Player Event Standings

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Number Rank Player Times Played Avg. Gross Avg. Net Low Gross Low Net
1 T1 Craig Young 1 83.0 77.0 83.0 77.0
2 T1 Darren Stead 1 93.0 70.0 93.0 70.0
3 T1 Simon Hole 1 87.0 67.0 87.0 67.0
4 T1 Gary McCarthy 1 85.0 77.0 85.0 77.0
5 T1 Michael Eidne 1 91.0 75.0 91.0 75.0
6 T1 Scott Bennett 1 82.0 68.0 82.0 68.0
7 T1 Andrew Gee 1 97.0 75.0 97.0 75.0
8 T1 Michael Conroy 1 80.0 64.0 80.0 64.0
9 T1 Marcus Arcaro 1 98.0 66.0 98.0 66.0
10 T1 Nathan Ward WA 1 84.0 62.0 84.0 62.0
11 T1 Simon Thompson WA 1 100.0 79.0 100.0 79.0
12 T1 Jason Bristow 1 91.0 69.0 91.0 69.0
13 T1 Brad Morgan 1 83.0 64.0 83.0 64.0
14 T1 Phill Raso 1 92.0 77.0 92.0 77.0
15 T1 Ian Gompertz 1 80.0 78.0 80.0 78.0
16 T1 Ben Lynn 1 93.0 73.0 93.0 73.0
17 T1 Janine Pongas 1 71.0 43.0 71.0 43.0
18 T1 Steve Moore 1 95.0 67.0 95.0 67.0
19 T1 Sharanne Malkin 1 90.0 65.0 90.0 65.0
20 T1 Vince Tuck 1 82.0 64.0 82.0 64.0
21 T1 Oliver Morse 1 84.0 70.0 84.0 70.0
22 T1 Craig Dewee 1 92.0 69.0 92.0 69.0
23 T1 Paul Siwek 1 101.0 82.0 101.0 82.0
24 T1 John Poland 1 110.0 84.0 110.0 84.0
25 T1 Jason Wai 1 86.0 77.0 86.0 77.0
26 T1 Steven Watts 1 86.0 59.0 86.0 59.0
27 T1 Kevin Carney 1 88.0 60.0 88.0 60.0
28 T1 Nicki Godecke 1 100.0 65.0 100.0 65.0
29 T1 Allan Sta Ana 1 94.0 79.0 94.0 79.0
30 T1 Keith McKail 1 86.0 79.0 86.0 79.0
31 T1 Lisa Wood 1 83.0 55.0 83.0 55.0
32 T1 Richard Michell 1 75.0 66.0 75.0 66.0