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Gross Division Flight
Pos. Player To Par
1 Gagnon, Claude
Gross Division
-3 69
2 Dutler, Mark
Gross Division
E 72
3 Paolin, Michael
Gross Division
+6 78
4 Green, Matt
Gross Division
+8 80
5 Mack, Ryan
Gross Division
+10 82
6 Torbus, Daniel
Gross Division
+14 86
7 Hassee, Don
Gross Division
+15 87
NC Lazarus, Todd
Gross Division
- NC
NC McRostie, Matias
Gross Division
- NC
NC Van Hoff, Daniel
Gross Division
- NC
Gross 50 & Over Division Flight
Pos. Player To Par
1 DeBow, Nelson
Gross 50 & Over Division
+2 74
2 Williams, Lawrence
Gross 50 & Over Division
+6 78
3 Spittle, Kevin
Gross 50 & Over Division
+8 80
4 Campora, Douglas
Gross 50 & Over Division
+13 85
5 Korman, Kevin
Gross 50 & Over Division
+21 93
Under 50 Age Division Flight
Pos. Player To Par
1 Reitermayer, Michael
Under 50 Age Division
-2 70
2 Lundquist, Daniel
Under 50 Age Division
+7 79
3 Haley, Christopher
Under 50 Age Division
+21 93
50-64 Age Division Flight
Pos. Player To Par
1 Volcan, Michael S
50-64 Age Division
-7 65
2 Moseley, Doug
50-64 Age Division
-2 70
3 Bartz, Steve
50-64 Age Division
-1 71
4 Lautenslager, Robert
50-64 Age Division
E 72
5 Licht, Michael
50-64 Age Division
E 72
6 Blanks, Ronnie
50-64 Age Division
+1 73
7 Gohlke, Stephen
50-64 Age Division
+1 73
8 DiFrancesco, Michael
50-64 Age Division
+1 73
9 Assam, Paul
50-64 Age Division
+4 76
10 Wellings, Norman
50-64 Age Division
+5 77
11 Martin, Perry
50-64 Age Division
+6 78
12 Langley, Ken
50-64 Age Division
+6 78
13 Listello, Steve
50-64 Age Division
+9 81
14 Leigh, Terry
50-64 Age Division
+9 81
15 Morris, Gary
50-64 Age Division
+11 83
16 Moore, Gary
50-64 Age Division
+14 86
NC Sebastian, Cary
50-64 Age Division
- NC
NC Ceraldi, John
50-64 Age Division
- NC
NS Marlin, Scott
50-64 Age Division
- NS
65 & Over Age Division Flight
Pos. Player To Par
1 de Windt, Dana
65 & Over Age Division
-6 66
2 Hanners, Wayne
65 & Over Age Division
-6 66
3 Neely, Mike
65 & Over Age Division
-5 67
4 Tate, Ervin
65 & Over Age Division
-4 68
5 Moorman, Gary
65 & Over Age Division
-4 68
6 Genario, Edward
65 & Over Age Division
-3 69
7 Hill, Alan
65 & Over Age Division
-2 70
8 Rogak, Jerry
65 & Over Age Division
-1 71
9 Reaney, Joe
65 & Over Age Division
E 72
10 Schembre, Sal
65 & Over Age Division
E 72
11 Smyth, Gene
65 & Over Age Division
+1 73
12 Jordan, John
65 & Over Age Division
+1 73
13 McKay, Kevin
65 & Over Age Division
+1 73
14 McPhillips, Michael
65 & Over Age Division
+1 73
15 Devera, John
65 & Over Age Division
+2 74
16 McConchie, Tom
65 & Over Age Division
+2 74
17 DeCroce, David
65 & Over Age Division
+2 74
18 DeJong, John
65 & Over Age Division
+2 74
19 Gallagher, John
65 & Over Age Division
+2 74
20 Moltisanti, Paul
65 & Over Age Division
+2 74
21 Dutton, Tyrone
65 & Over Age Division
+3 75
22 Steg, Glen
65 & Over Age Division
+3 75
23 Hart, John
65 & Over Age Division
+4 76
24 Linden, Edward
65 & Over Age Division
+4 76
25 Fairchild, Bill
65 & Over Age Division
+4 76
26 Bozek, Luke
65 & Over Age Division
+5 77
27 Balducci, Joseph
65 & Over Age Division
+5 77
28 Hartman, David
65 & Over Age Division
+5 77
29 LaPoint, Wayne
65 & Over Age Division
+5 77
30 Medeiros, Dennis
65 & Over Age Division
+5 77
31 Dupont, Ken
65 & Over Age Division
+6 78
32 Eddy, Frank
65 & Over Age Division
+6 78
33 Smith, John
65 & Over Age Division
+6 78
34 Koff, Norman
65 & Over Age Division
+8 80
35 Carothers, Leonard
65 & Over Age Division
+12 84
36 Cohen, Stuart
65 & Over Age Division
+12 84
37 Benfield, Ron
65 & Over Age Division
+13 85
38 DellaSelva, Michael
65 & Over Age Division
+14 86
39 Marsden, Gary
65 & Over Age Division
+14 86
NC Donnelly, Joseph
65 & Over Age Division
- NC
NC Ladd, Jim
65 & Over Age Division
- NC
NC Slocum, James
65 & Over Age Division
- NC
NC LaChapelle, Raymond
65 & Over Age Division
- NC
NC Marshall, Robert
65 & Over Age Division
- NC
NC Weeden, Ronald
65 & Over Age Division
- NC
Women's Division Flight
Pos. Player To Par
1 Kolar, Mia
Women's Division
-3 69
2 Goitz, Victoria
Women's Division
-2 70
3 Lipae, Sallyna
Women's Division
E 72
4 de Windt, Kathy
Women's Division
+3 75
5 Gaviola, Maureen
Women's Division
+3 75
6 Perez, Gilda
Women's Division
+3 75
7 Nielsen, Kathy
Women's Division
+4 76
8 DeBow, Roberta
Women's Division
+5 77
9 Barnes, Bonnie
Women's Division
+6 78