Fore Management Group is delighted to engage you (the "Marshal") to provide assistance to Fore Management Group in connection with the Porsche Singapore Classic on 21st – 24th March 2024 upon the terms and subject to the conditions set out within this Code (the "Marshalling Engagement").

Fore Management Group is committed to providing marshals with a supportive environment.  This document sets out what we can each reasonably expect from your marshaling role.  We hope that you will find your marshal experience enjoyable and rewarding.  


  1. Marshal Role

We will notify you of your marshal role by email in advance of the event.  We expect you to perform your role to the best of your ability and to follow our procedures and standards, including health and safety.


  1. Induction and Training

We will provide an induction briefing before the event explaining what your role as a marshal involves.


  1. Supervision and Support

During your marshaling experience. Please feel free to discuss any problems, complaints and/or suggestions you might have with the marshal manager, Justin Goforth If you have any problems, concerns or complaints before the event, please email:


Please give us as much notice as possible if you are unable to marshal when expected or if you want to stop marshaling during the event by emailing


  1. Confidentiality

In the course of providing your marshaling services, you may have access to confidential information relating to Vantage Pointe, other companies in its corporate group, and/or our clients. We expect you not to use or disclose this information to any person either during your marshaling experience with us or at any time afterward.


  1. Health & Safety

You understand that your marshaling services may involve physically strenuous or demanding activities and you confirm that you are physically capable of participating as a marshal.  It is your responsibility to wear appropriate clothing and footwear during your marshaling role and to follow any directions given by us (including instructions relating to health and safety), and to attend any health and safety briefing or training sessions that may be required.


  1. Publicity Materials

In the course of your marshaling services, you may be filmed or photographed and you may therefore appear in a television program, film or video or in the material produced for the purposes of marketing and publicity. You agree to the unlimited publication (without compensation) of any such images which are recorded and / or captured at the Porsche Singapore Classic event.


This document is not intended to be a legally binding contract between us, nor is it intended to create any employment relationship either now or at any time in the future and may be cancelled at any time at the discretion of either party.  Neither of us intends any employment relationship to be created either now or at any time in the future. 


By agreeing to comply with this Code, you acknowledge, warrant and declare that:

  1. You are free to enter into this Marshalling Engagement and will not be in breach of any obligations to or agreements with any third party;
  2. You are engaged as a marshal.   Nothing in this Code shall render you an employee, worker, agent or partner of the Company or of any associated company and you shall not hold yourself out as such. 
  3. You are legally entitled to reside in Singapore and provide the assistance described in this Code  and you have medical / health insurance which will provide you with appropriate coverage in respect of your activities as a marshal for Fore Management Group & Vantage Pointe.
  4. Fore Management Group may use any and all photographs, images, videos, audio recordings made by Vantage Pointe in connection with the Marshalling Engagement for marketing purposes or any other legitimate business purpose.


In light of the nature of this arrangement, Fore Management Group is unable to provide you with any financial or other assistance including but not limited to medical benefits or insurance of any nature.  Accordingly, Fore Management Group shall have no liability for any personal injury which arises pursuant to this Marshalling Engagement.


We are delighted to welcome you to our team and we look forward to your support with the upcoming event.


By continuing with the registration process and completing the online registration, you will be deemed to have electronically signed and agreed to the terms of this Marshaling Engagement.  Accordingly, you confirm your understanding of and you agree to comply with the terms of this Marshalling Engagement.



The Fore Team