Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ | Affiliation |
Alex Burnett | 2.1 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Allen Roth | 7.8 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Amir Ansari | 2.8 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Andrew Hahn | +1.0 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Andy Udinsky | 5.1 | Carolina Trace Country Club |
Anthony Ayers | 2.7 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Anthony Pennington | 14.8 | Carolina Trace Country Club |
Ashley Berry | +0.8 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
Austin Gurney | 2.3 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Ben Esposito | +3.8 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
Bernie Porter | 8.0 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Bill Garrett | 4.9 | Carolina Trace Country Club |
Billy Crawford | 3.8 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Brad Martin | 3.8 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Brad Salmon | 6.3 | Carolina Trace Country Club |
Brant Hensley | +1.3 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Brian Fuelleman | 4.4 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Brian Mathis | 6.6 | Carolina Trace Country Club |
Brian Soderquist | 9.2 | Carolina Trace Country Club |
Britt Mitchell | +1.6 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Caleb Rogers | 9.9 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Cape Chappell | 3.9 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Chad McDowell | +3.0 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Chamberlain Hill | 2.5 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Chris Catha | 6.4 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Chris Champagne | 9.8 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Chris Hoskins | 10.9 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
Corey Cooper | 12.1 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
Corey Hassel | +1.7 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Craig Belden | 4.6 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Craig Hutson | 5.8 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Dan Ozaki | 8.7 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Danny Lloyd | 5.4 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Darren Doyle | 12.9 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Darrin Williams | 4.0 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Dave Mills | 3.6 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
David Bateman | 5.4 | Carolina Trace Country Club |
David Butts | 8.2 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
David Pike | 2.8 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
Dustin Rosa | 1.7 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Earl Donnelly | +0.4 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Eric Griesbach | 17.5 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
Eric Hartman | 6.8 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Eric Sayer | +0.1 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Evan Womble | 5.8 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Gerrett Hutson | 4.1 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Greg Flicek | 3.0 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Greg Gorczynski | 4.6 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Greg Martin | 8.5 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Greg Wassil | 4.9 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Gregory Kraemer | 7.8 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Ihab Guirguis | 14.3 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
Jason Garrett | +0.5 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Jason Napier | +0.3 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Jason Rheaume | 5.2 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Jay Horton | 7.7 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Jeff Ricks | 3.4 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Jeffrey Bruce | 2.6 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Joe Desanto | 8.7 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
John Benson | 1.8 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
John Blythe | 3.8 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
John Cook | 4.7 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
John Kenlan | 4.7 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
John Powell | 6.6 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
John Schmucker | 14.1 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
John Snow | 4.9 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Joseph Hughes | 4.7 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Joseph Ristaino | 7.5 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Josh Ford | 4.0 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Josh MacIver | 5.5 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Justin Hall | +1.5 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Kasey McKeon | 5.0 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Kevin Coggins | 2.2 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Leon Montgomery | 8.4 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Logan Snow | +0.9 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Mark Clemens | 5.1 | Carolina Trace Country Club |
Mark McKenna | 1.9 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
Matt Gammon | +0.6 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Matt Talley | 11.3 | Carolina Trace Country Club |
Michael Bink | 4.9 | Carolina Trace Country Club |
Michael Garnett | 8.9 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Michael Glick | 6.9 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Michael Julian | 4.6 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Michael Kelly | 3.9 | Carolina Trace Country Club |
Michael Powell | 0.8 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Michael Rheaume | 13.5 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Mike Kelly | 0.2 | Carolina Trace Country Club |
Mike King | 6.7 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Mike Martin | 4.4 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
Mike Storey | 4.3 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Neale Boecke | 6.3 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
Nic Curl | 12.0 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Nick Martin | 11.3 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
Pete Luster | 0.8 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Phillip Lowdermilk | +0.9 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Randy Hayward | 12.7 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
Richard Caira | 15.3 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Richard Felch | 6.7 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Richard Maude | 12.0 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Rob Church | 8.0 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
Rob Robertson | 3.4 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Robert Lejarre | 13.4 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Ryan Braun | 3.5 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
Scott Ellis | 7.7 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Scott Grimes | 6.4 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
Scott Newnam | 1.6 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Scott Tinervin | 4.5 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Scott Tolley | 5.5 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Sean Cross | 10.3 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
Seth Adams | 3.7 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Stephen Brandt | 10.2 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Stephen Fruh | 5.6 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Stephen Glaser | 2.9 | Carolina Trace Country Club |
Stephen Salmon | 0.6 | Carolina Trace Country Club |
Steve Waltman | 3.0 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Steven Wright | 2.3 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Taylor Peel | 5.2 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Ted Million | 8.6 | Umstead Pines Golf & C.C. |
Terry Bryant | 4.4 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
Thomas Hall | 3.2 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Thomas Sorensen | 9.0 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Tim Walker | 0.2 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Travis Daly | 9.5 | Chapel Ridge Golf Club |
Van Brogden | 8.8 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |
Vann Graham | 6.9 | Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C. |
Zach Swink | +1.1 | Stoney Creek Golf Club |