
Player Roster

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Handle H.I.™
Anderson, Anna 30.8
Anderson, Christopher 10.5
Anderson, Julie 25.5
Anderson, Lee 24.2
Anderson, Marvin 18.3
Anderson, Shelby 40.0
Anderson, Steven 9.4
Bader, Melissa 33.9
Bader, Scott 7.3
Baldwin, Carol 22.5
Behrman, Denny 16.2
Behrman, Jane 40.4
Bennett, Fred 10.2
Benson, Eric 11.6
Benson, Kathrine 38.9
Bommersbach, Mimi 13.0
Carson, Carlie 54.0
Carson, William 4.7
Chaykin, Janet 45.7
Choiniere, Kate 12.0
Clancey, Gary 21.6
Clancey, Paula 24.8
Congdon, Jean 41.7
Crabtree, Jerry 21.6
Dahlen, Arik 5.3
Elmendorf, Kathy 16.3
Elvebak, Mel 17.4
Essman, Eric 8.9
Farris, Fred 11.0
Felker, Cat 9.2
Ford, Tom 10.3
Franssen, Monique 50.0
Geragotelis, John 6.4
Hansen, David 14.2
Hansen, Karen 18.6
Haslund, Leif 24.0
Haslund, Linda 42.3
Horn, Skip 12.1
Hossman, Carl 16.0
Hossman, Ginny 25.5
Johnson, Heidi 24.5
Johnson, William 10.6
Lacey, Michael 14.6
Lee, Dylan 5.6
LoDolce, Meg 17.3
Mansson, Jennifer 30.2
Mardesich, Mike 17.0
McMahan, Tim 5.2
Meadows, Gregory 17.5
Meadows, Jane 17.9
Minor, Cindy 14.9
Minor, Timothy 15.2
Murdy, Jared 4.3
Nakahara, Hisayo 26.9
Nakahara, John 20.4
Peterson, Dick 20.8
Peterson, Rose 29.1
Phay, Jim 16.2
Phay, Marsha 28.2
Pierce, Diane 26.9
Pierce, Doug 1.9
Pierce, Erin 16.3
Pierce, Roger 6.3
Pless, Samantha 2.3
Prewitt, Michael 15.4
Rathbun, Doug 11.8
Rathbun, Laney 32.7
Rhodes, Sara 7.5
Rosenberg, Rich 16.2
Runk, Alice 36.3
Ruse, Kirk 14.9
Ruse, Patricia 27.9
Ryan, Carol 13.8
Ryan, Michael 15.0
Sargent, Ellen 24.5
Schiffman, Leslie 21.1
Scott, Brian 12.5
Scott, Noelene 35.4
Smith, Pamela 26.8
Tod, Keith 8.0
Upchurch, Bernie 16.7
Waller, Jeff 8.5
Woodburne, Cathy 24.3
Yusoff, Irfan 7.2