Men’s Wednesday Night Scramble
Rules of Play
Date/Time: Every Wednesday at 5:30pm (April – September)
Sign Up: Click playing when you receive the invitation on Weds morning or call or be at the shop by 5:15pm
Format: Scramble (based on number of participants)
Blind draw based on handicap
You may improve your lie one club length “through the green”
You may not build a stance or lie (i.e., use your club to build a tee, use objects to build a tee, etc.)
Men – White Tees
60 & Up – Green Tees
70 & Up - Red Tees
Fee: $3 per week
$2 Entry Fee (contribution to Assistant Education Fund)
$1 Powerball (Blind drawn skins game each week)
Powerball will carry over if no winner
Payout: $5 per shot per person (maximum $20)