Indigenous Championship British Columbia Tee Sheet

Round 2 - Tue, May 30

Nk'mip Canyon Desert Golf Course
Time Players
Nk'mip Canyon Desert Golf Course
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Bailey, Cody North Central Metis
12:49 PM Blue - Indigenous Championship Feist, Jamin / Krahn, Austin / Louie, Kelsey
Bak, Jason Tsawwassen First Nation
7:30 AM White (Men's) - Indigenous Champ Carne, John / Leonard, Sonny / Majore, Jason
Balogh-Callow, Jordan 623: Cape Mudge
12:38 PM Blue - Indigenous Championship Baptiste, Tony / Brook, Wyatt / johnston, Landon
Baptiste, James "Jedidiah" Osoyoos Indian band
1:00 PM Blue - Indigenous Championship Ferguson, Harry / Montgomery, Jonas / Paquette, Dillon
Baptiste, Sam Osoyoos Indian Band (596)
8:25 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship LeSarge, Terry / Morrow, Lance
Baptiste, Tony OSOYOOS INDIAN BAND(596)
12:38 PM Blue - Indigenous Championship Balogh-Callow, Jordan / Brook, Wyatt / johnston, Landon
9:09 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Pruden, Trevor / Thomas, Darryn
Bird, Adam Adams Lake Band
8:03 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Dunn, Denis / Holenstein, Brayden / Ogen, Reg
Boots, Tyren Akwesasne
8:14 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Casavant, Denis / Schuetze, Joel / Scobie, Bob
Brook, Brody Okanagan
11:10 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Hunt, Kale / Passeri, Caen
Brook, Wyatt OKIB - Okanagan Indian Band
12:38 PM Blue - Indigenous Championship Balogh-Callow, Jordan / Baptiste, Tony / johnston, Landon
Buffalo , Roger OIB
8:58 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Parnell, Willis / Paul, Kolby / Schuetze, Rolf
Campo, Scott Squamish Nation
8:36 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Casey, Steve / Courson, Don / Vermillion, Neil
Carne, John Chilliwack Metis
7:30 AM White (Men's) - Indigenous Champ Bak, Jason / Leonard, Sonny / Majore, Jason
Casavant, Denis MNBC
8:14 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Boots, Tyren / Schuetze, Joel / Scobie, Bob
Casavant, Kim Metis Nation BC
9:53 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Erickson, Dustin / Fitt, Charles / Johnston, Fred
Casey, Steve TS’KW’AYLAXW Nation
8:36 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Campo, Scott / Courson, Don / Vermillion, Neil
Charles, Josh Beecher Bay/Spirit Bay Sooke, BC
9:20 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Hudson, Jeremy / Williams, Milton
Courson, Don metis Kootenay
8:36 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Campo, Scott / Casey, Steve / Vermillion, Neil
Coutu, Ryan Métis
12:27 PM Blue - Indigenous Championship Ivers, James / Mann, Ryder / Pedersen, James
Dunn, Denis Lower Nicola Indian Band First Nations
8:03 AM White (Men's) - Indigenous Champ Bird, Adam / Holenstein, Brayden / Ogen, Reg
Elliott, Garrett Cowichan Tribes
10:37 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Larocque, Darren / Pukacz, Jared / Sparrow, Brett
Erickson, Dustin Nak'azdli Whut’en First Nation
9:53 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Casavant, Kim / Fitt, Charles / Johnston, Fred
Evans, Maurice Okanogan Driftpile Nation (AB)
7:52 AM White (Men's) - Indigenous Champ Jack, OJ / Johnson, Jerry / Williams, Max
Feist, Jamin Osoyoos Indian band
12:49 PM Blue - Indigenous Championship Bailey, Cody / Krahn, Austin / Louie, Kelsey
Ferguson, Harry Sturgeon Lake
1:00 PM Blue - Indigenous Championship Baptiste, James "Jedidiah" / Montgomery, Jonas / Paquette, Dillon
Fitt, Charles Metis
9:53 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Casavant, Kim / Erickson, Dustin / Johnston, Fred
Flaherty, Darcy Métis Nation British Columbia
10:04 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Gervais, Landon / Hartman, Shane / Krahn, David
Fraser, Judy Cumberland house Cree nation
11:21 AM Red - Indigenous Championship Gerard, Jeannette / Morgan, Gloria / Paquette, Morris
Gerard, Jeannette Vermillion Forks Metis Association, Princeton, BC
11:21 AM Red - Indigenous Championship Fraser, Judy / Morgan, Gloria / Paquette, Morris
Gervais, Landon Metis BC
10:04 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Flaherty, Darcy / Hartman, Shane / Krahn, David
Hartman, Shane Nakazdli whuten
10:04 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Flaherty, Darcy / Gervais, Landon / Krahn, David
Hinkey, Joan Cree nation
12:16 PM White (Women's) - Indig Champ Jack, Kylie / Nielsen, Rachelle / Spence Proteau, Christina
Holenstein, Brayden wet'suwet'en First Nation
8:03 AM White (Men's) - Indigenous Champ Bird, Adam / Dunn, Denis / Ogen, Reg
Houle, Lannie Goodfish Lake
11:32 AM White (Women's) - Indig Champ Smyth, Maya / Webster, Lisa
Hudson, Jeremy Kwaw Kwaw Apilt
9:20 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Charles, Josh / Williams, Milton
Hunt, Joel Haisla
10:15 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Letendre, Remy / Louie, Trenton / Payment, Matthew
Hunt, Kale Kwakiutl
11:10 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Brook, Brody / Passeri, Caen
Ivers, James Metis Nation of BC
12:27 PM Blue - Indigenous Championship Coutu, Ryan / Mann, Ryder / Pedersen, James
Jack, Kylie Penticton Indian Band
12:16 PM White (Women's) - Indig Champ Hinkey, Joan / Nielsen, Rachelle / Spence Proteau, Christina
Jack, OJ Penticton Indian Band
7:52 AM White (Men's) - Indigenous Champ Evans, Maurice / Johnson, Jerry / Williams, Max
Jack, Sharon Osoyoos Indian Band
12:05 PM White (Women's) - Indig Champ LEECH, ANDREA / Mussell, Lara / Wells, Crystal
Johnson, Jerry Sechelt Nation
7:52 AM White (Men's) - Indigenous Champ Evans, Maurice / Jack, OJ / Williams, Max
Johnston, Fred Lheidli tenneh
9:53 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Casavant, Kim / Erickson, Dustin / Fitt, Charles
Kelly, Patrick Leq'Aimel
9:31 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Louie, Robert / Trask, David / Vermillion, Roy
Krahn, Austin Mohawks of Akwesasne
12:49 PM Blue - Indigenous Championship Bailey, Cody / Feist, Jamin / Louie, Kelsey
Krahn, David Mohawks of Ahkesasne
10:04 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Flaherty, Darcy / Gervais, Landon / Hartman, Shane
Krahn, Mitchell Mohawks of Akwesasne
10:59 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Letendre, Craig / McMillan, Jared Walter
LEECH, ANDREA Ts'kwaylaxw First Nation
12:05 PM White (Women's) - Indig Champ Jack, Sharon / Mussell, Lara / Wells, Crystal
Larocque, Darren Metis Nation of Alberta
10:37 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Elliott, Garrett / Pukacz, Jared / Sparrow, Brett
LeSarge, Terry Metis
8:25 AM White (Men's) - Indigenous Champ Baptiste, Sam / Morrow, Lance
Leon, Ralph Kwaw-kwaw-apilt
8:47 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Miller , Austin / Smith, Brad / Williams, Race
Leonard, Sonny Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc
7:30 AM White (Men's) - Indigenous Champ Bak, Jason / Carne, John / Majore, Jason
Letendre, Craig Kelly lake B.C. Métis
10:59 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Krahn, Mitchell / McMillan, Jared Walter
Letendre, Remy Metis
10:15 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Hunt, Joel / Louie, Trenton / Payment, Matthew
Louie, Kelsey Tla’Amin Nation
12:49 PM Blue - Indigenous Championship Bailey, Cody / Feist, Jamin / Krahn, Austin
Louie, Robert Westbank First Nation
9:31 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Kelly, Patrick / Trask, David / Vermillion, Roy
Louie, Trenton Westbank First Nation
10:15 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Hunt, Joel / Letendre, Remy / Payment, Matthew
Majore, Jason Haida/Metis
7:30 AM White (Men's) - Indigenous Champ Bak, Jason / Carne, John / Leonard, Sonny
Mann, Ryder Lheidli T’enneh
12:27 PM Blue - Indigenous Championship Coutu, Ryan / Ivers, James / Pedersen, James
McGinnis, Joe Osoyoos Indian Band
7:41 AM White (Men's) - Indigenous Champ Montgomery, Bob / Narcisse, Randy / Wagar, Colby
McKeage, Waverly Osoyoos golf club
11:43 AM Red - Indigenous Championship Palmer, Michelle / Teneese, Kathryn / Wellington, Darlene
McMillan, Jared Walter Nisga'a
10:59 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Krahn, Mitchell / Letendre, Craig
Miller , Austin Coldwater band out of merrit bc, canada.
8:47 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Leon, Ralph / Smith, Brad / Williams, Race
Montgomery, Bob Penticton Indian Band
7:41 AM White (Men's) - Indigenous Champ McGinnis, Joe / Narcisse, Randy / Wagar, Colby
1:00 PM Blue - Indigenous Championship Baptiste, James "Jedidiah" / Ferguson, Harry / Paquette, Dillon
Morgan, Gloria Splatsin First Nation
11:21 AM Red - Indigenous Championship Fraser, Judy / Gerard, Jeannette / Paquette, Morris
Morgan, Mike Metis
10:26 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Robbins, Anthony / Walkus, Leslie / Yoachim, William
Morrow, Lance Gwich'in
8:25 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Baptiste, Sam / LeSarge, Terry
Mussell, Lara Skwah (Sqwá) First Nation
12:05 PM White (Women's) - Indig Champ Jack, Sharon / LEECH, ANDREA / Wells, Crystal
Mussell, Tana Skwah First Nation
11:54 AM White (Women's) - Indig Champ Oland, Maggie / WILLIAMS, CHERIE / Zachariuk, Keala
Narcisse, Randy Neskonlith
7:41 AM White (Men's) - Indigenous Champ McGinnis, Joe / Montgomery, Bob / Wagar, Colby
Nielsen, Rachelle Kispiox
12:16 PM White (Women's) - Indig Champ Hinkey, Joan / Jack, Kylie / Spence Proteau, Christina
Ogen, Reg Wet'suwat'en
8:03 AM White (Men's) - Indigenous Champ Bird, Adam / Dunn, Denis / Holenstein, Brayden
Oland, Maggie L'il Wat Nation I am a band member.
11:54 AM White (Women's) - Indig Champ Mussell, Tana / WILLIAMS, CHERIE / Zachariuk, Keala
Palmer, Michelle Caribou Chilcotin Métis
11:43 AM White (Women's) - Indig Champ McKeage, Waverly / Teneese, Kathryn / Wellington, Darlene
Paquette, Dillon Saulteau First Nations
1:00 PM Blue - Indigenous Championship Baptiste, James "Jedidiah" / Ferguson, Harry / Montgomery, Jonas
Paquette, Morris Saulteau, Moberly Lake
11:21 AM White (Men's) - Indigenous Champ Fraser, Judy / Gerard, Jeannette / Morgan, Gloria
Parnell, Willis Haida - Old Massett
8:58 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Buffalo , Roger / Paul, Kolby / Schuetze, Rolf
Passeri, Caen ?Esdilagh
11:10 AM White (Men's) - Indigenous Champ Brook, Brody / Hunt, Kale
Paul, Kolby Peace River
8:58 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Buffalo , Roger / Parnell, Willis / Schuetze, Rolf
Payment, Matthew Garden River First Nation Lil’wat Nation
10:15 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Hunt, Joel / Letendre, Remy / Louie, Trenton
Pedersen, James taku river
12:27 PM Blue - Indigenous Championship Coutu, Ryan / Ivers, James / Mann, Ryder
Pruden, Trevor Metis
9:09 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Bartsch, Graham / Thomas, Darryn
Pukacz, Jared Squamish First Nation
10:37 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Elliott, Garrett / Larocque, Darren / Sparrow, Brett
Robbins, Anthony Esketemc first nation
10:26 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Morgan, Mike / Walkus, Leslie / Yoachim, William
Schuetze, Joel Williams Lake First Nation
8:14 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Boots, Tyren / Casavant, Denis / Scobie, Bob
8:58 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Buffalo , Roger / Parnell, Willis / Paul, Kolby
Scobie, Bob Gull Bay First Nations
8:14 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Boots, Tyren / Casavant, Denis / Schuetze, Joel
Smith, Brad Gitsxan
8:47 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Leon, Ralph / Miller , Austin / Williams, Race
Smyth, Maya Cree
11:32 AM White (Women's) - Indig Champ Houle, Lannie / Webster, Lisa
Sparrow, Brett Musqueam Indian Band
10:37 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Elliott, Garrett / Larocque, Darren / Pukacz, Jared
Spence Proteau, Christina Métis
12:16 PM White (Women's) - Indig Champ Hinkey, Joan / Jack, Kylie / Nielsen, Rachelle
Teneese, Kathryn Ktunaxa Nation (Akisqnuk FN)
11:43 AM White (Women's) - Indig Champ McKeage, Waverly / Palmer, Michelle / Wellington, Darlene
Thomas, Darryn Nak'azdli Whut'en
9:09 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Bartsch, Graham / Pruden, Trevor
Trask, David Squamish Nation
9:31 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Kelly, Patrick / Louie, Robert / Vermillion, Roy
Vermillion, Neil Westbank
8:36 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Campo, Scott / Casey, Steve / Courson, Don
Vermillion, Roy Westbank
9:31 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Kelly, Patrick / Louie, Robert / Trask, David
11:54 AM Red - Indigenous Championship Mussell, Tana / Oland, Maggie / Zachariuk, Keala
Wagar, Colby Metis
7:41 AM White (Men's) - Indigenous Champ McGinnis, Joe / Montgomery, Bob / Narcisse, Randy
Walkus, Leslie Gwa'sala Nakwaxda'xw Nation
10:26 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Morgan, Mike / Robbins, Anthony / Yoachim, William
Webster, Lisa Mohawk/ Delaware - Six Nations of the Grand River
11:32 AM White (Women's) - Indig Champ Houle, Lannie / Smyth, Maya
Wellington, Darlene Metis Nation
11:43 AM White (Women's) - Indig Champ McKeage, Waverly / Palmer, Michelle / Teneese, Kathryn
Wells, Crystal Bella Bella
12:05 PM White (Women's) - Indig Champ Jack, Sharon / LEECH, ANDREA / Mussell, Lara
Williams, Max Lillooet
7:52 AM White (Men's) - Indigenous Champ Evans, Maurice / Jack, OJ / Johnson, Jerry
Williams, Milton Lillooet
9:20 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Charles, Josh / Hudson, Jeremy
Williams, Race Lillooet
8:47 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Leon, Ralph / Miller , Austin / Smith, Brad
Yoachim, William Snuneymuxw
10:26 AM Blue - Indigenous Championship Morgan, Mike / Robbins, Anthony / Walkus, Leslie
Zachariuk, Keala L’Heidl Tenneh Prince George
11:54 AM White (Women's) - Indig Champ Mussell, Tana / Oland, Maggie / WILLIAMS, CHERIE
johnston, Landon lheidli t'enneh
12:38 PM Blue - Indigenous Championship Balogh-Callow, Jordan / Baptiste, Tony / Brook, Wyatt