Pos. Move Player Total
To Par
R1 R2 R3 Total
1 1
Romero, Cristal
Eaglequest Grandview Golf & Country Club
+20 81 78 77 236
2 1
Lewis, Mireille
Clare Golf & Country Club
+26 82 76 84 242
3 -
Comeau, Jennifer
Oakfield Golf and Country Club
+30 77 85 84 246
4 -
Powers, Lindsay
River Hills Golf Club
+43 95 78 86 259
5 1
LePage, Alexina
Nova Scotia Public Players Club - Cape Breton
+46 85 88 89 262
6 -
Tufts, Catherine
Clare Golf & Country Club
+55 87 92 92 271
7 -
Whitman, Lori
Ashburn Golf Club
+56 90 94 88 272
8 -
Cromwell, Tonia
Digby Pines Golf Resort and Spa
+61 95 91 91 277
9 -
Nickerson, Merla
River Hills Golf Club
+79 106 95 94 295