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Teams Total Points
No Short Game 50.00
BuckSaw 48.00
Par then Bar 48.00
Pohl My Finger 48.00
Reds 48.00
Slice n' Dice 46.00
C & C 44.00
Mount Sentinel Ladies League 42.00
Febreeze Brothers 41.00
KJ Par Busters 41.00
Trevor Melugin + Jay Erickson 41.00
Chokers & Duffers 39.00
GripnRip 39.00
Henry and Kregg 36.00
ONSTOS 34.00
Postal Rage 34.00
Scooter Flick 34.00
Brad Pfeiffer + Dennis Roberts 33.00
Pinfishers 33.00
Clearwater Chiropractic 29.00
Found Short Game 29.00
Brent Harshbarger + Perry Hilderman 27.00
Ken Klaudt + Scott Bright 27.00
Kropp Dusters 27.00
Old & Older 27.00
Putter’s Folly 26.00
Gary Sanders + Travis Wahl 24.00
Paul Miller + Meg Estey 22.00
Big Sticks 21.00
Mark Huston + Mike Hoffer 21.00
Kools & the Gang 20.00
Bro Montana 16.00
Dirty Mike and the Boy 16.00
Slackerjacks 16.00
Bendy & the Jets 15.00
ChiefDonks 15.00
Honey Badgers 15.00
Taylor Flandro + Brandon Blauer 15.00
Peppers and Cream Cheese 12.00
Average Joe's Gym 10.00
Birdie Boyz 10.00
Brian Doyle + Ken Dragoo 10.00
Club I-14 10.00
Divot Dudes 10.00
Hasselhoff’s Beach Bros 10.00
Hole in Nones 10.00
JM Delivery 10.00
John Drake + Jeff Swonson 10.00
Matzaballs 10.00
Nelson/Rohde 10.00
Putt Pirates 10.00
Puttering Around 10.00
Richard Flottmann + Mark Caswell 10.00
Shanksy 10.00
Team NOPE 10.00
Total Points 1400.00