Seniors' Qualifying 2023 Tee Sheet

Round 2 - Thu, August 10

Castletown / White - Men
Time Players
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Allan Harrison Lancashire
12:40 PM White - Men Robert Richardson
Andy Woodhead Yorkshire
2:30 PM White - Men John Rushforth
Anthony Stevenson Northumberland
1:20 PM White - Men John Whittle
Anthony W Black Durham
2:40 PM White - Men Keith Ward
Brian Nelson Durham
12:50 PM White - Men Ian Richardson
Craig Cuthbert Lancashire
1:10 PM White - Men Mark Pugh
David Kinrade Isle of Man
1:30 PM White - Men Ian Clarke
David Nelson Cheshire
3:00 PM White - Men Sandy Twynholm
Frank Greaves Yorkshire
1:00 PM White - Men Paul Knight
Gareth Bradley Cheshire
12:30 PM White - Men Jeff Ward
Garry Lacy Lancashire
3:20 PM White - Men Richard Norton
Greg Waters Cumbria
3:10 PM White - Men Julian Sutton
Guy Hindle Cheshire
3:30 PM White - Men Nicholas Mansell
Ian Clarke Yorkshire
1:30 PM White - Men David Kinrade
Ian Hendry Durham
2:10 PM White - Men Kevin Parkes
Ian Quirk Cheshire
1:50 PM White - Men Martin Barrand
Ian Richardson Northumberland
12:50 PM White - Men Brian Nelson
Jeff Ward Isle of Man
12:30 PM White - Men Gareth Bradley
John Coupe Lancashire
2:50 PM White - Men Steven Findlay
John Kirkpatrick Durham
12:10 PM White - Men Neville Johnstone
John Rushforth Cumbria
2:30 PM White - Men Andy Woodhead
John Whittle Cumbria
1:20 PM White - Men Anthony Stevenson
Julian Sutton Isle of Man
3:10 PM White - Men Greg Waters
Keith Ward Isle of Man
2:40 PM White - Men Anthony W Black
Kevin Beaney Northumberland
12:20 PM White - Men Steve Cain
Kevin Parkes Yorkshire
2:10 PM White - Men Ian Hendry
Mark Pugh Isle of Man
1:10 PM White - Men Craig Cuthbert
Martin Barrand Cumbria
1:50 PM White - Men Ian Quirk
Neville Johnstone Cumbria
12:10 PM White - Men John Kirkpatrick
Nicholas Mansell Durham
3:30 PM White - Men Guy Hindle
Nigel King Durham
1:40 PM White - Men Roger Smithies
Paul Knight Cheshire
1:00 PM White - Men Frank Greaves
Richard Norton Yorkshire
3:20 PM White - Men Garry Lacy
Richard Stockdale Cheshire
2:20 PM White - Men Steve Lord
Robert Richardson Cumbria
12:40 PM White - Men Allan Harrison
Roger Smithies Lancashire
1:40 PM White - Men Nigel King
Sandy Twynholm Northumberland
3:00 PM White - Men David Nelson
Simon Murray Isle of Man
2:00 PM White - Men Steven Anderton
Steve Cain Yorkshire
12:20 PM White - Men Kevin Beaney
Steve Lord Lancashire
2:20 PM White - Men Richard Stockdale
Steven Anderton Northumberland
2:00 PM White - Men Simon Murray
Steven Findlay Northumberland
2:50 PM White - Men John Coupe