
Player Roster

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Last Name First Name
Abel - The Winston Shane
Andersen - Lacombe Pauline
Anderson - Calgary G&CC Julia
Arnold - Priddis Ryan
Ashcroft - Highlands Bryan
Bain - Country Hills Scott
Barclay - Sirocco Tammy
Bassen - Inglewood Dallas
Benna - Cottonwood Thane
Billehaug - Turner Valley Bodey
Blais - Maple Ridge Gil
Bole - The Winston Jeff
Bonney - Glencoe Cara
Bossio - Highlands Brianna
Boston - Wolf Creek Tim
Bray - Mickelson Casey
Broderick - Country Hills Ava
Brouwer - Mickelson Troy
Bruce - Glendale Andrew
Caovilla - Highlands Chris
Carson - The Winston Lilli
Chapman - Canyon Meadows Paul
Chessor - Pinebrook Karen
Coffin - Woodside Jeff
Condon - Country Hills Patty
Conrad - Turner Valley Val
Copeland - Willow Park Celine
Copeland - Willow Park Samantha
Coston - Bearspaw Brian
Coverdale - Lethbridge Karen
Crampton - Sirocco Louise
Croft - Highlands Wendy
Dahl - Wolf Creek CJ
Danyluk - Priddis Darrell
Davis - Canmore Lan
Davison - Willow Park Kevin
Deering - Inglewood Karla
Demate - Rivers Edge Steve
Donald - Silver Springs Gaylene
Doolan - Glendale Brian
Dunning - Earl Grey Katelyn
Dyack - Willow Park James
Ellacott - Bearspaw Wendy
Elsey - Sirocco Dave
Ference - Turner Valley Erna
Fitzsimmons - Maple Ridge Bill
Flette - Mickelson Linda
Flynn - Canyon Meadows Aiden
Folk - Glencoe Angie
Fouche - Mickelson Nanette
Foulkes - Pinebrook Don
Fraughts - Cottonwood Ian
Gavronsky - Glendale Brad
Giltner - Lacombe Tammy
Glasspoole - Pinebrook Claudia
Goehring - Glencoe Dale
Gordon - Turner Valley Kali
Grassie - Earl Grey Mike
Gross - Willow Park Ashley
Guygyelka - Lethbridge Darren
Haas - Turner Valley Angelina
Hadden - Sirocco Liz
Haley - Woodside Jason
Harrington - Sirocco Marion
Hart - Pinebrook Gary
Harwood - Canyon Meadows James
Heynen - Earl Grey Rob
Hicks - Silver Springs Tanner
Honey - The Derrick Conner
Hopkins - Lethbridge Doris
Houle - Lethbridge Jacquie
Howell - Priddis Cole
Hutcheson - Canmore Todd
Jackson - Highlands Brett
Jaggard - The Winston Colin
Jamieson - Rivers Edge Kerry
Jamieson - Rivers Edge Kim
Janousek - Turner Valley George
Jansen - Silver Springs Monika
Johnson - Calgary G&CC Robert
Joy - Glencoe Darrell
Kantor - The Derrick Tim
Knudslien - Red Deer Mona
Korchinski - Calgary G&CC Neil
Kozon - Country Hills Brandon
Kudelik - Bearspaw Trish
Kwak - The Winston Eunju
Lacoursiere - Lacombe Luc
Lafond - Canmore Jocelyne
Laidlaw - Lethbridge Betty
Large - Canmore Alex
Lederhouse - Silver Springs Morgan
Lemky - Rivers Edge Brenda
Lengyel - Lethbridge Glenn
Lepper - Pinebrook Carol
Little - Sirocco Dana
Luu - Highlands Phuong
MacDonald - Inglewood Gerry
MacFarlane - Bearspaw Derry
Maher - Maple Ridge David
Maier - Wolf Creek Keith
Maitland - Mickelson Angela
Mather - Inglewood Cam
McDermid - Calgary G&CC Blair
McKinlay Jr - Lacombe Tom
McMillian - Glencoe Geoff
Meechan - Turner Valley Scott
Melanson - Pinebrook Jordan
Mennis - Earl Grey Susan
Morin - Rivers Edge Jackie
Morris - Cottonwood Scott
Murray - Highlands Michael
Myhra - Maple Ridge Chad
Neufeld - Lethbridge Jeff
Newman - Glencoe Derrick
Nickerson - Mickelson James
Nickle - Bearspaw Emily
Nordin - Rivers Edge Natalie
Northcott - Lacombe Jeff
Nowakowski - Sirroco Dylan
O'Donoghue - Calgary G&CC Paul
Oldford - Lacombe Elaine
Ongyerth - Silver Springs Colin
Ortega - Rivers Edge Lucas
Penner - Lethbridge Mack
Penstone - Lacombe Andrew
Perry - Highlands Glenda
Pinder - Calgary G&CC Kaylene
Pinsky - Earl Grey Jackie
Pothier - Priddis Nick
Praught - Canmore Eric
Pruss - Red Deer Michael
Rados - Inglewood Andrew
Rebbit - The Winston Carol
Reed - Silver Springs Adam
Reed - Silver Springs Andrew
Renneberg - Sirocco Jason
Reynolds - The Derrick David
Righi - Lacombe Wendy
Roberts - Red Deer Linda
Saunders - Glencoe Joanne
Saunders - Inglewood Karen
Schurer - Earl Grey Mark
Schwab - Willow Park Kari
Shenstone - Earl Grey Will
Simonelli - Woodside Mitz
Sluka - Canmore Tommy
Smith - Canmore Kelly
Smith - Mickelson Cara
Smith - Pinebrook Alex
Soley - Red Deer Dan
Soucy - Rivers Edge Stephane
Spencer - Inglewood Susan
Steger - Earl Grey Susan
Stephanson - Willow Park Greg
Stone - Pinebrook Taylor
Tardif - Red Deer Gerald
Terry - Mickelson Bryce
Thorogood - Bearspaw Dane
Tod - Cottonwood Corbin
Tutak - The Winston Ryan
Van Doesburg - Red Deer Ellen
VandenBrink - Calgary C&CC Sandi
Vienneau - Red Deer Luc
Visram - Country Hills Razina
Walls - Wolf Creek Neil
Walton - The Winston Davona
Warkentin - Glencoe Ali
Watamaniuk - Glendale Dale
Webster - Country Hills Adam
Welder - Country Hills Jamie
Wheeler - Willow Park Braydon
Williamson - Canyon Meadows Todd
Willian - The Derrick Jeff
Wilson - Country Hills Joan
Wiltzen - Red Deer Wendy
Wolfe - Calgary G&CC Yvonne
Wood - Inglewood Jolene
Wowchuk - Bearpsaw Lynn
Wowchuk - Bearspaw Dan
Wregget - Woodside Joel
Wylie - Silver Springs Tiffany
Yarjau - Turner Valley Mike
Young - Canmore Vicki