Membership Fee: Includes your yearly handicap subscription to GHIN


League membership is $45.00 per golfer.  Payment is due the first day of play, April 1st, 2021.  Membership dues will be collected by Musket Ridge, and will include your yearly handicap subscription.  $10 of your league fee will be held for season ending prizes. 



Handicaps: Mandatory for all registered players


Each player will be required to host a handicap account through the GHIN (new for 21’), and MD State Golf Association.  This yearly fee is included with your league entry.  If you have already purchased your handicap your league entry is only $10.  Please coordinate with the golf shop to get your login credentials for the online service. 


Each player is responsible for posting all scores to this account.  All league play will be posted by the league administrator.  Therefore, you do not have to post those scores.


Please refer to the WHS with any questions.  Please remember that the ESC for all golfers is a net double bogey.  The max score anyone can take on any hole prior to posting is net double bogey.


Maximum (individual) handicaps will be 20 for 9 holes.  Handicaps will be calculated by by the USGA and WHS handicapping systems.


Handicaps will be based on the slope and rating of tees played at 100% each week.


Handicaps for all players and subs will be updated weekly.


              Etiquette:  Take care of the course and your fellow competitors.  Play Fast!


Look for lost balls briefly.  Help your partner and opponents when appropriate.  While waiting on the green, line up your putt.  Continuous putting should be done whenever possible.  Be ready when it is your turn to hit.  DO WHATEVER IS POLITE TO KEEP PLAY MOVING.  PLAY “READY GOLF”.


Late Persons: No worries please request later tee-times if needed.


Remember that this is a “fun” league, so each team should be a flexible as possible and wait at least 5 minutes for their opponents.  The late arriving person may join the group upon arrival.  The complete team waiting to play may request to start play at any time past the scheduled tee-time


Weekly Prizes:  Prizes will be paid out in golf shop credit.


The league will award up to three (2) weekly prizes. Prizes will be awarded for “Closest to the Pin” on a par 3 played and for “Individual Low Net” for the week.  Prize money will be based on total amount of players per week.  $1 from each entry will go toward these 2 prizes.  30 players would mean $15 for each prize that week.

Weekly prizes will be distributed in golf shop credit to be used anytime for items in the shop only.  This credit will be valid through the end of the season 12/31/21.


Prizes for Post Season Play:  Will be trophies and GS Credit 


Prizes will be determined by the committee after a determination of the funds available to support such prizes.


Complaints:   (For Tournament Play mainly unless it is a handicap issue)


The league committee shall act upon any and all complaints regarding violations of the rules for the league.  Any complaints must be filed with a committee member in writing, prior to the next week’s match. 


Play Rules:  USGA Rules apply with the following amendments 


League rules may be amended by the committee from time to time.  Local course and USGA rules apply with the following exceptions: 


  1. Modified Winter rules apply.  You may (without penalty) “fluff” your ball within 12 inches (not nearer to the hole) in your own fairway only.


  1. Out of Bounds (outside the white stakes) you must bring the ball back to where it crossed the out of bounds line and drop within two (2) club lengths of the boundary with a one (1) stroke penalty.  This is a stroke only penalty, not a stroke and distance penalty.  We will play the entire course as a “penalty area” or lateral hazard.


  1. Unplayable lie; you may drop within two (2) club lengths, not nearer to the hole with a one (1) stroke penalty.  You also have the option to go back as far as you would like in line with the flag.  If you are declaring a ball that has come to rest in a bunker as unplayable, you must drop in the bunker.  If you drop outside the bunker


  1. On a lost ball, take one (1) stroke penalty and do the most appropriate of the following:


  • drop “in play” as close as possible (with concurrence of your opponent) to where the ball was lost; or
  • drop “in play” as close as possible (with concurrence of your opponent) to the point where the ball crossed out of bounds/into hazard.




We dont want to do this but..... we will institute League Rules for slow play if necessary.  Simply keep up to the group in front of you.  Any group that finishes more than 20 minutes behind the group in front of them will be put on the clock for future rounds.  If you are determined to be the slow party, stroke penalties will be accessed.  Please don’t make us do so…


If using a substitute, write the FULL NAME and handicap of the substitute you use.  It would be helpful and appreciated if you provide contact information for any subs you use.  All subs must be approved by the golf shop prior to teeing off.


                             Please keep your gross score only on the app and paper cards.


At least one member from each team must sign the scorecard, and please attest the virtual card prior to submittal.


Score cards are to be turned in to Musket Ridge Golf Shop.


The league will have it’s on url that will host pairings and results.



Membership Fee: Your yearly handicap subscription to GHIN is additional


League membership for 2023 is $20.00 per golfer paid on this registration site.  This $20 registration will be held for season ending prizes.  


Weekly Green Fees (Shotgun Start):  Include cart, range, and prizes


$38 Catoctin Club Members & $45 Public, golf, cart, range balls, and entry to weekly contests are included. $3 per entry will be used for weekly and season ending prizes.


Schedule of Play: Weekly on Tuesdays - 5pm Shotgun Start


We will hopefully have 16-24 teams in our league this season.


The regular season will start on Tuesday, April 11th, 2023.  We will play a round robin with teams scheduled to play each other once during the regular season.  If applicable every 4th week or one to 2x this season we plan play a different fun format.  Weather permitting we will start a few weeks prior. 


Time permitting we will make up rain-outs and/or schedule some fun days before commencing the playoffs. 


Post Season Play: Playoffs determine League Champion


League size will determine if we have a single or double elimination tournament following the regular season. 


Details will be finalized as we near the end of the season.


Post season play will commence the week after the conclusion of the regular season.


Handicaps: Mandatory for all registered players


Each player will be required to host a handicap account through the GHIN (new for 23’), or any registered Golf Association.  If you have already purchased your handicap your league entry is only $20.  If you keep your GHIN account elsewhere.  Please coordinate with the golf shop to get your GHIN # setup in the league.  Also if you are new to GHIN the golf shop will assist with your login credentials, and creating your digital profile. 


Each player is responsible for posting all scores to this account.  All league play will be posted automatically by the league administrator.  Therefore, you do not have to post those scores. All other rounds need to be posted to your handicap account.


Please refer to the WHS with any questions.  Please remember that the ESC for all golfers is a net double bogey.  The max score anyone can take on any hole prior to posting is net double bogey.  Meaning if you get 2 strokes on a par 4 you can’t take higher than an 8.  If you get zero strokes on a par 3 you can’t take higher than a 5.


Maximum (individual) handicaps will be 20 for 9 holes.  Handicaps will be calculated by by the USGA and WHS handicapping systems.


Handicaps will be based on the slope and rating of tees played at 100% each week.


Handicaps for all players and subs will be updated weekly.


Scoring:  Live via Mobile App                                                                                                        


This is a 2-person aggregate net match play league with each hole being worth 1 point.


Scoring will be based on team net score.  Each team’s score per hole will be the sum of each of its member’s individual scores as adjusted by each team member’s individual handicap. 


Each match will consist of nine points, one per hole.  Each team will be awarded a half-point for ties.  There will be no tie-breakers for regular season play.


During the tournament, if teams are tied after nine holes they will continue to play until a team wins a hole ie.. sudden death.


Substitutes:  All Subs Need Golf Shop Approval


All substitutes must be approved by the golf shop staff prior to teeing off.  Please give us plenty of advance notice therefore we can have the proper players and handicaps in your portal and match.


For the enjoyment of our members and our relationship with Musket Ridge, members are responsible for and strongly encouraged to find a substitute player when they are unable to play.



Subs must have a verifiable handicap index or they can play at scratch until a handicap is established.  After only 5 rounds an approximate handicap can be established.  Please refer to the golf shop if you have sub that needs a handicap established.


When using a substitute, the substitute’s handicap will replace the missing member’s handicap in the scoring of each hole.  As stated above subs must have a verifiable handicap index in order to receive strokes in the competition.


A regular member of a team cannot play as a substitute for another team.  League members are responsible for finding their own subsTournament substitutes MUST have played at least one round this year to be eligible to be a sub for the tournament, and are subject to approval by the committee.


Scoring No-Shows:  This is difficult please try to attend or find a sub…


One member missing:  If only one team members show up to play, the missing team member will only receive 50% of their strokes.   In essence they will shoot 50% higher than their established handicap.  We will put in "fake scores" so your opponent has a match. 


Scores will be assigned for each hole (in hole handicap order) for the missing member based on the missing member’s handicap. (i.e. A missing 2-handicapper would be scored at bogey for the 3 hardest holes and par for the other 6 holes).


Each team’s score per hole will be the sum of each of its member’s scores as adjusted by any net handicap on the hole. 


Both members missing:  A team cannot receive any points if neither of its members shows up.  The opposing team (the team that shows up) will not automatically receive points however, but can earn them.  The missing team’s players handicaps will be reduced to 50% of its total for the match (fractional strokes will be dropped). 


Scores will be assigned for each hole for the missing team using the absent player’s handicaps.  We will put in "fake scores" so your opponent has a match.


The team present will play against these scores.  If it wins a hole on low net, it will receive a point.  If it ties a hole on low net, it will receive a half point.


One member missing from each team:  If only one player from each team shows, each player will use their own handicap.  The two players handicaps will be netted and remaining handicap strokes will be played by the higher-handicapped player in hole handicap order. The low net score for each hole will earn a point; tied holes earn each player (team) a half-point. Basically 1 vs. 1 match play.


Three players missing:  In this situation the players handicaps will be reduced by 50% for the completely absent team and 50% for the team with a single player present.  The team totally absent cannot receive any points.  The team with a single payer present will not automatically receive points however, but can earn them.


Same as above, 1 player missing.


If the team of the playing member wins a hole on low net, the player’s team will receive a point.  If the team of the playing member ties a hole on low net, it will receive a half point.