• Two-person net better ball consisting of five 9-hole matches.  Points are accumulated as follows:  1 point for winning a hole, ½ point for tying a hole, and 1 point for winning the match.  If the match is tied after 9 holes, each team will get ½ point.  Each match is worth a maximum of 10 points.  There is no maximum number of points that can be won.  The team with the most points in their flight will qualify for the Shootout.  Two Wild Card teams will also qualify for the Shootout.  The Wild Card teams will have the most points won in Match 4 and 5 combined yet do not win their flight.  Handicaps will be given off of the low handicap in the group during the matches, and adjustments will be made when different tees are played in the same match (see below).
  • Handicap indexes were determined from your overall low, June 1, 2021-May 31, 2022.
  • In the event of a tie for:
  • FLIGHT WINNERS - Head-to-head match results, then go backward from Match 5.
  • WILD CARD - Head-to-head match results if possible, then go backward from Match 5.


  • All players will play the tees they signed up for at registration. With the removal of rule 3-5, there will not be an adjustment for players playing different sets of tees. Each player will be given a “playing handicap” for each match.           



  • USGA rules apply unless noted otherwise by these local rules.
    • Out of bounds is defined by white stakes, adjacent roadways, and bordering fences.
    • Ground under repair is defined by white paint.
    • The embedded ball rule is to be played through the green in all maintained areas.
    • The drop area on hole #16 is the forward teeing area.
    • Please use drop area to the right of #18 if a ball comes to rest across the cart path and is not on the concrete patio.  If it comes to rest on the patio, it is out of bounds.
    • A ball coming to rest in or next to a flower bed or staked tree must be removed and dropped without penalty no closer to the hole.
  • You may remove small stones from bunkers.
  • All yardage measuring devices are eligible for use.
  • Concession of stroke – When a stroke is conceded, the player must pick his ball.  If he does not pick it up, it is loss of hole for the team.  (Rule 7-2) (Rule 30-3f)
  • All areas with new sod will be played as ground under repair. You may not get free relief from silt fences.
  • The 14-club rule is in effect.
  • Penalty areas are marked with the appropriate colored paint or stakes.
  • If your ball enters a Native Grass area, please play a provisional ball.  You may play the ball as it lies under no penalty, or you may play your provisional ball with the appropriate stroke and distance penalty.
  • As to doubt of procedure, the player may play a second ball.  Please record both scores and get a ruling upon completion of play.​​​​​​​
  • In case of inclement weather, you will hear 3 short horn blasts.  Mark your position and return to the clubhouse immediately.  You will hear 1 short horn blast when all is clear and you can begin play again.
  • In the case of a cancellation of the tournament, winners will be awarded based on overall point totals after completed matches. If there is a tie in point totals, we will then start from match 5 and work backwards.
  • In case there is a tie in point totals within flights, the flight winner will be determined by head-to-head matches and then by match 5 working backwards.
  • If a team is late to a match, every hole that was not played by the tardy team will be a loss of hole.
  • Teams are guaranteed a minimum of 7 points for teams that no show or drop out.
  • The Golf Professional staff reserves the right to adjust handicaps for the second day if obvious inequality exists.