
Player Roster

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Handle H.I.™
Jeff Eul 17.5
Aaron Soule 17.0
Alec Winter 14.6
Andy Althoff 0.4
Athen Ashton 14.0
Babe Ogorman 16.0
Ben Delkoski 14.0
Bill Bodin 7.5
Bob Banks 17.8
Bob Bodin 10.3
Brady Soule 18.0
Bravin Myrvold 1.7
Brett Kochendorfer 7.0
Brian Cairns 18.0
Bryan Meyer 5.9
Cary Wenzel 20.4
Chase White 12.0
Chris Bale 19.0
Chris Otto 19.2
Connor Brown 15.5
Corey McKenzie 14.0
Dan Bighley 12.8
Dan Gullickson 0.0
Darin Lundell 12.5
Darrel Judkins 26.0
David Adascheck 8.9
David Rapp 19.0
Dayne Eich 13.0
Doug Rechtzigel 11.9
Eric Peterson 8.5
Eric Zimmerman 20.4
George Groff 24.0
Gilly 5.0
Greg Ohlhues 16.4
Hank Brobeck 15.5
Jake Horsch 10.5
James Hoey 22.5
Jason Dayton 12.0
Jason Wahlberg 17.0
Jay Griep 5.7
Jeb Burke 18.0
Jeff Drugg 8.5
Jeff Taffe 14.0
Jeff Zlonis 17.0
Jeromy Trebil 28.0
Jerry Schultz 10.5
Jim Koslowski 14.4
Jim Olson 21.7
Jim Pagel 22.1
Jim Rignotti 17.5
Jim Trebil 26.0
Jimmy Walker 21.0
Joe Ogorman 17.1
Joe Schmidt 18.5
John Anderson 11.5
John Wegmann 19.3
John Weiderholt 9.0
Jon Soule 20.6
Ken Elias 22.3
Kevin Robinson 26.4
Kory Barsness 15.5
Kyle Johnson 26.0
Levi Kuehn 8.1
Mark Dunbar 9.4
Marty Shindlar 22.5
Matt Czaplewski 14.0
Michael Pakkala 1.8
Michael Buselmeier 19.7
Mike Anderson 3.7
Mike Delkoski 17.5
Mike Franke 9.9
Mike Garin 6.4
Mike Gasper 13.0
Mike Loudan 17.5
Mike McQuiod 17.5
Mike Pietsch 22.5
Mike Thompson 22.4
Mitch Banks 17.5
Neil McKenzie 17.5
Nick Altenforfer 15.5
Nick Garden 14.0
Nick Simon 23.1
Nick Zablonski 23.5
Nik Sharp 15.9
Noel Larson 20.0
Paul Heine 6.0
Paul Althoff 12.7
Paul Menke 18.0
Pete Tountas 8.5
Randy Asher 18.0
Randy Nelson 19.3
Rick Judkins 24.5
Rick Kochendorfer 18.5
Rick Larsen 6.1
Rod Prink 27.5
Roddy Thielbar 8.7
Ron Sauter 22.0
Russ Triemert 13.9
Ryan Baker 26.0
Sam Ringsted 16.0
Scott Luhman 9.0
Scott Chapman 16.1
Scott Mann 9.0
Seth Narva 6.0
Steve Brown 14.7
Steve Hildebrandt 11.1
Steve Hoey 10.8
Steve Krech 15.0
Steve Schafer 24.2
Steven Dabelow 26.1
Terry Kochendorfer 8.5
Tim Craven 26.0
Tim Luhman 3.9
Tim Marthaler 29.7
Tom Mandt 19.0
Tom Pohl 19.0
Tony Brown 0.0
Tyler Judkins 17.0
Wade Sharp 8.3
Wes Knodt 25.5