Pos. Move Player Total
To Par
R1 R2 R3 Total
1 -
Boyle, Lorie
Hillcrest Golf Club
+14 75 78 77 230
2 -
Wilson, Denise
Elmwood Golf Club
+20 80 76 80 236
3 -
Schiller, Jo-Anne
Lloydminster Golf & Country Club
+29 81 82 82 245
T4 1
Bethune, Dianne
Holiday Park Golf Course
+31 83 82 82 247
T4 -
Hopfner, Kathy
Elmwood Golf Club
+31 82 82 83 247
6 -
Krienke, Kelly
GS Public Players Club: Zone 5 (Prairie Central)
+38 83 87 84 254
7 1
Bowerman, Maureen
The Legends Golf Club
+42 84 86 88 258
8 -
Wiens, Sally
Elmwood Golf Club
+45 82 92 87 261
9 -
Bellerose, Bev
Royal Regina Golf Club
+56 93 87 92 272
10 -
Bowers, Joyce
Moon Lake Golf and Country Club
+64 87 94 99 280
11 -
Perra, Audrey
Murray Municipal Golf Club
+82 96 101 101 298