Player Eligibility:


Entries are open to male amateur golfers who: 

  1. Players must be 18 & under ON August 1, 2023, and;
  2. Players are selected based on each participating associations selection criteria


Age Divisions


Proof of Age
Entrants must present “Government Issued Proof of Age” upon registration.  Those failing to do so will not be permitted to participate in the championship.


Rejection of Entries


Entries are subject to rejection at any time, including during the Championship proper by Golf Ontario. The reason for rejection may include unbecoming conduct.


Entry Procedures & Fees:


All players who have been selected to compete by their association must be submitted to Golf Ontario before the entry deadline:

July 17, 2023 @4:00PM


If a participating association needs to substitute alternate players, please notify Evan Arsenault ASAP



Schedule & Field Size:


This is a two round team & individual competition; featuring teams from 10 provincial & state associations:


• Metropolitan Golf Association

• Washington Metropolitan Golf Association

• Golf Association of Philadelphia

• Golf Quebec

• Golf Ontario

• Western Pennsylvania Golf Association

• Rochester District Golf Association

• Syracuse District Golf Association

• Delaware State Golf Association

• Buffalo District Golf Association



1. Individual Competition – 40 players eligible, 36 hole stroke-play format, the lowest scoring competitor is the Individual Medalist


2. Team Competition – 10 four-man teams eligible, each round the 3 lowest scorers will count towards the team score. The 4th team members score (highest scorer), will not contribute to the teams' score.


Monday, August 14 - Round 1, 18 Holes, 8AM & Round 2, 18 Holes, 2PM


Lowest scorer for 36 holes will be the Individual Medalist.  In the event of a tie for the championship, the winner will be determined by a hole-by-hole sudden death playoff. The playoff holes and their order of play will be determined by Golf Ontario and announced prior to the completion of the championship.



Lowest team scorer for 36 holes will be the Team Champion.  In the event of a team tie for the championship, the winner will be determined by a hole-by-hole sudden death playoff. The playoff holes and their order of play will be determined by Golf Ontario and announced prior to the completion of the championship.





Team Awards:


First Place: Gold Medal, Williamson's Cup Trophy 




Individual Awards:


First Place: Individual Medalist, Gold Medal 





Caddies are not permitted for any phase of the championship.




Coaching will be permitted during the event 


ADVICE GIVER (Model Local Rule H-2): 
a)    A maximum of one coach will be designated to give advice to members of the Men’s team at any time. A designated Coach is defined as a member of the institution’s coaching staff or an employee of the institution. 
b)    Designated Coaches will be identified to the Technical Committee before any player on the team begins his or her round.
c)    Designated Coaches will wear identification that must be worn at all times during the round. 
d)    Designated Coaches are not caddies and are only granted the ability to give advice to players as described in the Definition of Advice in the Rules of Golf. Advice must be given in a private manner that does not disrupt play. 
e)    A coach does not give advice to or ask for advice from another team’s player or coaches.
f)    Coaches are permitted to give advice to his/her team from the teeing area to the fringe of the green, Designated Coaches are not permitted on the green. 
g)    Notes, tees and/or any other item left behind by a coach and/or teammate is prohibited. 
h)    Designated Coaches are permitted use of a cart (one per team) and use of that cart is restricted to the Designated Coaches only. 
Players returning to the golf course to follow team members after their round must not communicate in any way with team members at any time during the round. 



Practice & Registration:


An official practice round will be coordinated by Golf Ontario on August 13, 2023. Teams will be notified of their practice round time 1 week prior to the championship.



Play One Ball Only in Practice Rounds - To maintain conditions of the course and speed of play, playing one ball only is permitted during the practice round with the following exceptions:

  • If a player misses the green with their stroke to the green, they may play one additional ball (provided this does not unduly delay play)
  • A player may practice putting or chipping on or near the putting green of the hole last played (provided a practice stroke is not made from a bunker or penalty area and does not unduly delay play).

Violation of this policy may result in the player being removed from the golf course and possibly receive further disciplinary action.


Registration at Championship: All players for the championship must either;

  1. Register in person with Golf Ontario at the championship site prior to their practice round on August 13, 2023;
  2. Arrive 45 minutes before the player’s first round starting time.





Golf Ontario reserves the right to alter any of the conditions, terms, provisions and/or schedules herein.