Player Roster
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Handle | PGA | Pro or Amateur |
Anthony OTTERSTROM | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Cedric LESCUT | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Christophe PAPE | - | Amateur |
Christophe SECULIER | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Daan YSENBAERT | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Dany VANBEGIN | PGA of Belgium | Professional |
Didier DYKMANS | PGA of Belgium | Professional |
Eric DE DONCKER | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Eric FREUND | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Flory VERCRUYCE | PGA of Belgium | Professional |
Franco ISOLA | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Gaetan WEYDTS | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Gaetan-Bernard FASTREZ | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Gavin SINGLETON | PGA of Belgium | Professional |
Geert GYSELINCK | - | Amateur |
George MACKECHNIE | PGA of Belgium | Professional |
Harry DE DONCKER | - | Amateur |
Hendrik VAN CAUTER | - | Amateur |
Jack VAN DE HEYNING | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Jens VAN OVERVELDT | - | Amateur |
Jordan FRENAY | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Koen DIERCKX | - | Amateur |
Laurent RICHARD | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Loick BAUMANS | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Maric DAERDEN | - | Amateur |
Olivier WITHOFS | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Patrick VAN CAMPENHOUT | PGA of Belgium | Professional |
Ruben DE VLEESCHHOUWER | - | Amateur |
Sam ROTTIE | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Stephane CHAPEL | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Tanguy MARIONEX | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Thibaut LEYS | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Tim PLANCHIN | PGA of Belgium | Pro |
Veronique VERHAEGEN | PGA of Belgium | Professional |
Xavier Ruiz Fonhof | PGA Holland | Pro |