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Flight 1 | ||||
Pos. | Players | To Baseline Par Gross |
Total Gross |
Purse |
1 |
Gemmell, Daniel + ParK, Sejin
Grassy Hill Country Club
+9 | 149 | $60.00 |
-- |
Newlan, Kevin + Joseph, Jay
Grassy Hill Country Club
+11 | 151 | |
2 |
Gemmell, Kevin + Gemmell, Ken
Grassy Hill Country Club
+13 | 153 | $40.00 |
-- |
Olexovitch, Scott + Olexovitch, Jack
Grassy Hill Country Club
+18 | 158 | |
3 |
Aronson, Bob + Oconnor , James
Grassy Hill Country Club
+27 | 167 | |
4 |
Salanto, George + Kulis, Pete
Grassy Hill Country Club
+28 | 168 | |
-- |
Palmer, John + Sinkovich, Bob
Grassy Hill Country Club
+29 | 169 | |
5 |
Cronin, Tim + Cronin, Tom
Grassy Hill Country Club
+33 | 173 | |
-- |
Porto, Michael + Porto, Mike
Grassy Hill Country Club
+34 | 174 | |
6 |
Bannon, Brian + Bannon, Joey
Grassy Hill Country Club
+35 | 175 | |
-- |
Morgillo, Joe + Verderame, Vinny
Grassy Hill Country Club
+37 | 177 | |
-- |
Kirkpatrick, William + Kirkpatrick, Ian
Grassy Hill Country Club
+39 | 179 | |
7 |
Jolley, Tom + Hobie, Rob
Grassy Hill Country Club
+39 | 179 | |
8 |
Zanarini, Mike + Zananrini, Mike
Grassy Hill Country Club
+45 | 185 | |
-- |
Panzo, Michael + Saranco, Paul
Grassy Hill Country Club
+45 | 185 | |
-- |
Morgillo, Louis + Morgilio, Tom
Grassy Hill Country Club
+49 | 189 | |
9 |
Morgillo, Michael + Morgilo, Mike
Grassy Hill Country Club
+56 | 196 | |
10 |
Tavolicci, Scott + Batman, Robert
Grassy Hill Country Club
+59 | 199 | |
-- |
Russo, Mike1 + ???????????, Ben
Grassy Hill Country Club
+66 | 206 | |
-- |
Connolly, Mark + Connolly, Bill
Grassy Hill Country Club
+71 | 211 | |
Flight 2 | ||||
Pos. | Players | To Baseline Par Gross |
Total Gross |
Purse |
1 |
Brennan, Daniel + Matts, Phil
Grassy Hill Country Club
+20 | 160 | $60.00 |
-- |
Taylor, Cliff + Iadarola, Scott
Grassy Hill Country Club
+25 | 165 | |
2 |
Calandro, Anthony + Franco, Matt
Grassy Hill Country Club
+27 | 167 | $40.00 |
3 |
Varrone, John + Devietro, Michael
Grassy Hill Country Club
+32 | 172 | |
4 |
Barnard, Michael + Peters, Robert
Grassy Hill Country Club
+32 | 172 | |
-- |
Moyher, Mark + Talnose, William
Grassy Hill Country Club
+34 | 174 | |
-- |
Hayes, Mike + Hayes, Ryan
Grassy Hill Country Club
+35 | 175 | |
5 |
Sulzycki, Joe + Savoie, James
Grassy Hill Country Club
+35 | 175 | |
6 |
Fiorillo, David + Dusenbery, Roger
Grassy Hill Country Club
+39 | 179 | |
-- |
Corris, Richard + Corris, Elaine
Grassy Hill Country Club
+40 | 180 | |
-- |
Oshea, Tom + DiDomenico, Gary
Grassy Hill Country Club
+41 | 181 | |
-- |
Stannard, Kenneth + Nicholas, Michael
Grassy Hill Country Club
+44 | 184 | |
7 |
Martino, Joe + Varrone, Tom
Grassy Hill Country Club
+47 | 187 | |
-- |
Kish, David + Royster, Aaron
Grassy Hill Country Club
+48 | 188 | |
8 |
Nicholas, MJ + Nicholas, Stephen
Grassy Hill Country Club
+48 | 188 | |
9 |
Egan, Jim + Hager, Rich
Grassy Hill Country Club
+48 | 188 | |
-- |
Buckner, Dan + Fuchs, Kevin
Grassy Hill Country Club
+51 | 191 | |
10 |
Uberti, Jim + Uberti, Jim1
Grassy Hill Country Club
+56 | 196 | |
-- |
Denegre, Damian + Tappios, Tony
Grassy Hill Country Club
+58 | 198 | |
-- |
Russo, Matt + ????????????, Chris
Grassy Hill Country Club
+69 | 209 | |
Flight 3 | ||||
Pos. | Players | To Baseline Par Gross |
Total Gross |
Purse |
1 |
Secondi, Robert + Secondi, Albert
Grassy Hill Country Club
+32 | 172 | $60.00 |
2 |
Coleman, Pat + Wallick, Ted
Grassy Hill Country Club
+32 | 172 | $40.00 |
-- |
Mattei, Dave + Santos, Brian
Grassy Hill Country Club
+33 | 173 | |
3 |
Phelan, Jeff + Young, Todd
Grassy Hill Country Club
+37 | 177 | |
-- |
Stachelczyk, Steve + Mingrone, Gene
Grassy Hill Country Club
+40 | 180 | |
4 |
Steinlauf, David + Seperack, Joseph
Grassy Hill Country Club
+40 | 180 | |
-- |
Kish, David1 + Santos, Kolby
Grassy Hill Country Club
+42 | 182 | |
5 |
Blake, Bob + Matts, David
Grassy Hill Country Club
+42 | 182 | |
-- |
Wilhelm, Stephen + Ravenelle, Tim
Grassy Hill Country Club
+42 | 182 | |
6 |
O'Connor, JT + Porper, Charles
Grassy Hill Country Club
+46 | 186 | |
7 |
Quish, Jim + Casey, Joe
Grassy Hill Country Club
+46 | 186 | |
-- |
Korf, Steven + Bonetti, Tony
Grassy Hill Country Club
+47 | 187 | |
-- |
Marion, Sean + Marion, Anthony
Grassy Hill Country Club
+50 | 190 | |
8 |
Daniels, Bill + Daniels, Gary
Grassy Hill Country Club
+51 | 191 | |
9 |
Ohare, Michael + Carrano, Michael
Grassy Hill Country Club
+56 | 196 | |
-- |
Abbott, David + Dolson, Peter
Grassy Hill Country Club
+56 | 196 | |
-- |
Poulin, Stephen + Prater, Chris
Grassy Hill Country Club
+61 | 201 | |
10 |
Murillo, Jeffrey + AlvarezdeLugo, Jose
Grassy Hill Country Club
+67 | 207 | |
-- |
Ashar, Mayank + Brookins, Frank
Grassy Hill Country Club
+77 | 217 | |
Total Purse Allocated: $300.00 |