North Pacific Junior Ladies Team Matches


These matches were created by the Washington Junior Golf Association (WJGA) founder, Joan Teats in 1987, and have been contested for 36 years mostly in the State of Washington. We have recently started an association rotation.  This year in 2023, Oregon Golf Association (OGA) will host at the Trysting Tree GC in Corvallis, OR. 


The event is on Memorial Day weekend.  May 27 and 28th.  Tees times are set at 12 noon on Saturday, and 10am on Sunday.  


Oregon and Washington will team up (6 girls each) and go against 12 girls from BC!  Can you say "Canada vs USA"???? BC is boasting a 5 year winning streak (such talent), but this could be the year the USA breaks that streak! 


Round 1 is four ball matches, and Round 2 day is foursomes matches. 


The North Pacific Jr. Ladies Team Matches employs the following scoring system:


The four teams are composed of 6 players from each state/province. In all competitions, which are match play, the front nine is worth one point, the back nine is worth one point, and the 18 is worth one point. On Day One, there are three four-ball matches, for a total of nine possible points. On Day Two, there are three foursome matches (alternate shot), for a total of nine possible points, and a two-day total of a possible 18 points.