Pos. Player Total
To Par
R1 R2 Total
1 Leslie Folsom
Rainier Golf & Country Club
+3 72 75 147 $230.00
2 Gretchen Klein
Grays Harbor Country Club
+6 75 75 150 $175.00
3 Yasue Alkins
The Golf Club at Hawks Prairie
+11 79 76 155 $150.00
4 Carrie Jacobson
Maplewood Golf Club
+14 78 80 158 $130.00
5 Karen Madison
Leavenworth Golf Club
+15 85 74 159 $100.00
6 Catherine Allen
Sudden Valley G&CC
+19 83 80 163 $90.00
7 Michelle Hood
Sahalee Country Club
+20 83 81 164 $80.00
8 Susan Craven
Harbour Pointe Golf Club
+21 81 84 165 $70.00
9 Xuanli Li
Semiahmoo Golf & Country Club
+24 83 85 168 $60.00
T10 Anne Quigg
Sand Point Country Club
+27 89 82 171 $45.00
T10 Mary Ryan
Riverbend Golf Complex
+27 88 83 171 $45.00
12 Sun Douthit
Oakbrook Golf Club
+28 83 89 172 $0.00
13 Sheila Locke
Riverbend Golf Complex
+30 84 90 174 $0.00
T14 Robin Cole
Yakima Country Club
+36 82 98 180 $0.00
T14 Kim Anderson
Capitol City Golf Club
+36 94 86 180 $0.00
16 Kristy Whitcher
Kitsap Golf & Country Club
+38 87 95 182 $0.00
17 Judy Christensen
Lakeland Village G&CC
+39 94 89 183 $0.00
T18 Beverly Lane
Fairwood Golf and Country Club
+40 95 89 184 $0.00
T18 Patti Smith
Longview Country Club
+40 90 94 184 $0.00
T18 Ann Schofield
Broadmoor Womens Golf Club
+40 90 94 184 $0.00
21 Debra Seelye
Lake Spanaway Golf Course
+44 95 93 188 $0.00
22 Sue Fardell
Longview Country Club
+46 92 98 190 $0.00
23 Karen Hansen
Willows Run Golf Club
+49 94 99 193 $0.00
24 Linda Hiffman
Enumclaw Golf Club
+60 99 105 204 $0.00
25 Judi Ford
Brookdale Golf Club
+69 111 102 213 $0.00
WD Denise Kieffer
Fircrest Golf Club
- 80 WD WD $0.00
WD Cindy Merritt
Jefferson Park Golf Course
- WD WD $0.00
DQ Maria McDonald-Mcnamar
Canyon Lakes Golf Course
- 84 DQ DQ $0.00
Total Purse Allocated: $1,175.00