Welcome to the Medal Series Team Championship-2023
October 10th, 11th & 12th
Tee Times Start at 9:43 AM on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Official Notice to Competitors
Format: The format is a three-day round robin match play competition. Each flight will play each other over three days. Each flight will field three two-man teams. Each round will consist of nine holes of four-ball match play and nine holes of foursome’s match play. The total points accumulated over the three days of competition decide the team championship.1 point for each hole won, ½ point for each hole halved. USGA Rules apply and any local rules published in the clubhouse.
Order of Play: The first nine (holes 1-9) will be four-ball match play and second nine (holes 10-18) will be foursomes match play. All rounds will be scheduled tee times. Play will be on the Magnolia on Day 1 and 3 and the Holly on Day 2.
Handicaps: For Four-Ball Match Play, two play their better ball against the better ball of two other players. The low handicap player plays scratch and each of the three other players is allowed 100 percent of the difference. Since the implementation of the World Handicap system in January 2020, additional handicap adjustments for white, mixed and red tee players no longer apply per PMGA Rules.
For Foursome Match Play partners play alternately from the teeing grounds and alternately during the play of each hole. The lower handicapped side competes at scratch. Each team handicap is established by taking 50% of the sum of the individual handicap at 100%.
Condition of Play: Determination of Conditions of Play will be decided day of play by Medal Series Chairman- Ed Rackowski. See options below:
- The ball is to be played as it lies at all times.
- A ball lying on any closely mown area through the green may be lifted without penalty and cleaned. Before lifting the ball, the player must mark its position. Having lifted the ball, he must place it on a spot within one club length and not nearer the hole than where it originally lay, that is not in a hazard and not on a putting green. If the player fails to mark the position of the ball before lifting it or moves the ball in another manner, such as rolling it with a club, he incurs a penalty of one stroke.
Tees: All players will play from the White Tees, except those players who have registered with the Golf Shop to play the Gold, Red or Green Tees.
Scorecards: Scorecards are to be returned to the scoring area signed, dated & attested upon completion of your round. Please indicate on the scorecard the final outcome of each match.
Rules Decision: In match play, if a doubt or dispute arises between the players, do not play a second ball; instead a player may make a claim. If no duly authorized representative of the Committee is available within a reasonable time, the players must continue the match without delay. The Committee may consider a claim only if the player making the claim notifies his opponent (i) that he is making a claim, (ii) of the facts of the situation and (iii) that he wants a ruling. The claim must be made before any player in the match plays from the next teeing ground or, in the case of the last hole of the match, before all players in the match leave the putting green.
For Four-Ball Match Play:
Two play their better ball against the better ball of two other players. The low handicap player plays scratch and each of the three other players is allowed 100 percent of the difference.
For Foursome (Alternate Shot) Match Play:
Partners play alternately from the teeing grounds and alternately during the play of each hole. The lower handicapped side competes at scratch. Each team handicap is established by taking 50% of the sum of the individual handicap at 100%.
29-1. General
In a threesome or a foursome, during any stipulated round the Partners must play alternately from the teeing grounds and alternately during the play of each hole. Penalty strokes do not affect the order of play.
29-2. Match Play
If a player plays when his partner should have played, his Side loses the hole.
29-1. Explanations
Play alternately from the teeing ground: The team gets to decide who plays first from the first hole. From then on, the team alternates who starts the next hole. So if Player A plays first on first hole, Player A will start every odd numbered hole. It is NOT the player who putted last on the previous hole that determines who starts the next hole.
Provisional Ball: Player A hits a shot and there is a question as to whether the ball is lost or out of bounds and the team elects to play a provisional. Player B hits the provisional ball.
If the original ball is found in play, then Player B hits the next shot. (Yes, it seems like B is hitting twice in a row, but the provisional shot no longer counts). If the original ball is lost or out of bounds then Player A hits the next shot.
Water Hazard: Player A hits a shot into a water hazard, whether the team elects to play it as it lies or it elects to take a drop as allowed for a water hazard, Player B either plays it as it lies or Player B both drops the ball and hits the shot.
Ball at rest moved: Player A has addressed the ball and it moves before he hits the shot. This is a one stroke penalty and Player A is responsible for putting the ball back in its original position and hitting that shot.
You have a team where one player is playing White tees and one player is playing other tees: If the tee shot is lost or out of bounds, the next shot must be played from the same teeing ground of the originals shot – the player’s “normal tees” do not apply in this situation.
Ball Unplayable: Player A hits a ball that ends up unplayable. Player B both drops and plays the next shot.
These procedures are important because of Rules 29-2. If a team fails to follow these procedures correctly, it will result in loss of hole. As soon as one player plays out of turn, the play of that hole is over.
Rules Committee:
Chris Little,