Sat Team Best Ball (Sat, April 20)
Sun Team Best Ball (Sun, April 21)
Sat Individual Stableford (Sat, April 27)
Sun Individual Stableford (Sun, April 28)
Sat Team Stableford (Sat, May 4)
Sun Team Stableford (Sun, May 5)
Sat Individual Quota (Sat, May 11)
Sun Individual Quota (Sun, May 12)
Sat Team Best Ball (Sat, May 18)
Sun Team Best Ball (Sun, May 19)
Sat Individual Net (Sat, May 25)
Sun Individual Net (Sun, May 26)
Memorial Day 36 Round (Sun, May 26)
Memorial Day Foursome Best 2 Balls (Mon, May 27)
Thu Pot Game (Thu, May 30)
Sat Team Net (Sat, June 1)
Sun Team Net (Sun, June 2)
Sat Individual Stableford (Sat, June 8)
Sun Individual Stableford (Sun, June 9)
Thu Pot Game (Thu, June 13)
Sat Team Stableford (Sat, June 15)
Sun Team Stableford (Sun, June 16)
Thu Pot Game (Thu, June 20)
Sat Individual Quota (Sat, June 22)
Sun Individual Quota (Sun, June 23)
Thu Pot Game (Thu, June 27)
Sat Individual Net (Sat, June 29)
Sun Individual Net (Sun, June 30)
4th of July 36 Round (Sun, June 30)
4th of July Foursome Best 3 Balls (Thu, July 4)
Sat Team Best Ball (Sat, July 6)
Sun Team Best Ball (Sun, July 7)
Thu Pot Game (Thu, July 11)
Sat Individual Stableford (Sat, July 13)
Sun Individual Stableford (Sun, July 14)
Thu Pot Game (Thu, July 18)
Sat Team Net (Sat, July 20)
Sun Team Net (Sun, July 21)
Thu Pot Game (Thu, July 25)
Sat Individual Quota (Sat, July 27)
Sun Individual Quota (Sun, July 28)
Thu Pot Game (Thu, August 1)
Sat Team Stableford (Sat, August 3)
Sun Team Stableford (Sun, August 4)
Thu Pot Game (Thu, August 8)
Sat Individual Net (Sat, August 10)
Sun Individual Net (Sun, August 11)
Thu Pot Game (Thu, August 15)
Sat Team Best Ball (Sat, August 17)
Sun Team Best Ball (Sun, August 18)
Thu Pot Game (Thu, August 22)
PH Club Championship Round 1 (Sat, August 24)
PH Club Championship Round 2 (Sun, August 25)
Thu Pot Game (Thu, August 29)
Sat Individual Net (Sat, August 31)
Sun Individual Net (Sun, September 1)
Labor Day 36 Round (Sun, September 1)
Labor Day Foursome All 4 Balls (Mon, September 2)
Sat Team Stableford (Sat, June 15)
The tee sheet has not yet been released to the league portal.
Confirmed Players (42)
Alsip, Russ
Anaya, William
Brunks, Greg
Byrne, Timothy
Caravello, Tom
Carlins, Steven
Check, Gary
Ciborowski, Thomas
Clemmons, Russel
Doherty, Robert
Ellis, Terry
Eschbach, Rob
Fallon, Steven
Feldmiller, Scott
Fieck, James
Flahaven, Michael
Frawley, Philip
Gaeth, Thomas
Geier, Tim
Gillette, Steven
Green, Rick
Henneman, Dave
Hillstrom, Chuck
Kennelly, Marty
Knudsen, William
LaMotte, Duane
Libert, John
Lillie, Ross
Miller, Michael
Munch, Robert
Nagle, Bill
Oneil, John
Palmer, Clint
Petruso, Richard
Rasor, Scott
Roberts, Tom
Romanek, Jim
Rush, Arthur
Saccomanno, Joseph
Sauter, Mark
Sievers, Billy
TOTH, James