Round 2 (Tue, April 11)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the league portal.

Al Lustig
Andy Arliskas
Anthony Donatello
Barry Froehle
Barry Mohler
Ben Moe
Bill Phillips
Bo Proczko
Bob Butcher
Bob Chamberlin
Bob Drinane
Bob Kallien
Bob Meagher
Bob Pearson
Bob Vergonet
Brett Warriner
Brian Dudczyk
Brian Phillips
Charles Schmalz
Chris Dekalb
Craig Wrobel
Dan Duriavich
Dan Pickert
Dan Pleckham
Dave Arnold
Dave Costa
Dave Hochberg
Dave Stephens
Denny Meo
Denny Wiles
Dick Mueller
Don Adams
Don Pesola
Doug Somerlot
Doug West
Ed West
Gary Manchester
George Weber
Glen Coker
Greg Jonsson
Greg Michels
Greg Sullivan
Guy Groot
Harry Camp
Jeff Duncan
Jeff Farren
Jeff Johnson
Jeff Nichols
Jeff Phillips
Jeff Thilgen
Jerry Elliott
Jerry Guthke
Jerry Miller
Jerry Nelson
Jim Griffith
Jim Hines
Jim Nasti
Jim Sheehan
Joe Amore
John Steiner
John Tebrugge
Jon Jackman
JT Wood
Ken Fron
Ken Parch
Kevin True
Larry Lynd
Larry Soehrman
Lou Tinucci
Mario Jimenez
Mark Gensler
Mark King
Mark Mathews
Mel Murray
Mike Dollman
Mike Hamilton
Nels Jacobson
Paul Finlon
Paul Nottke
Randy Ferguson
Ray Eberhardt
Ray Goblet
Rich Tinsley
Richard Todd
Rick Milheron
Rick Nelson
Rick Williams
Roger Sawdey
Steve Cope
Steve Jess
Steve Larson
Steve Ruske
Steve Thomason
Ted Hunt
Terry Strong
Tim Miller
Tim Totman
Tom Komaniecki
Tom Noonan
Tony Charlton
Vincent Frey
Warren Majerus
Wayne Hungerford
Wayne Szepelak
William Steadman