
Player Roster

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Handle H.I.™ Affiliation
Alex Burnett 2.1 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Allen Roth 7.8 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Amir Ansari 2.8 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Andrew Hahn +1.0 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Andy Udinsky 5.1 Carolina Trace Country Club
Anthony Ayers 2.7 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Anthony Pennington 14.8 Carolina Trace Country Club
Ashley Berry +0.8 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Austin Gurney 2.3 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Ben Esposito +3.8 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Bernie Porter 8.0 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Bill Garrett 4.9 Carolina Trace Country Club
Billy Crawford 3.8 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Brad Martin 3.8 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Brad Salmon 6.3 Carolina Trace Country Club
Brant Hensley +1.3 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Brian Fuelleman 4.4 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Brian Mathis 6.6 Carolina Trace Country Club
Brian Soderquist 9.2 Carolina Trace Country Club
Britt Mitchell +1.6 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Caleb Rogers 9.9 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Cape Chappell 3.9 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Chad McDowell +3.0 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Chamberlain Hill 2.5 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Chris Catha 6.4 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Chris Champagne 9.8 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Chris Hoskins 10.9 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Corey Cooper 12.1 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Corey Hassel +1.7 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Craig Belden 4.6 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Craig Hutson 5.8 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Dan Ozaki 8.7 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Danny Lloyd 5.4 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Darren Doyle 12.9 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Darrin Williams 4.0 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Dave Mills 3.6 Stoney Creek Golf Club
David Bateman 5.4 Carolina Trace Country Club
David Butts 8.2 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
David Pike 2.8 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Dustin Rosa 1.7 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Earl Donnelly +0.4 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Eric Griesbach 17.5 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Eric Hartman 6.8 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Eric Sayer +0.1 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Evan Womble 5.8 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Gerrett Hutson 4.1 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Greg Flicek 3.0 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Greg Gorczynski 4.6 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Greg Martin 8.5 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Greg Wassil 4.9 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Gregory Kraemer 7.8 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Ihab Guirguis 14.3 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Jason Garrett +0.5 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Jason Napier +0.3 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Jason Rheaume 5.2 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Jay Horton 7.7 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Jeff Ricks 3.4 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Jeffrey Bruce 2.6 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Joe Desanto 8.7 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
John Benson 1.8 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
John Blythe 3.8 Stoney Creek Golf Club
John Cook 4.7 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
John Kenlan 4.7 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
John Powell 6.6 Stoney Creek Golf Club
John Schmucker 14.1 Stoney Creek Golf Club
John Snow 4.9 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Joseph Hughes 4.7 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Joseph Ristaino 7.5 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Josh Ford 4.0 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Josh MacIver 5.5 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Justin Hall +1.5 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Kasey McKeon 5.0 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Kevin Coggins 2.2 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Leon Montgomery 8.4 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Logan Snow +0.9 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Mark Clemens 5.1 Carolina Trace Country Club
Mark McKenna 1.9 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Matt Gammon +0.6 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Matt Talley 11.3 Carolina Trace Country Club
Michael Bink 4.9 Carolina Trace Country Club
Michael Garnett 8.9 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Michael Glick 6.9 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Michael Julian 4.6 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Michael Kelly 3.9 Carolina Trace Country Club
Michael Powell 0.8 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Michael Rheaume 13.5 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Mike Kelly 0.2 Carolina Trace Country Club
Mike King 6.7 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Mike Martin 4.4 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Mike Storey 4.3 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Neale Boecke 6.3 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Nic Curl 12.0 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Nick Martin 11.3 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Pete Luster 0.8 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Phillip Lowdermilk +0.9 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Randy Hayward 12.7 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Richard Caira 15.3 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Richard Felch 6.7 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Richard Maude 12.0 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Rob Church 8.0 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Rob Robertson 3.4 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Robert Lejarre 13.4 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Ryan Braun 3.5 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Scott Ellis 7.7 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Scott Grimes 6.4 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Scott Newnam 1.6 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Scott Tinervin 4.5 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Scott Tolley 5.5 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Sean Cross 10.3 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Seth Adams 3.7 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Stephen Brandt 10.2 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Stephen Fruh 5.6 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Stephen Glaser 2.9 Carolina Trace Country Club
Stephen Salmon 0.6 Carolina Trace Country Club
Steve Waltman 3.0 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Steven Wright 2.3 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Taylor Peel 5.2 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Ted Million 8.6 Umstead Pines Golf & C.C.
Terry Bryant 4.4 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Thomas Hall 3.2 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Thomas Sorensen 9.0 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Tim Walker 0.2 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Travis Daly 9.5 Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Van Brogden 8.8 Stoney Creek Golf Club
Vann Graham 6.9 Preserve at Jordan Lake G.C.
Zach Swink +1.1 Stoney Creek Golf Club