinct look of fescue in the secondary rough. The experience is complete with hardscapes reflective of a European countryside; rustic style cart paths, free standing boulder walls and a homestead style ruin feature. Originally Designed by Geoffrey S. Cornish, and most recently renovated by Hurdzan Golf Design, the par-70 course is designed in contrast with the South Course to create a unique golfing experience.


