SGA Queenstown Golf Week





Welcome to the 2023 Queenstown Golf Week.


It is a delight to be hosting you on what we hope will be an amazing adventure!


Social Golf Australia’s Matt Pitt and Mick David are your official tournament hosts, and will be staying with you at the Ramada (the Event HQ) as well as attending the golf courses each day should you have any questions. They will also be supported by Julie Ridler, whom many of you know as our trusted partner from the SGA Championships. 


Stephen Jensen from our on-ground partner Peak Golf Queenstown will be in attendance throughout the week, managing our transportation and logistics.



Mick David: 0402 488 253.

Matthew Pitt: 0425 742 501.

Ricardo Walkes: 0415 897 554

Julie Ridler: 0420 942 204

Stephen Jensen (On-Ground Partner) +64 21 784 339


WhatsApp Group

The WhatsApp group chat, as well as this portal, will be our main forms of communicating with players. We suggest connecting to WiFi once you arrive at the Resort to ensure you don’t miss any messages and updates.


WhatsApp Group Link