This customer has been moved to the HPE Servers. Data is still available but any changes made here will not be propagated to HPE.
Pos. Move Player Total
To Par
R1 R2 Total
1 1
Christian Loar
Illinois State
+5 76 73 149
2 1
Reid Taylor
University of Illinois
+8 75 77 152
3 -
Ethan Kringen
University of Minnesota
+10 77 77 154
4 9
Pete Radler
+11 80 75 155
5 4
Kyle Kraus
+12 79 77 156
6 9
Sam Herman
Illinois State
+12 81 75 156
7 13
Ethan Lee
+13 82 75 157
8 2
Leo Lynk
University of Illinois
+14 78 80 158
9 -
Kevin Mcghee
DePaul University
+14 79 79 158
10 1
Brian Eitel
University of Minnesota
+15 79 80 159
11 4
Cole Bogozi
Robert Morris University
+15 81 78 159
12 6
Steve Ross
Robert Morris University
+16 78 82 160
13 10
Jack Ficken
+16 77 83 160
14 1
Chris Bone
West Virginia University
+16 81 79 160
15 6
Jack Lindgren
West Virginia University
+16 79 81 160
16 13
Connor Duggan
+16 77 83 160
17 4 +17 80 81 161
18 3
Chase Conroy
Robert Morris University
+17 81 80 161
19 5
Matt Cox
Illinois State
+18 83 79 162
20 15
Bennett Raymond
Central Michigan University
+18 85 77 162
21 1
Vince King
+19 82 81 163
22 7
David Gaspersic
Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
+19 81 82 163
23 4
Reuben Ellinport
Temple University
+19 84 79 163
24 -
Max Via
University of Buffalo
+20 83 81 164
25 2
Spencer Schwarz
University of Utah
+21 84 81 165
26 9
Josh Fishpaw
Northwest Missouri State University
+22 85 81 166
27 16
Tanay Abichandani
University of Illinois
+23 87 80 167
28 7
Spencer Yutzy
Robert Morris University
+23 85 82 167
29 6
Joe Farley
Temple University
+23 85 82 167
30 5
Levi Watson
West Virginia University
+23 85 82 167
31 4
Frank McConnell
West Virginia University
+23 84 83 167
32 11
Whit Haefner
University of Iowa
+24 87 81 168
33 6
Nathan Gordon
DePaul University
+24 84 84 168
34 9
Anthony Puccio
University of Buffalo
+24 87 81 168
35 8
Ty Evans
University of Minnesota
+24 87 81 168
36 9
Hayden Catlett
Northwest Missouri State University
+25 84 85 169
37 2
Jacob Wit
+25 85 84 169
38 32
Eli Bales
Northwest Missouri State University
+25 78 91 169
39 16
Case Crawford
Illinois State
+25 89 80 169
40 16
Nicholas Foker
University of Minnesota
+25 83 86 169
41 2
Aaron Fetzner
Robert Morris University
+25 87 82 169
42 1
Owen D'Amour
+25 86 83 169
43 23
Cavan Derrigan
University of Buffalo
+25 82 87 169
44 17
Josh Cordek
Baylor University
+26 84 86 170
45 23
Ryan Leath
Northwest Missouri State University
+27 92 79 171
46 4
Avery Kuryak
University of Buffalo
+27 88 83 171
47 26
Adrian Lawrenz
University of Minnesota
+28 94 78 172
48 7
Nick D'Annunzio
West Virginia University
+29 89 84 173
49 19
Dominic Dimaya
Temple University
+29 92 81 173
50 5
Justin Chimelosvsky
University of Iowa
+29 89 84 173
51 14
Jack Wiedebusch
West Virginia University
+31 91 84 175
52 25 +31 84 91 175
53 33
Paul Veltmann
Baylor University
+31 82 93 175
54 13
Matt Tamar
Illinois State
+31 86 89 175
55 18
Alex Ulrich
University of Buffalo
+32 94 82 176
56 6 +32 88 88 176
57 14
Will Kocsis
Temple University
+32 87 89 176
58 4
Jaydon Haag
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
+32 90 86 176
59 11
Joseph Krzeminski
University of Buffalo
+32 93 83 176
60 33
Ryan Dembiczak
Robert Morris University
+33 84 93 177
61 4
Thomas Hefner
West Virginia University
+35 91 88 179
62 3
Chase Tomlinson
Illinois State
+35 91 88 179
63 7
Douglas Norton
University of Buffalo
+36 93 87 180
64 9
Cody Sutton
Baylor University
+36 89 91 180
65 17
Tyler McLaughlin
+37 98 83 181
66 11
Alex Roush
Northwest Missouri State University
+38 89 93 182
67 6
Nathan Capo
Robert Morris University
+38 94 88 182
68 18 +38 88 94 182
69 1
Abhinav Joshi
University of Illinois
+39 93 90 183
70 27
John Morgus
Robert Morris University
+39 87 96 183
71 21
Jacob VanDomelen
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
+39 88 95 183
72 17
Jackson Corrough
University of Iowa
+40 89 95 184
73 16
Christopher Bratcher
University of Utah
+42 100 86 186
74 8
Joshua Hoffman
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
+43 98 89 187
75 13
Clayton Swartz
+43 90 97 187
76 3
Ben Pink
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
+43 94 93 187
77 5
Zack Morgan
West Virginia University
+43 98 89 187
78 16
Jared Wassmer
Temple University
+44 90 98 188
79 3
Jackson Traska
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
+46 98 92 190
80 3 +47 95 96 191
81 26
Benny Hughes
Temple University
+47 89 102 191
82 9
Tanner Kulbacki
University of Buffalo
+48 101 91 192
83 6
Ethan Iverson
University of Utah
+48 100 92 192
84 7
Will Corbin
University of Iowa
+48 95 97 192
85 4 +48 97 95 192
86 7
Robert Bartell
Baylor University
+50 96 98 194
87 37
Cade Schawang
Northwest Missouri State University
+50 88 106 194
88 4
Ian Legner
University of Illinois
+51 102 93 195
89 4
Sam Frey
+52 103 93 196
90 4
Chris Hunkins
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
+53 99 98 197
91 5
Blake Newman
Baylor University
+53 99 98 197
92 6
Brendan Busby
University of Utah
+54 99 99 198
93 -
Nathan Madonia
DePaul University
+58 103 99 202
94 1
Jake Ravenhill
+59 103 100 203
95 2
Jordan Page
University of Utah
+60 103 101 204
96 3
Michal Brzus
University of Iowa
+63 103 104 207
97 1
Kellen Denkers
University of Utah
+64 107 101 208
98 19
Cameron Riemer
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
+64 96 112 208
99 -
Corey Thompson
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
+71 110 105 215
WD -
Jacob Valerius
University of Minnesota