2024 Play Day Schedule and Descriptions

Apr 3Opening Day Team ABCD / ShambleTeam Event A, B, C, D: One Best Net Ball Shamble. No flights. Awards based on participation. Lunch and meeting after golf.
Apr 10Best In / Out / 18 Individual / NassauIndividual Event: Pairings by handicap: Three ways to win, Front 9, Back 9, and Full 18. Low Gross/Low Net on full 18, Low net on individual 9s. Awards and flights based on participation.
Apr 17Leap Frog2-Person TeamPairings A/B, B/C, C/D mixed like handicaps. Each player’s ball is counted every other hole (BLIND). Awards for Low Net and flights based on participation.
May 1Blind 9 Individual / Random Nine (-) BlindIndividual Event: Random Pairings, Golf Genius will randomly choose 9 holes to throw out. At the end of play, Golf Genius will display the 9 holes that count for the game. Awards for Low Net and flight based on participation.
May 15 Middle of the Road Individual / Middle 9 Holes Individual Event: Pairings by handicap. The Middle 9 holes (6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) will count for the game score. Awards for Low Net and flights based on participation.
May 293 Blind Mice Individual / Random 3 (-) Blind Individual Event: Pairings A, B, C, D. Before the round 3 random holes are selected. Turn in a complete 18- hole score card. Golf Genius will eliminate the 3 chosen holes. Awards for Low Gross/Low Net and flights based on participation.
June 12 Tune-up 2 Person Team / Best Ball against flight 2 Person Team Event: Grab your Member/Member partner for this playday or Golf Genius will find you a partner. 2 Person Net Best Ball against the flight. Awards for Low Net and Flights based on participation.
June 19 Cat Fight Individual Modified Stableford Individual Event: Random Pairings. Earn points for your GROSS score on each hole. Point Quota is based on 54-HC. Eagle: points 8, Birdie: 6 points, Par: 4 points, Bogey: 2 points, Double Bogey: 1 point. Flights and Awards based on participation.
July 3 Flag Day – wear Red, White, & Blue Individual / 7+HC = Plant FlagIndividual Event: Pairings by handicap. Player will plant their flag when par plus handicap strokes has been reached (71 + HC). The farthest flag placement or the player with the most remaining strokes determines the winner. WEAR RED, WHITE, AND BLUE! Awards and Flights based on participation.
July 10 Long and Winding Road Individual / 9 Longest Holes Individual Event: Random Pairings. The 9 longest holes (Creek 2,5,6,7 and Cherokee 2,5,7,8,9) will count for the game score. Awards for Low Net and Flights based on participation.
July 17 King and 3 Queens – Charity Day 4 Person Team / Stepladder WGA-18 CharityCharity Team Event: Choose your own foursome and include a male golfer (must have a HC and BC resident). No flights. Format is a Step Ladder choosing the Net Better Balls following a schedule (1 best ball, 2 best balls,3,4,3,2,1,2,3,4, etc.) Teams will be formed if you don’t have one. Awards based on participation.
July 24 Strike Three Individual / 3 Worst Holes (-)Individual Event: Random Pairings. After 18-hole round, Golf Genius will eliminate your 3 worst holes from your total score. Awards for Low Gross/Low Net and flights based on participation.
July 31 Criss Cross Individual / 1/10, 2/11, 3/12…Individual Event: Pairings by handicap. After 18-hole round, the best holes from 1 and 10, 2 and 11, 3 and 12, etc. are counted. Awards for Low Net and flights based on participation.
Aug 7 Mutt and Jeff Individual / Par 3’s and 5’sIndividual Event: Pairing A, B, C, D. The score for the PAR 3’s and PAR 5’s will count for the game score. Awards for Low Net and flights based on participation.
Aug 14 ONES Individual / Holes starting with letter ONES Individual Event: Pairings A, B, C, D. Only the holes beginning with the letters O, N, E and S will count for the game score. Awards for Low Net and flights based on participation.
Aug 21 Bear Day Individual / Low Gross / Low Net Individual Event: Pairings by handicap. Awards for Low Gross/Low Net and flights based on participation. A “BEARY” special prize awarded for Overall Low Gross and Low Net.
Aug 28 Tannum 6 2 Person Team / 388742 Person Team Event: Golf Genius will pick partners. Pairings A/B and C/D. Holes 1-6 Two Best Net Balls, Holes 7-12 One Best Net Ball, Holes 13-18 Two Best Net Balls. Awards for Low Net and flights based on participation.
Sept 4 Skins with a Twist Individual / Canadian Skins Individual Event: Random Pairings. Canadian Skins Format which favors a natural (Gross score) over a net score for the skin. Skins vs Flight. Awards based on number of skins. Flights based on participation.
Sept 11 Easy Peasy Individual / 9 Easiest holesIndividual Event: Pairings by handicap. The 9 shortest holes (Creek 1,3,5,8,9 and Cherokee 1,3,4,6) will count for the game score. Awards for Low Net and flights based on participation.
Sept 25 Stepladder 2 Person Team / 12211221… 2 Person Team Event: Golf Genius will pick Partners. Pairings A/C and B/D. Turn in a complete 18- hole score per person. Best Balls will be counted for the game as follows 1,2,2,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,2,1,1,2. Awards for Low Net and flights based on participation.
Oct 2 Mystery Game Individual Individual Event: Pairings A, B, C, D. After 18-hole round Golf Genius will display the game holes. Awards for Low Net and flights based on participation.
Oct 9 Tough as Nails Individual / 9 Hardest Holes Individual Event: Pairings by handicap. The 9 hardest holes (Creek 2,4,5,6 and Cherokee 1,2,5,8,9) will count for the game score. Awards for Low Gross/Low Net and flights based on participation.
Oct 16 Pink Lady – wear Pink 4 Person Team / PB 2 Best Ball Low Net 4 Person Team Event: Golf Genius will pick the teams. Pairings A, B, C, D. No flights. Each team will receive and play with one PINK golf ball. Player A using it on the 1st hole, Player B on 2nd hole, Player C on 3rd hole and Player D on 4th hole. The winner of the Pink Ball foursome will have the lowest combined NET score using the “Pink Lady” score plus the lowest net from one of the other 3 players on each hole. Should the pink ball get lost in the woods or water, that team will be disqualified. If no teams return with the pink ball, then a 2 best ball net team format will be the default game. Awards based on participation.
Oct 23 Short but Sweet Individual / 9 Shortest Holes Individual Event: Random Pairings. The 9 SHORTEST holes (Creek 1,3,7,8,9 and Cherokee 3,4,6,7) will count for the game score. Awards for Low Net and flights based on participation.
Oct 30 Closing Day – Battle of the Ages Team / Quota Stableford Team Event: Teams and Pairings based on age. Bold and Beautiful vs the Young and Restless. Points assigned based on GROSS Scores as follows: Eagle 8, Birdie 4, Par 2, Bogey 1, Double Bogey 0. /td>