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Pos. | Player | To Par Gross |
Total Gross |
Purse |
1 |
Large, Mercedese
Wampanoag Country Club
+7 | 78 | $0.00 |
2 |
Watkins, Gia
Brooklawn Country Club
+11 | 82 | $0.00 |
3 |
Kroll, Lexanne
Oronoque Country Club
+12 | 83 | $30.00 |
4 |
Cheyne, Patti
Hartford Golf Club
+13 | 84 | $25.00 |
-- |
Hynes, Jayne
Patterson Club
+13 | 84 | |
-- |
Newman, Ann
Wampanoag Country Club
+14 | 85 | |
5 |
Tranquilli, Darlene
Great River Golf Club
+16 | 87 | |
6 |
Karabin, Janet
Silvermine Golf Club
+17 | 88 | |
7 |
Sennett, Jean
Wampanoag Country Club
+18 | 89 | |
8 |
Walker, Nancy
Wethersfield Country Club
+18 | 89 | |
9 |
Curran, Joyce
Heritage Village Country Club
+18 | 89 | |
-- |
Forshaw, Donna
Redding Country Club
+18 | 89 | |
10 |
Macmillan, Myra
Oronoque Country Club
+18 | 89 | |
11 |
Galbraith, Carol
Hartford Golf Club
+19 | 90 | |
-- |
Papa, Sara
Hartford Golf Club
+19 | 90 | |
-- |
Harris, Donna
Farmington Woods Golf Club
+19 | 90 | |
-- |
Rothwell, Diane
Ellington Ridge Country Club
+19 | 90 | |
12 |
Allen, Kathleen
TPC River Highlands
+22 | 93 | |
-- |
Reynolds, Simone
Shuttle Meadow Country Club
+22 | 93 | |
-- |
Mitchell, Amie
Hop Meadow Country Club
+24 | 95 | |
-- |
Bickerstaff, Robin
Heritage Village Country Club
+24 | 95 | |
-- |
Alward, Martha
Brownson Country Club
+26 | 97 | |
-- |
Elliott, Pearl
Fox Hopyard Golf Club
+28 | 99 | |
13 |
Briggs, Jennifer
The Course at Yale
+34 | 105 | |
Total Purse Allocated: $55.00 |