Welcome to the 2023 Golfplay Kitchener Fall Men's League!
- 10 week league starting the week of October 2, 2023 and ending December 4, 2023
- Each group can choose their time to play each week - Two hour tee-time slots are available each day (Monday, Wednesday & Thursday) at 4:30; 5:00; 6:30; 7:00; 8:30; 9:00
- To view what times are available before registering select the tab "Tee Sheets" - "Open Tee Times Registration". Then, choose your day and time immediately after registration fee is paid
- Select one player from the "Search for a Player" drop down list then hit "Select" beside your group's desired day and time
- Preference for day and tee time are available on a first-come first-paid basis - *Note - once you select your day and time, it’s yours for the entire 10 week season.
- 9 holes, individual score format - Players will be put into flights after week #2 - Number of flights will be determined after registration and after the first two week's scores have been recorded - Flights explained
- Each week, prizes will be awarded for: Top Gross Score (Flighted after week two), Top Net Score (Flighted after week two), Closest to the Pin, Longest Putt. There will also be a weekly draw for a Double-Par Nachos Platter!
- 9 Hole Rounds will be played on one of our 200+ courses. We'll play a different course every week!
- Gross Skins Every Week – $5 / week for those who wish to participate - bring cash please. (Note - no handicaps will be used)
- Registration fee Includes weekly green fees, weekly and year-end prizes and end-of-season food on final night.
- Yearly point totals are established by weekly ranking in the player's designated flight (Flights decided after week two) based on net scoring. Note that all net scores will be calculated using 80% of the League Handicap, adjusted for 9 holes.
- A Golfplay Fall Ladies League Champion will be crowned in each flight after the last week based on their yearly point total. Prizes will be handed out for the winners of each flight!
- The price paid at registration includes all registration fees and weekly "green fees''. On league nights, players will be responsible for their Food and Beverage purchases and optional $5.00 (cash) for gross skins
Course List:
October 2 -5: Marco Simone Golf & Country Club - Front Nine
October 9 - 12: Topwin Golf and Country Club - Front Nine
October 16 - 19: Kiawah Island - Ocean Course - Front Nine
October 23 - 26: Northern Arc Golf Club - Front Nine
October 30 - November 2: Royal Dornoch Golf Club - Front Nine
November 6 - 9: Cove Club at Cabo Del Sol - Front Nine
November 13 - 16: Spyglass Hill GC - Front Nine
November 20 - 23: Jingshanhu Golf Club - Front Nine
November 27 - 30: Le Triomphe Golf and Country Club - Front Nine
December 4 - 7: Bethpage State Park GC - Black - Front Nine
Total Cost Per Player:
Registration Fee - $99.00
Weekly League Round - $25.00/Week x 10 weeks - $250.00
Total - $349.00 + HST = $394.37
Total Cost Per Foursome:
Registration Fee - $396.00
Weekly League Round - $1,000.00
Total - $1,396.00 + HST = $1,577.48
There will also be weekly bar and food specials. Let the leagues begin!