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Pos. | Players | To Par Gross |
Total Gross |
Purse | Details |
1 |
Jarrett Pond + Mark Halftown
Elkdale Country Club
-4 | 66 | $0.00 | Won Low Net and Low Gross per rules sheet they are given Low Net prize. |
2 |
Jay Weishan + Dustin Ross
Elkdale Country Club
-3 | 67 | $105.00 | |
3 |
Chris Christopher + Robert Paprocki
Elkdale Country Club
-3 | 67 | $105.00 | |
4 |
Jay Koniak + Peter Weishan
Elkdale Country Club
-2 | 68 | $0.00 | Placed better in net division |
T5 |
Andy Pascarella + Jim Uhrinek
Elkdale Country Club
-2 | 68 | $0.00 | Placed better in net division |
T5 |
Paul Stetz + Tom McClune
Elkdale Country Club
-2 | 68 | $92.00 | |
7 |
Nate Hinman + Jonathan Galandio
Elkdale Country Club
-2 | 68 | $0.00 | Won same in gross division |
8 |
Randy John + Tom Owens
Elkdale Country Club
E | 70 | $32.00 | |
9 |
Paul Myers + Brooke Baker
Elkdale Country Club
+1 | 71 | $0.00 | |
10 |
Jordan Urbanski + Jay Nelson
Elkdale Country Club
+1 | 71 | $0.00 | |
11 |
Phil Jimerson + Wade Spruce
Elkdale Country Club
+1 | 71 | $0.00 | |
12 |
Chris Siebert + Jeff Shurilla
Elkdale Country Club
+3 | 73 | $0.00 | |
13 |
Dale Colton + Michael Zolner
Elkdale Country Club
+3 | 73 | $0.00 | |
14 |
Anthony Pecoraro + Ron Kenjockety
Elkdale Country Club
+4 | 74 | $0.00 | |
15 |
Carl Calarco + Mark Smith
Elkdale Country Club
+5 | 75 | $0.00 | |
16 |
Dave Mosbacher + Daryl Dux
Elkdale Country Club
+5 | 75 | $0.00 | |
Total Purse Allocated: $334.00 |