2023 Parent Child Tournament
July 29, 2023(Rain Date August 13, 2023)
A traditional “fun” tournament, a team must be comprised of a TMC member and a relative of different generation (son, granddaughter, father, uncle, etc.)
Time: 18 Hole division – 11:00am (approx.)
9 Hole division – 2:00pm (approx.)
4 Hole division – 4:00pm (approx.)
Putting Fun for Kids and Toddlers
Format: 4 hole,& 9 hole - Two person team – Alternate Shot
18 hole – two person team – 2MBB
Entry Fee: $20 per person (no charge for Putting Division)
Green fees and carts (if riding) - paid on tournament day
Entry Fee includes:
O Prizes
o Free Gift for all Guests
o Cookout after the golf, Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, and Kelly Dogs.
O Beer and soft drinks
O 18 Hole Division: Gross, Net and Callaway
O 9 Hole Division: Gross, and Callaway
O 4 hole Division: Gross, and Callaway
Entry Form
Parent Child July 29, 2022
Please make checks payable to the Tallwood Men’s Club.
Entries must be received no later than the Entry Deadline of Sunday, July 23rd
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations will be accepted up to and including Entry Deadline date. Refunds for cancellations after the Entry Deadline will require approval from the Tallwood Men’s Club board of directors.
Mail to: Tallwood Country Club
Attn: Parent Child
91 North Street
Hebron, CT 06248
TMC Member Name: ______________________________
Partner: _____________________________ Age: ______
Partner’s GHIN # if playing in 18 hole (G/N) division: ________________
List additional partner(s) information on reverse side of this form
Division: (circle one) 18 hole 9 hole 4 hole
(Optional) Please pair us with: _____________________________
Note: To be paired with another twosome, be sure they have submitted their entry form and payment.
Amount enclosed: _________ Check #: ________2 person team – $40
(Each additional guest add $20)