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Pos. Players To Par
Purse Points
Greg Cline + Leon Lowery
University of Maryland Golf Course
+62 133
Scott Grebenstein + Adam Nave
University of Maryland Golf Course
+68 139 $115.00 125.00
Tim Cohen + Josh Cohen
University of Maryland Golf Course, USGA/Maryland-DC GC
+69 140 $70.00 80.00
Gary Kramer + Delmar Nelson
University of Maryland Golf Course
+70 141 $16.67 20.00
Hewitt Tomlin + Blair Dewalt
Kenwood Golf & Country Club, LedgeRock Golf Club
+70 141 $16.67 20.00
David Dustin + Chris Breslin
University of Maryland Golf Course
+70 141
Anthony Adkins + Jeff Jones
University of Maryland Golf Course
+70 141 $16.67 20.00
Luis Chaparro + Randal Mintz
University of Maryland Golf Course
+70 141
Jeremy White + Everett Daviage
University of Maryland Golf Course
+75 146
Scott Kremer + Aaron Fargo
University of Maryland Golf Course, Burl Oaks Golf Club
+75 146
Ted Coon + George Garnier
University of Maryland Golf Course
+75 146
Max Pakaluk + Tomas Henriquez
University of Maryland Golf Course
+76 147
Kevin Harlen + Chris Harlen
University of Maryland Golf Course
+77 148
Dan Gursky + Matt Neitzey
University of Maryland Golf Course
+78 149
Ed Drnach + Billy Chick
University of Maryland Golf Course
+78 149
Andrew McKenney + Gerard Murphy
University of Maryland Golf Course
+78 149
Lu Coppa + Neil Ryan
University of Maryland Golf Course
+79 150
Franklin Wagner + Nate Herbkersman
University of Maryland Golf Course
+80 151
Robert Peterson + Karl Herchenroeder
University of Maryland Golf Course
+81 152
Kevin Parker + Derek Brown
University of Maryland Golf Course
+82 153
Terry Conrad + Kevin Smith
University of Maryland Golf Course
+83 154
Ben Wallace + Paul Wester
University of Maryland Golf Course
+85 156
Christopher Gorud + Bret Bayliss
University of Maryland Golf Course
+87 158
David Ricks + Tim Weatherhead
University of Maryland Golf Course
+89 160
Angela Scott + Laura Russell
University of Maryland Golf Course
+92 163
William Reinert + Mark Erwin
University of Maryland Golf Course
+94 165
Total Purse Allocated: $235.00
Total Points Allocated: 265.00