Player League Standings

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Player Times Played Total Points Total Purse Avg. Gross Avg. Net Low Gross Low Net
Driver, John 24 796.92 $ 689.50 80.5 74.4 72.0 66.0
Mansuri, Sahil 17 651.67 $ 539.50 93.1 71.7 85.0 67.0
Ogren, Buzz 25 609.00 $ 425.00 88.1 75.7 81.0 66.0
Chen, Patrick 17 555.00 $ 426.75 86.3 73.6 81.0 68.0
Waller, Michael 23 551.00 $ 353.50 88.0 76.3 81.0 67.0
Huang, Jay 13 545.00 $ 401.00 92.2 72.8 85.0 66.0
Buttazzoni, Cameron 19 538.00 $ 367.00 106.4 79.5 83.0 61.0
Beaulieu, Patrick 21 493.00 $ 346.00 86.4 74.7 81.0 70.0
Behera, Prabhat 16 491.00 $ 385.00 90.4 74.9 83.0 65.0
Kar, Rahul 17 478.00 $ 379.00 88.8 73.6 82.0 68.0
Walker, Christopher 18 465.67 $ 338.00 83.6 76.8 77.0 70.0
Guzman, Sean 16 457.92 $ 243.00 76.3 75.9 67.0 68.0
Schleiger, Tim 24 452.00 $ 285.00 92.6 77.6 83.0 70.0
Marinkovich, Douglas 20 426.50 $ 225.50 86.8 78.5 75.0 67.0
Guzman, Steven 20 426.17 $ 282.00 84.4 76.8 77.0 69.0
Garcia, Brian 21 408.92 $ 234.50 82.8 76.9 73.0 69.0
Shirbroun, Randy 19 396.67 $ 268.50 84.7 76.6 78.0 71.0
Vella, Timothy 13 395.00 $ 283.00 85.3 75.2 77.0 71.0
Reedy, Ron 21 392.67 $ 222.50 99.7 76.2 90.0 61.0
Arends, Ken 18 392.00 $ 204.00 92.6 76.4 85.0 71.0
Kendall, Nicholas 14 380.42 $ 304.00 79.1 74.2 73.0 70.0
Montes, Franco 14 380.00 $ 283.00 79.6 75.0 75.0 70.0
Wei, William 20 366.25 $ 213.00 88.2 77.5 80.0 70.0
Krause, Benjamin 21 366.00 $ 236.00 78.8 78.3 68.0 68.0
Yang, William 17 355.50 $ 196.00 97.9 76.2 92.0 70.0
Subramaniam, Mahesh 15 349.50 $ 236.00 88.7 75.9 85.0 71.0
Holt, Tom 20 348.00 $ 265.00 87.1 77.7 77.0 71.0
Lim, Dave 20 344.67 $ 257.00 95.3 77.9 88.0 70.0
Pina, Adolfo 10 341.00 $ 212.00 82.1 75.7 75.0 69.0
Hines, Jordan 13 326.50 $ 219.50 90.5 78.6 79.0 71.0
O'Keefe, Tim 15 326.00 $ 220.50 80.4 77.3 73.0 72.0
Kusuma, Leo 20 324.00 $ 263.75 93.8 81.6 86.0 73.0
Schainker, Rich 15 300.67 $ 180.00 86.7 78.6 80.0 72.0
Monteforte, Greg 9 287.00 $ 207.00 76.8 74.1 71.0 71.0
Lininger, Marcus 16 279.00 $ 157.50 84.9 78.2 76.0 70.0
Carmona Toscano, Rafael 21 277.00 $ 163.00 93.8 79.6 85.0 73.0
Wilhite, Cory 11 254.00 $ 175.00 80.3 76.0 72.0 69.0
Cobb, Jeff 10 250.67 $ 209.50 87.1 75.6 82.0 72.0
Fales, Michael 15 249.00 $ 124.00 90.4 76.9 82.0 67.0
Lewis, Brian 18 240.50 $ 101.50 90.9 79.8 82.0 70.0
Sehl, Lou 16 235.00 $ 159.00 94.9 77.5 86.0 66.0
Kapoor, Rahul 7 231.00 $ 220.00 91.9 75.0 84.0 65.0
Douvos, Chris 15 221.00 $ 160.00 86.2 78.9 73.0 69.0
King, Brian 6 207.00 $ 174.00 84.8 76.5 79.0 71.0
Dauler, Richard 5 203.00 $ 170.00 81.0 70.7 78.0 69.0
Olsen, Jonas 12 198.67 $ 140.00 82.5 77.5 76.0 68.0
Shiver, Keith 12 198.50 $ 133.00 85.0 78.5 78.0 71.0
Peacock, Kent 8 198.00 $ 118.50 95.6 76.7 86.0 68.0
Michalak, Tom 16 197.00 $ 113.00 100.1 78.9 90.0 71.0
Cowie, Jim 6 195.67 $ 215.00 76.3 73.3 68.0 67.0
Mikulic, Stephen 14 195.00 $ 109.00 91.3 79.2 87.0 75.0
Pickett, Chuck 20 190.00 $ 76.00 107.9 83.4 98.0 73.0
Fang, Wei-chiao 13 187.00 $ 137.00 94.0 80.0 87.0 73.0
Erickson, Ross 11 182.00 $ 83.00 93.3 77.7 86.0 70.0
Brand, Jeremy 12 173.00 $ 128.50 84.6 77.0 78.0 71.0
Hickey, Jeffrey 8 172.50 $ 117.00 76.2 73.6 75.0 71.0
Manit, Eddy 11 168.00 $ 123.00 91.2 77.9 86.0 73.0
Sharpe, Roger 7 167.00 $ 123.00 78.6 79.9 72.0 72.0
Mcnamara, Peter 9 167.00 $ 105.00 85.3 76.5 80.0 71.0
Celestino, Jr 6 165.00 $ 120.00 89.0 75.8 81.0 68.0
Williams, Nick 6 160.00 $ 110.50 81.4 74.0 76.0 70.0
Dierkes, Christopher 10 155.50 $ 113.00 88.4 75.6 83.0 70.0
Ragno, Donald 5 148.00 $ 131.00 86.8 80.5 77.0 71.0
Smith, Zach 6 146.00 $ 130.00 92.0 76.0 87.0 71.0
Stevens, Kevin 3 145.00 $ 100.00 74.3 73.0 73.0 72.0
Yi, Zihan 3 140.00 $ 100.00 80.0 70.0 78.0 68.0
Chew, Byron 6 136.25 $ 100.50 89.2 77.8 81.0 70.0
Tramble, Ian 7 135.00 $ 100.00 84.2 78.2 77.0 69.0
Sheaffer, Dave 5 134.25 $ 100.50 83.2 75.4 77.0 68.0
Detert, Marc 12 130.50 $ 51.50 97.1 78.7 86.0 67.0
Fales, Raymond 6 122.00 $ 116.50 95.3 80.0 88.0 73.0
Silva, Brian 5 121.00 $ 98.00 86.0 75.6 82.0 72.0
Sreenivasan, Mukund 9 117.00 $ 57.50 92.4 77.3 85.0 73.0
Sieling, Luke 7 115.00 $ 53.00 88.3 78.7 81.0 72.0
Dibiccari, Anders 5 114.00 $ 85.00 76.8 72.0 73.0 67.0
Aquino, Rommel 8 110.75 $ 75.50 80.0 75.4 74.0 71.0
Tran, Andy 5 108.00 $ 110.00 104.5 61.0 104.0 60.0
Fuller, Dennis 5 106.00 $ 71.00 79.5 76.0 76.0 72.0
Devdhar, Aditya 6 105.00 $ 60.00 103.0 81.8 97.0 76.0
Brown, Peter 8 103.00 $ 82.00 86.2 73.7 78.0 68.0
Cobb, Mason 11 101.67 $ 51.00 77.8 77.6 74.0 74.0
Johnson, Brad 10 100.00 $ 43.00 109.3 91.2 90.0 69.0
Boyarsky, Jay 14 100.00 $ 20.00 92.9 79.5 85.0 71.0
Carmichael, Forrest 5 98.67 $ 85.00 90.2 74.6 85.0 67.0
Fitzsimmons, Kyle 9 96.00 $ 70.00 81.0 79.7 71.0 73.0
Gurunathan, Suresh 5 91.00 $ 53.00 93.2 84.2 90.0 80.0
Summers, Neil 4 90.00 $ 65.00 74.5 74.8 72.0 72.0
Jacobson, Steven 6 89.00 $ 100.00 92.3 79.3 84.0 71.0
Mcintosh, John 5 86.00 $ 41.00 80.0 78.2 76.0 75.0
Torres, Lupe 6 82.00 $ 55.00 91.2 77.0 86.0 71.0
Jensen, Henrik 5 81.00 $ 39.00 97.5 81.8 95.0 79.0
Coler, Ray 8 79.00 $ 35.00 94.5 78.8 87.0 74.0
Jarvinen, John 5 77.00 $ 59.50 83.3 76.3 79.0 71.0
Rowley, Jordan 5 76.00 $ 49.00 84.3 76.0 80.0 72.0
Delfino, Vincent 4 75.00 $ 62.00 87.8 76.0 87.0 72.0
Tomar, Sunil 4 75.00 $ 56.50 101.7 76.3 99.0 73.0
Proceviat, Leslie 5 71.67 $ 85.00 88.0 73.3 85.0 68.0
Barman, Dinesh 4 70.00 $ 50.00 99.0 78.5 91.0 71.0
Fink, Adam 4 69.00 $ 31.00 88.3 77.3 86.0 75.0
Clauson, Andrew 5 69.00 $ 21.50 78.2 77.4 72.0 75.0
Stein, Howard 8 68.50 $ 33.00 81.4 75.6 74.0 67.0
Murray, Andrew 3 65.00 $ 60.00 90.3 75.7 84.0 69.0
Lu, Jeffrey 6 64.00 $ 35.00 102.7 80.3 92.0 75.0
Heucke, Mark 5 63.00 $ 38.00 93.0 79.0 90.0 74.0
Moslander, Dave 11 61.67 $ 0.00 93.8 86.8 86.0 79.0
O'Riordan, Peter 2 59.00 $ 71.50 83.5 75.5 82.0 74.0
Kohrs, Bryan 7 59.00 $ 22.00 78.3 75.5 73.0 72.0
Balsley, John 8 58.00 $ 11.50 84.1 77.4 82.0 74.0
Jain, Niraj 10 58.00 $ 10.00 97.1 81.0 87.0 72.0
Byler, Tom 1 57.00 $ 35.00 84.0 78.0 84.0 78.0
Wheat, Rick 1 57.00 $ 35.00 81.0 72.0 81.0 72.0
Barton, Guillermo 4 56.00 $ 41.50 78.8 77.8 74.0 73.0
Gebhart, Matt 2 56.00 $ 31.75 80.5 77.5 76.0 73.0
Guslani, Greg 2 56.00 $ 31.75 94.5 76.5 93.0 75.0
Hull, Abraham 4 52.00 $ 50.00 85.7 78.0 83.0 74.0
Segol, Jeffrey 7 52.00 $ 0.00 89.8 80.8 84.0 74.0
Park, Brian 6 51.00 $ 7.50 95.0 80.4 92.0 78.0
Olkein, Douglas 2 49.00 $ 40.00 81.5 78.0 79.0 77.0
Riley, Michael 2 46.00 $ 53.00 81.0 73.5 78.0 72.0
Chen, Xiaoming 2 45.00 $ 25.00 91.0 82.0 88.0 78.0
Van buskirk, Brett 4 45.00 $ 20.00 84.5 78.3 82.0 75.0
Del Rosario, Rene 3 45.00 $ 18.00 96.3 82.3 92.0 79.0
Rayward, Omar 5 45.00 $ 0.00 84.3 73.7 79.0 71.0
Picone, David 1 44.00 $ 40.00 78.0 59.0 78.0 59.0
Tomar, Veer 1 44.00 $ 40.00 90.0 73.0 90.0 73.0
Blair, James 2 43.00 $ 50.00 86.5 78.0 78.0 70.0
Ingram, Brent 3 43.00 $ 50.00 88.0 75.0 85.0 72.0
Biggs, Tyler 2 43.00 $ 15.00 92.0 82.5 88.0 79.0
Sanchez, Andy 3 41.00 $ 14.50 93.0 80.0 93.0 80.0
Jacobson, Greg 2 36.00 $ 40.00 92.0 75.0 92.0 75.0
Compton, Jeremy 7 36.00 $ 0.00 92.0 79.6 85.0 73.0
Weyland, Nick 6 35.00 $ 0.00 115.2 88.3 104.0 75.0
Smith, Philip 5 34.00 $ 0.00 82.4 77.8 74.0 70.0
Perry, Kyle 2 33.00 $ 35.00 95.0 89.0 95.0 89.0
Martin, Brad 4 33.00 $ 20.00 92.3 82.7 88.0 77.0
Greene, Richard 6 33.00 $ 3.50 82.2 79.8 73.0 76.0
Wei, Amanda 2 30.50 $ 6.50 101.0 79.5 101.0 79.0
Weaver, Benjamin 2 30.00 $ 30.00 67.0 71.0 67.0 71.0
Ochs, Giles 2 30.00 $ 30.00 69.0 68.0 69.0 68.0
Heathorn, Trevor 2 30.00 $ 30.00 109.0 90.0 109.0 90.0
Kaku, James 2 30.00 $ 30.00 91.0 73.0 91.0 73.0
Hornbeek, Gary 6 30.00 $ 25.00 97.0 79.5 93.0 75.0
Aozasa, Wesley 5 30.00 $ 10.00 90.8 80.6 88.0 77.0
Arends, Robert 6 30.00 $ 0.00 127.2 93.0 121.0 87.0
Perry, Cy 1 28.00 $ 35.00 0 0 0 0
Douglass, Danny 3 28.00 $ 10.00 86.3 78.3 81.0 75.0
Malloy, Peter 5 25.00 $ 0.00 91.5 82.3 90.0 80.0
Galindo, Maximo 5 25.00 $ 0.00 100.5 81.5 99.0 78.0
Rasmussen, Rick 2 23.67 $ 35.00 91.0 78.0 91.0 78.0
Ferrell, Keith 2 23.67 $ 35.00 90.0 79.0 90.0 79.0
Farquharson, Iain 3 21.00 $ 5.00 88.0 79.0 83.0 74.0
Pflaging, Jim 4 20.00 $ 0.00 94.8 81.0 89.0 76.0
Collishaw, Kyle 2 20.00 $ 0.00 88.0 83.0 88.0 83.0
Ewen, Mark 3 20.00 $ 0.00 95.0 78.0 85.0 73.0
Pasin, Dave 4 20.00 $ 0.00 89.0 83.3 87.0 79.0
Majors, Reed 2 19.00 $ 0.00 70.0 67.0 70.0 67.0
Yu, Samuel 3 15.00 $ 26.00 94.7 78.3 93.0 76.0
Butani, Robin 2 15.00 $ 12.50 83.0 73.0 83.0 73.0
Mease, David 3 15.00 $ 0.00 91.0 79.3 88.0 77.0
Mease, Will 3 15.00 $ 0.00 84.0 82.3 80.0 80.0
Yagmourian, Joseph 3 15.00 $ 0.00 80.5 84.0 80.0 83.0
Chang, Albert 3 15.00 $ 0.00 101.0 82.5 99.0 82.0
Davis, Mitch 3 15.00 $ 0.00 81.0 81.0 79.0 78.0
Forgaard, Eric 3 15.00 $ 0.00 83.0 79.0 83.0 79.0
Beiers, John 3 15.00 $ 0.00 90.0 80.0 90.0 80.0
Bright, Christopher 3 15.00 $ 0.00 85.7 78.3 85.0 76.0
Arends, Keith 2 14.00 $ 0.00 96.0 82.5 91.0 77.0
Fondiller, Matt 1 13.00 $ 0.00 77.0 76.0 77.0 76.0
Moslander, Erin 2 11.67 $ 0.00 109.5 87.5 109.0 83.0
Blanchard, Scott 2 10.00 $ 0.00 86.5 79.5 84.0 77.0
Furrier, John 2 10.00 $ 0.00 110.0 94.0 110.0 94.0
Fanwick, Kerry 2 10.00 $ 0.00 111.5 85.0 105.0 82.0
Jones, Fairbanks 2 10.00 $ 0.00 103.5 88.0 103.0 84.0
Arends, Darien 2 10.00 $ 0.00 103.5 91.0 103.0 90.0
Blevins, Alan 2 10.00 $ 0.00 90.5 82.0 81.0 73.0
Lesti, Paul 2 10.00 $ 0.00 102.5 92.5 100.0 91.0
Charlu, Daniel 2 10.00 $ 0.00 106.0 90.0 106.0 90.0
Price, Brooks 2 10.00 $ 0.00 94.0 79.0 94.0 79.0
Hague, Simon 2 10.00 $ 0.00 102.0 87.0 102.0 87.0
Leon, Julio 1 10.00 $ 0.00 89.0 85.0 89.0 85.0
Furrier, Alec 1 5.00 $ 0.00 102.0 85.0 102.0 85.0
Chun, Joseph 2 5.00 $ 0.00 56.0 42.0 56.0 42.0
Kern, Michael 1 5.00 $ 0.00 97.0 79.0 97.0 79.0
Ekedahl, Phil 1 5.00 $ 0.00 85.0 78.0 85.0 78.0
Onodera, Joel 1 5.00 $ 0.00 82.0 73.0 82.0 73.0
Hu, Albert 1 5.00 $ 0.00 105.0 92.0 105.0 92.0
Negrette, Michael 1 5.00 $ 0.00 88.0 72.0 88.0 72.0
Ng, Yu 1 5.00 $ 0.00 93.0 82.0 93.0 82.0
Chandrasekar, Varun 1 5.00 $ 0.00 74.0 73.0 74.0 73.0
Cho, Ryan 1 5.00 $ 0.00 82.0 79.0 82.0 79.0
Staden, Ronald 1 5.00 $ 0.00 94.0 88.0 94.0 88.0
Letsinger, Gregg 1 5.00 $ 0.00 93.0 82.0 93.0 82.0
Siegfried, Scott 1 5.00 $ 0.00 83.0 83.0 83.0 83.0
Crain, Chuck 1 5.00 $ 0.00 95.0 87.0 95.0 87.0
Kobayashi, Kevin 1 5.00 $ 0.00 87.0 83.0 87.0 83.0
Peterson, Kirt 1 5.00 $ 0.00 91.0 75.0 91.0 75.0
Morrissette, Mario 1 5.00 $ 0.00 78.0 76.0 78.0 76.0
Krause, Chuck 1 5.00 $ 0.00 107.0 94.0 107.0 94.0
Kim, Steve 1 5.00 $ 0.00 97.0 85.0 97.0 85.0
Rao, Shailesh 1 5.00 $ 0.00 116.0 89.0 116.0 89.0
Kenner, Tim 1 5.00 $ 0.00 88.0 66.0 88.0 66.0
Wolf, Rocky 1 5.00 $ 0.00 88.0 85.0 88.0 85.0
Farwell, David 1 5.00 $ 0.00 83.0 75.0 83.0 75.0
Osness, John 1 5.00 $ 0.00 95.0 81.0 95.0 81.0
Whitten, Scott 1 5.00 $ 0.00 89.0 79.0 89.0 79.0
Powell, Tracy 1 5.00 $ 0.00 112.0 88.0 112.0 88.0
Chan, Joseph 1 5.00 $ 0.00 97.0 83.0 97.0 83.0
Lovell, John 1 5.00 $ 0.00 94.0 87.0 94.0 87.0
Ramesh, Vinay 1 5.00 $ 0.00 76.0 77.0 76.0 77.0
Walker, Jonathan 1 5.00 $ 0.00 96.0 85.0 96.0 85.0
Martin, Jeffrey 1 5.00 $ 0.00 85.0 77.0 85.0 77.0
Huang, Aaron 1 5.00 $ 0.00 100.0 89.0 100.0 89.0
Hansen, Todd 1 5.00 $ 0.00 94.0 80.0 94.0 80.0
Chen, Nathan 1 5.00 $ 0.00 110.0 96.0 110.0 96.0
Totals:   27,097.07 $ 18,060.00