The Event

Since slow play is a potential problem for our gangs, these rules are designed to encourage play in the right spirit and at the right pace.

The Format: Teams of four. Two-ball Ambrose on Saturday, Four-ball Ambrose on Sunday.


  • Each team member tees off, and the team chooses the best tee shot. Teams continue to play their chosen best ball on each shot, and play preferred lies – you may place your ball half a club length (about 50cms) from where the chosen ball lies, no nearer the hole. Balls must be placed in the same cut as the chosen ball.
  • In the interests of fast play from tee to green, teams are NOT required to mark with a tee and precisely measure from the chosen ball as they play each shot. 
  • Putting: Once on the green, Bushrangers should mark their chosen ball so each team member plays from near enough to the exact same position.


Pace of play: Players are reminded that maintaining a good pace of play is extremely important. Please Play Ready Golf at all times, Prepare for your shot while your partners are playing; Move quickly between shots, and Keep up with the group in front.


Handicapping: Each person will be assigned a handicap based on official handicaps and information supplied by the Bushrangers. The handicapper will be governed by a commitment to rewarding good play according to a player’s ability. Team handicaps for the Ambrose groupings are calculated from the individual marks.


Playoffs: In the event of a tie, a sudden-death playoff will be conducted. Teams play together as a foursome (taking alternate strokes playing one ball). The order is continuous and carries over from one hole to the next until the playoff is decided.


NTP & Longest Drive: Will be contested on both days and any player who wins a LD or NTP wins prizes and glory for his/her entire team.


The Rodeo Rule: This is minimum drives for each team member and will be enforced. Each team’s individual rodeo requirements will appear on their scorecard.


Weather: If there is storm activity during play and the possibility of lightning, we will follow the club’s directives. Players may be asked to mark their balls and return to the clubhouse.


Scoring: We are using the Golf Genius software system for the event scoring. Prior to tee off each day, you will receive a Golf Genius ID (GGID) via SMS.  Please enter your GGID into the App to log in and keep score.  One person in each group will input all four players' stroke scores into the App after each hole.


We will also distribute paper scorecards at the event (for backup scoring) so that we have two records of the scores to cross-reference. After golf, compare your hard copy scorecard and the virtual scores on the App to ensure they match before finalising all the scores for the group via the App.