Welcome to the 2 Man Best Ball \ Scramble Portal 


Saturday 8 July -  Best Ball Foramt  @ LL

Sunday   9 July -  Scramble Foramt  @ MW


Same Tee Times each day (see tee sheets section)


2-Man, Best Ball/Scramble


  • You must be a paid LL/MW Men’s Club member or associate prior to teeing off in this tournament. All USGA Rules apply unless otherwise stated in these tournament rules. 


  • Play the white tees.  Any player who meets the LLMW MC "80-80" Rule may choose to play from the gold tees.  Females play the golds.  Handicaps will be adjusted per the 2020 World Handicap System.  If choosing to do so, the player must notify the tournament chairman when signing up. 


  • The format of this tournament is as follows: Saturday:  Best Ball @ LL;  Sunday:  Scramble @ MW.  


  • Teams exchange scorecards and keep the other team’s score.  Scoring: For the Best Ball format, keep both players score (gross) There will also be a space for the team net score.   For the Scramble format, there will be just the team score to put on the scorecard.


  • Each team is limited to a 7 stroke spread in course handicap.  If over 7, the higher handicap will be adjusted accordingly.


  • All balls will be played “down as they lie” except for the Scramble holes.  Putt the ball in the hole.  No "gimmies".


  • Best-Ball Format:  Each player plays their own ball.  The team score is the best gross score of the two.
    The individual handicap will be 85% of your playing handicap which is recommended by the USGA handicap allowance.  Best Ball scores will be posted by the tournament committee.    

  • Scramble: Each player hits a ball and the team chooses which shot to use.  Each player hits again from the chosen spot, and so forth.  You may lift, clean and place the ball within 18 inches of its lie, on the same type of surface (6 inches on greens), no nearer the hole.  Minimum 6 drives per player.  "Tap ins" are allowed.
    • The team handicap with be 35% low/15% high which is USGA recommended handicap allowance for a 2 Man scramble.