Register now for 2023 Fall SILGA Individual Match Play Tournament
Players must enter by Thursday, October 12 to be eligible
SILGA Match Play Round 1
Saturday, October 14th
Format and Rules
Individual Match Play (Net) – Each player plays her own ball and the low net score wins the hole. Players will receive 100% of their current (day before match) USGA handicap. In each match, the player with the lowest handicap will play as scratch, and the other player will receive the difference in handicap as the strokes fall on the card.
USGA Rules for match play will govern all play with the exception of the Seabrook Island Club’s local rules. Once a player is closed out, the match is over. Competitors may choose which tee they would like to play and handicaps will be adjusted accordingly.
Scheduling Guidelines
Players are responsible for scheduling their matches. Players should immediately contact each other to ensure matches are completed within the specified date range. Matches must be played within the specified date range; therefore, every effort should be made to find an agreeable date/time to play a match.
If a player is not available within the specified date range, they must forfeit the match. If each player requests at least one date/time to schedule a match within the date range, but the players cannot mutually agree on a date/time, a coin flip will determine the winner.
The SILGA Committee will arbitrate any disputes or exceptions to the above-mentioned rules.
Thanks for supporting this SILGA Individual Match Play Tournament
Good luck, play well and have fun!