2023 Thursday Night Men's League Tee Sheet

Ultimate Match Play 10/19 - Thu, October 19
Tonight's Format - Best Ball

The Lakes - Archived on 11-13-2023 / Blue - Men
Time Hole Players
The Lakes - Archived on 11-13-2023
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Beau Couch
3:00 PM 1 Blue - Men Gary Mendola / Kelly Hodge / Shane Edgington
Bill Anderson
3:00 PM 5 Blue - Men Brandon Colborn
Brandon Colborn
3:00 PM 5 Blue - Men Bill Anderson
Gary Mendola
3:00 PM 1 Blue - Men Beau Couch / Kelly Hodge / Shane Edgington
Jeff Gentry
3:00 PM 3 Blue - Men Omar Paiz / Reed Hodgson1 / Troy Norgren
Jeff Krebs
3:00 PM 2 Blue - Men John Kinyon / John Richards / Kurt Hinkle
John Kinyon
3:00 PM 2 Blue - Men Jeff Krebs / John Richards / Kurt Hinkle
John Richards
3:00 PM 2 Blue - Men Jeff Krebs / John Kinyon / Kurt Hinkle
Kelly Hodge
3:00 PM 1 Blue - Men Beau Couch / Gary Mendola / Shane Edgington
Kurt Hinkle
3:00 PM 2 Blue - Men Jeff Krebs / John Kinyon / John Richards
Matt Garcia
3:00 PM 4 Blue - Men Scott Supowit / Scotty Hersh / Stephen Schulz
Omar Paiz
3:00 PM 3 Blue - Men Jeff Gentry / Reed Hodgson1 / Troy Norgren
Reed Hodgson1
3:00 PM 3 Blue - Men Jeff Gentry / Omar Paiz / Troy Norgren
Scott Supowit
3:00 PM 4 Blue - Men Matt Garcia / Scotty Hersh / Stephen Schulz
Scotty Hersh
3:00 PM 4 Blue - Men Matt Garcia / Scott Supowit / Stephen Schulz
Shane Edgington
3:00 PM 1 Blue - Men Beau Couch / Gary Mendola / Kelly Hodge
Stephen Schulz
3:00 PM 4 Blue - Men Matt Garcia / Scott Supowit / Scotty Hersh
Troy Norgren
3:00 PM 3 Blue - Men Jeff Gentry / Omar Paiz / Reed Hodgson1