2023 Macarthur Junior Masters

 Additional Local Rules - Camden GC


Play the ball as it lies


(To be read in conjunction with the GA and JNJG Local Rules and Condition of Competition Sheet and the Rules of Golf as adopted by the R&A)

Any Local Rules displayed on the clubs’ local rules board are to be disregarded for this event.

  1. OUT OF BOUNDS (Rule 18)
    1. Internal Out of Bounds – Hole 4. Any ball crossing the roadway at any point is out of bounds.


    1. All stakes defining O.O.B, Penalty Areas & Distance Markers
    2. All artificially surfaced roads & paths

Please Note – All stakes defining abnormal ground conditions and all directional signs are deemed movable.

  1. ABNORMAL COURSE CONDITION – NO PLAY ZONE – 13th Hole (Rule 16.1f)
    1. The area bounded by the continuous or dotted white line on the right hand the 13th Green (including the bunker) is a NO PLAY ZONE. Players MUST take relief using the drop zone at the front of the green.


  1. MAXIMUM SCORE FORMAT OF PLAY (Rules of Golf Rule 21.2)
    1. Maximum Score is a form of stroke play where a player’s score for a hole is capped a maximum number of strokes set by the committee. At JNJG Junior Masters Events, the maximum score for any hole is 10 strokes.


  1. Parents, Spectators and Bag Pusher Guidelines
    1. There are no caddies or bag pushers allowed at any JNJG Tour Event. See the JNJG Parents, Spectator and Bag Pusher guidelines for more details.


  1. On Course Enquiries
    1. Players may call the following numbers and either a rules official or member of the Tournament Committee will attend if possible:
  • Ed Penrose (JNJG Tournament Coordinator) – 0405 695 034
  • Isabelle Mansfield (JNJG Tournament Staff) – 0451 171 391
  • Simon Kirlew (Rules Official) – 0419 449 116
  • Peter Hines (Rules Official) – 0412 222 655


    1. In the case of a player being unable to gain assistance from one of the numbers above, the player may proceed in accordance with the procedure outlined in Rule 20.1c(3) of the Rules of Golf and nominate to play a second ball. The player must report the facts of the situation to the Committee before returning the scorecard, even if the player scores the same with both balls.


Stroke Play - Two Strokes  |  Match Play - Loss of Hole

Make sure you keep up with the group in front, carry and use a sand bucket to replace divots, and fix all pitch marks on the greens. Let’s leave the course in the same condition as when we arrived!!