Beginner Adult Clinic at Nibley Park on August 28 and 29 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.


DATES: Monday, August 28, 2023 - Tuesday, August 29, 2023 

TIME: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 

COST: $120 per player

MAX PARTICIPANTS: 8 participants per clinic

REGISTRATION OPENS: Friday, August 11, 2023 at 11:29 AM



WHAT'S INCLUDED: These clinics are open to players who are beginning their golf development. We will cover the basic fundamentals of the full swing, short game, and etiquette essentials. This clinic will include on course instruction. Our staff will have clubs available for you to borrow if you don't have your own.





  • A full refund will be issued if cancellation occurs within 72 hours of registration.
  • All event withdraws or cancellations requested 72 hours or more before the scheduled activity will be subject to a 25% fee.
  • All event withdraws or cancellations requested at least 48 hours before the scheduled activity will be subject to a 50% fee.
  • No refunds will be issued for withdraws or cancellations within 48 hours of the scheduled activity.
  • If you would like to transfer your registration to another event, it must be requested at least 72 hours before the start of the original event. Requests will be granted on a space-available basis.