Players Tour (1-Day) - Edmonton Garrison Memorial G&CC Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Mon, June 12

Edmonton Garrison Memorial Golf & Curling Club / Blue - Men
Time Players
Edmonton Garrison Memorial Golf & Curling Club
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Adam Pederson Goose Hummock GR
11:06 AM Blue - Men Logan Hill + Michael Harrison
Alexander Bunner Belvedere G&CC
10:48 AM Blue - Men Dustin Ranger + Kevin Day
Andre DiBartolo Edmonton Garrison Memorial G&CC
10:39 AM Blue - Men Gary Hartford + Jeremy Beirnes
Bruce Hardy Glendale G&CC
9:09 AM Blue - Men Connor Epping + Jordan Campbell
Connor Epping McKenzie Meadows GC
9:09 AM Blue - Men Bruce Hardy + Jordan Campbell
Dallas Cantera Cardiff G&CC
10:57 AM Blue - Men Landon Lischka + Simon Butterfield
Dallas Jackson Cougar Creek GR
11:24 AM Blue - Men Kurtis Foote + Ryan McDermott
Dustin Ranger Northern Bear GC
10:48 AM Blue - Men Alexander Bunner + Kevin Day
Evan Sinclair Glendale G&CC
10:12 AM Blue - Men Markus Clift + Spencer Vandermey
Evan Van Amsterdam Highlands GC
9:18 AM Blue - Men Geoff Carew + Justin Berget
Gary Hartford Highlands GC
10:39 AM Blue - Men Andre DiBartolo + Jeremy Beirnes
Geoff Carew Windermere G&CC
9:18 AM Blue - Men Evan Van Amsterdam + Justin Berget
Greg McGarry Glendale G&CC
10:30 AM Blue - Men Jeremy Lavallee + Robb James
Jacob Cartier Glendale G&CC
9:45 AM Blue - Men Michael Thompson + Zach Rodda
Jake Behiels Cougar Creek GR
11:15 AM Blue - Men Keith Whitecotton + Kevin Black
Jameson Duckworth Belvedere G&CC
9:54 AM Blue - Men Larry Petryk + Nathan Barendregt
Jason Plosz FootJoy - Acushnet Canada
10:03 AM Blue - Men Jeff Cuthbertson + Joseph Busetto
Jeff Cuthbertson Stony Plain GC
10:03 AM Blue - Men Jason Plosz + Joseph Busetto
Jeff Mazurek Golf Traders - Edmonton
9:36 AM Blue - Men Kevin Chow + Mike McEvay
Jeff Murdoch PGA of Alberta Member
9:27 AM Blue - Men Kevin Robinson + Tyler Pecman
Jeremy Beirnes GOLFTEC Sherwood Park
10:39 AM Blue - Men Andre DiBartolo + Gary Hartford
Jeremy Lavallee Northern Bear GC
10:30 AM Blue - Men Greg McGarry + Robb James
Jody Noseworthy Edmonton Garrison Memorial G&CC
9:00 AM Blue - Men Josh Copeland + Khushmanraj Singh Sandhu
Jordan Campbell GOLFTEC Sherwood Park
9:09 AM Blue - Men Bruce Hardy + Connor Epping
Joseph Busetto Edmonton Petroleum G&CC
10:03 AM Blue - Men Jason Plosz + Jeff Cuthbertson
Josh Copeland Wainwright GC
9:00 AM Blue - Men Jody Noseworthy + Khushmanraj Singh Sandhu
Justin Berget Sturgeon Valley G&CC
9:18 AM Blue - Men Evan Van Amsterdam + Geoff Carew
Kasey Timms Leduc GC
10:21 AM Blue - Men Nick Vandermey + Shaun Piercey
Keith Whitecotton The Quarry
11:15 AM Blue - Men Jake Behiels + Kevin Black
Kevin Black Redwood Meadows G&CC
11:15 AM Blue - Men Jake Behiels + Keith Whitecotton
Kevin Chow Blackhawk GC
9:36 AM Blue - Men Jeff Mazurek + Mike McEvay
Kevin Day Billy D's GC
10:48 AM Blue - Men Alexander Bunner + Dustin Ranger
Kevin Robinson Windermere G&CC
9:27 AM Blue - Men Jeff Murdoch + Tyler Pecman
Khushmanraj Singh Sandhu GOLFTEC Sherwood Park
9:00 AM Blue - Men Jody Noseworthy + Josh Copeland
Kurtis Foote Valley Ridge Golf Academy
11:24 AM Blue - Men Dallas Jackson + Ryan McDermott
Landon Lischka Northern Bear GC
10:57 AM Blue - Men Dallas Cantera + Simon Butterfield
Larry Petryk Larry Petryk Golf Academy
9:54 AM Blue - Men Jameson Duckworth + Nathan Barendregt
Logan Hill River Bend G&RA
11:06 AM Blue - Men Adam Pederson + Michael Harrison
Markus Clift Coloniale GC
10:12 AM Blue - Men Evan Sinclair + Spencer Vandermey
Michael Harrison Coal Creek GR
11:06 AM Blue - Men Adam Pederson + Logan Hill
Michael Thompson Windermere G&CC
9:45 AM Blue - Men Jacob Cartier + Zach Rodda
Mike McEvay Cold Lake G&WC
9:36 AM Blue - Men Jeff Mazurek + Kevin Chow
Nathan Barendregt Edmonton Petroleum G&CC
9:54 AM Blue - Men Jameson Duckworth + Larry Petryk
Nick Vandermey Windermere G&CC
10:21 AM Blue - Men Kasey Timms + Shaun Piercey
Robb James Stony Plain GC
10:30 AM Blue - Men Greg McGarry + Jeremy Lavallee
Ryan McDermott Royal Mayfair GC
11:24 AM Blue - Men Dallas Jackson + Kurtis Foote
Shaun Piercey Ranch G&CC (The)
10:21 AM Blue - Men Kasey Timms + Nick Vandermey
Simon Butterfield Blackhawk GC
10:57 AM Blue - Men Dallas Cantera + Landon Lischka
Spencer Vandermey Edmonton Petroleum G&CC
10:12 AM Blue - Men Evan Sinclair + Markus Clift
Tyler Pecman Mill Woods GC
9:27 AM Blue - Men Jeff Murdoch + Kevin Robinson
Zach Rodda Cardiff G&CC
9:45 AM Blue - Men Jacob Cartier + Michael Thompson