Player Roster
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Pro or Amateur | H.I.™ | Handle | PGA |
Am | 5.7 | Christophe PAPE | - |
Am | 13.5 | Dennis GEUSENS | - |
Am | 18.5 | Geert GYSELINCK | - |
Am | 7.6 | Harry DE DONCKER | - |
Am | 6.7 | Jens VAN OVERVELDT | - |
Am | 23.6 | Koen DIERCKX | - |
Am | 3.3 | Maric DAERDEN | - |
Am | 6.4 | Paul VAN dEN EYNDE | - |
Am | 9.0 | Roel DEBECKKER | - |
Am | 9.0 | Simon EILERS | - |
Pro | Anthony OTTERSTROM | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Arnaud BAL | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Arnaud BEAUPAIN | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Christophe ROCHUS | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Daan YSENBAERT | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Didier BONNI | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Eric DE DONCKER | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Eric FREUND | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Flory VERCRUYCE | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Franco ISOLA | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Gaetan WEYDTS | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Gaetan-Bernard FASTREZ | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Geoffrey BEERNAERT | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Giovanni TADIOTTO | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Jack VAN DE HEYNING | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Justine DREHER | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Karl SNEBBOUT | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Kris GRUWEZ | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Lars BUIJS | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Loick BAUMANS | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Maxime MORIAME | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Olivier ROCHUS | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Olivier WITHOFS | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Patrick VAN CAMPENHOUT | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Raphael MARGUERY | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Richard COPPENS | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Sam ROTTIE | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Simon GHYSEL | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Stephane CHAPEL | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Tanguy MARIONEX | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Thibault WERBROUCK | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Thibaut LEYS | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Tim PLANCHIN | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Wouter DE VRIES | PGA of Belgium | |
Pro | Yannick MEULEMAN | PGA of Belgium | |
Professional | Gavin SINGLETON | PGA of Belgium |