Pos. Player Total
To Par
R1 R2 Total
1 Brown, Andrea
Alburg Golf Links
+10 74 78 152
2 Maurycy, Tiffany
Killington Golf Course
+12 77 77 154
3 Boyce, Terry
Mount Snow Country Club
+17 83 76 159
4 White, Gretchen
Williston Golf Club
+18 78 82 160
5 Morrissey, Jeanne
Williston Golf Club
+21 82 81 163
6 Haas, Patricia
Killington Golf Course
+24 80 86 166
7 Cassidy, Dana
Vermont National Country Club
+24 80 86 166
8 Barkyoumb, Kimberley
Champlain Country Club
+25 83 84 167
9 Reynolds, Holly
Copley Country Club
+26 83 85 168
10 Brush, Mary
Burlington Country Club
+28 85 85 170
11 Devaux, Nancy
West Bolton Golf Club
+28 80 90 170
12 Walker, Elizabeth
Brattleboro Country Club
+31 86 87 173
13 Shiffler, Barbara
Williston Golf Club
+32 90 84 174
14 Decaire, Pat
The Quechee Club
+32 90 84 174
15 Campbell, Cheri
Burlington Country Club
+32 87 87 174
16 Fadden, Kimberly
Cedarknoll Country Club
+33 86 89 175
17 Mahler, Deidre
Country Club of Vermont
+34 89 87 176
18 Chenoweth, Ginny
Country Club of Vermont
+34 88 88 176
19 Hoar, Cheryl
Burlington Country Club
+34 86 90 176
20 Goodrich, Vicki
The Quechee Club
+35 92 85 177
21 Gregory, Amy
Burlington Country Club
+35 86 91 177
22 Shaeffer, Kristen
Proctor-Pittsford Country Club
+36 85 93 178
23 Parson, Linda Jane
Mount Snow Country Club
+36 88 90 178
24 Kemp, Kathy
Country Club of Barre
+37 88 91 179
25 Yusko, Shelly
The Quechee Club
+38 91 89 180
26 Dillon, Michaela
Williston Golf Club
+43 95 90 185
27 Cain, Cara
Burlington Country Club
+43 97 88 185
28 Goff, Annie
Williston Golf Club
+44 92 94 186
29 Colvard, Rhonda
Burlington Country Club
+44 96 90 186
30 Wade, Trish
Green Mt National Golf Course
+44 90 96 186
31 Drolette, Wendy
Williston Golf Club
+44 92 94 186
32 Neff, Cathy
Vermont National Country Club
+44 92 94 186
33 Lafayette, Melissa
Burlington Country Club
+45 92 95 187
34 Allsopp, Jo
The Quechee Club
+46 92 96 188
35 Barnes, Alyssa
Copley Country Club
+49 94 97 191
36 Savoie, Debbie
Burlington Country Club
+50 94 98 192
37 Herrera, Josie
Vermont National Country Club
+52 99 95 194
38 McGrath, Patty
Green Mt National Golf Course
+53 100 95 195
39 Steck, Jen
Lake Morey Country Club
+54 99 97 196
40 Gilroy, Delina
West Bolton Golf Club
+54 100 96 196
41 Rouleau, Kathy
Country Club of Barre
+54 95 101 196
42 Kline, Sarah
Woodstock Country Club
+54 92 104 196
43 Magnant, Jayne
Orleans Country Club
+56 98 100 198
44 McBride, Peg
St Johnsbury Country Club
+57 100 99 199
45 Baroudi, Patricia
Montpelier Country Club
+58 99 101 200
46 Simon, Phyllis
Williston Golf Club
+59 99 102 201
47 Brown, Lauri
Cedarknoll Country Club
+60 102 100 202
48 Hayden, Janet
Williston Golf Club
+60 102 100 202
49 Mercier, Dixie
Country Club of Barre
+60 102 100 202
50 Johnson, Chris
St Johnsbury Country Club
+60 102 100 202
51 Fox, Sue
The Quechee Club
+63 110 95 205
52 Marshall, Carolyn
West Bolton Golf Club
+64 103 103 206
53 Lisai, Carol
Williston Golf Club
+65 99 108 207
54 Sikora, Kathy
West Bolton Golf Club
+73 106 109 215
55 Barnard, Denise
West Bolton Golf Club
+75 104 113 217
WD McCune, Frances
Country Club of Vermont
- 103 WD WD
WD Athanas, MaryAnn
Burlington Country Club