2023 Miramichi Two-Man Scramble


Men’s Division 1, 2 & 3– Blue Tees

Senior Division – White Tees


Teams with one Men’s and one Senior playing member MUST play from Blue Tees


  • Ball must be played within 9 iron length from original spot of ball, no closer to the hole.
  • Ball cannot be moved from rough to fairway, woods to rough, etc.
  • Ball in Bunker or Hazard must be placed as close to the original spot as possible.
  • Every hole must be putted out.
  • Ground under repair will be clearly marked.



In which case two or more teams are tied for Overall Winner, sudden death playoff will be played on hole 1.  If no winner found they will continue to holes 2, 3 and then back to 1.



To be turned in after each round to Scorer’s table in front of Pro Shop.


Closest to the Pin – Check Your Scorecard to see what division you are in!

Saturday -        Senior’s– Holes #3 & #12

                        Division 3 – Hole #5 & #17


Sunday -          Division 1 – Holes #3 & #17

                        Division 2 - Holes #5 & #12



  • Entry must be paid prior to hitting first tee shot Saturday
  • Skins Game will be played both Saturday and Sunday
  • Two Divisions – Men’s & Seniors
  • If no skins are won Saturday, all money will be carried over to Sunday



We would like to thank our sponsors for making this tournament a successful event

Roussel Volkswagen                                         Newcastle Ready Mix

Triple H Cabinets                                            Sunny Corner Enterprises

R. Sargent Deliveries Inc                                 Physiotherapy Plus

Donald O’Neill Trucking LTD                           North Shore Construction                             

Eddy Group