23' Indigenous Ontario Championship Tee Sheet
Round 3 -
Wed, August 16
Time | Players | Time | Players | ||
8:00 AM |
Roy Mannila (3)
Flying Post Band
Ashley Nate (2)
Eabametoong First Nation
8:10 AM |
Stewart McLeod (5)
Moose Cree FN
Joshua Miller (5)
Six Nations of the Grand River
Peter Jacobs (6)
Upper Cayuga
8:00 AM |
Roy Mannila (3)
Flying Post Band
Ashley Nate (2)
Eabametoong First Nation
8:10 AM |
Stewart McLeod (5)
Moose Cree FN
Joshua Miller (5)
Six Nations of the Grand River
Peter Jacobs (6)
Upper Cayuga
8:20 AM |
Greg Leader (5)
Metis Nation of Ontario
Troy Merrick (3)
Logan Hill (6)
Six Nations of Grand River
8:30 AM |
Trevor Desmoulin (2)
Long Lake #58 First Nations
Wyatt McKinnon (3)
Barry Pitawanakwat (11)
8:20 AM |
Greg Leader (5)
Metis Nation of Ontario
Troy Merrick (3)
Logan Hill (6)
Six Nations of Grand River
8:30 AM |
Trevor Desmoulin (2)
Long Lake #58 First Nations
Wyatt McKinnon (3)
Barry Pitawanakwat (11)
8:40 AM |
George Hill (4)
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
Tim Sanford (+1)
Evan Tweedle (5)
Six Nations
8:50 AM |
Andrew Hill (7)
Christian Shognosh (8)
Walpole Island
Scott Hill (10)
Six Nations of the Grand River
8:40 AM |
George Hill (4)
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
Tim Sanford (+1)
Evan Tweedle (5)
Six Nations
8:50 AM |
Andrew Hill (7)
Christian Shognosh (8)
Walpole Island
Scott Hill (10)
Six Nations of the Grand River
9:00 AM |
Della Bomberry (3)
Lower Cayuga of the Six Nations
Doug Green (4)
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
Brent Sault (2)
Mississaugas of the credit
9:10 AM |
Kevin HIll (3)
Six Nations of the Grand River
Steven Styres (0)
Six Nations of the Grand River - Tuskarora
Danny Johnson (10)
Mohawk - Six Nations
9:00 AM |
Della Bomberry (3)
Lower Cayuga of the Six Nations
Doug Green (4)
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
Brent Sault (2)
Mississaugas of the credit
9:10 AM |
Kevin HIll (3)
Six Nations of the Grand River
Steven Styres (0)
Six Nations of the Grand River - Tuskarora
Danny Johnson (10)
Mohawk - Six Nations
9:20 AM |
Robert Kennedy (3)
Cree Nation of Wemindji
Cal Anderson (6)
Six Nations of the Grand River
Sandy Porter (6)
9:30 AM |
Kyle Gionette (2)
Mississauga First Nation
Zac Howard (+2)
Hiawatha First Nation
Edwin Brown (7)
Oneida Nation of the Thames
9:20 AM |
Robert Kennedy (3)
Cree Nation of Wemindji
Cal Anderson (6)
Six Nations of the Grand River
Sandy Porter (6)
9:30 AM |
Kyle Gionette (2)
Mississauga First Nation
Zac Howard (+2)
Hiawatha First Nation
Edwin Brown (7)
Oneida Nation of the Thames
9:40 AM |
John Monture Sr (6)
Mohawk - Six Nations
Cree Nation of Wemindji
Tony Manitowabi (2)
9:50 AM |
Taylor Jones (+1)
Wahta Mohawks
Lorne Smith (4)
Walpole Island
Jake Brant (5)
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
9:40 AM |
John Monture Sr (6)
Mohawk - Six Nations
Cree Nation of Wemindji
Tony Manitowabi (2)
9:50 AM |
Taylor Jones (+1)
Wahta Mohawks
Lorne Smith (4)
Walpole Island
Jake Brant (5)
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
10:00 AM |
Chad Styres (0)
Six Nations of the Grand River
Darren Thomas (0)
Seneca Nation
Conrad Naponse (+3)
atikameksheng anishnawbek
10:10 AM |
Red Rock Indian Band
Rob Atatise (+4)
Lac La Croix
Dale Anderson (3)
Tuscarora Six Nations
10:00 AM |
Chad Styres (0)
Six Nations of the Grand River
Darren Thomas (0)
Seneca Nation
Conrad Naponse (+3)
atikameksheng anishnawbek
10:10 AM |
Red Rock Indian Band
Rob Atatise (+4)
Lac La Croix
Dale Anderson (3)
Tuscarora Six Nations
10:20 AM |
shari hunt (17)
St. Mary's First Nation
Alisha Jacobs (15)
Delaware Nation
Erin Hill (14)
Six Nations of the Grand River
10:30 AM |
Cheryll Johns (11)
Six Nations-Lower Cayuga
Linsey Hill (13)
Six Nations of the Grand River
Karen Brant-Taylor (16)
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
10:20 AM |
shari hunt (17)
St. Mary's First Nation
Alisha Jacobs (15)
Delaware Nation
Erin Hill (14)
Six Nations of the Grand River
10:30 AM |
Cheryll Johns (11)
Six Nations-Lower Cayuga
Linsey Hill (13)
Six Nations of the Grand River
Karen Brant-Taylor (16)
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
10:40 AM |
Savana Smith (9)
Delaware Nation
Melanie Burgess (2)
Matachewan First Nation
Kathy Jamieson (9)
Six Nations
10:50 AM |
Skyesong Alexis (+9)
Alexis Nakoda Sioux Nation
Cheryl Mitchell (+3)
Walpole Island First Nation
Kathryn Corbiere (5)
M’Chigeeng First Nation
10:40 AM |
Savana Smith (9)
Delaware Nation
Melanie Burgess (2)
Matachewan First Nation
Kathy Jamieson (9)
Six Nations
10:50 AM |
Skyesong Alexis (+9)
Alexis Nakoda Sioux Nation
Cheryl Mitchell (+3)
Walpole Island First Nation
Kathryn Corbiere (5)
M’Chigeeng First Nation
11:00 AM |
Daylon Gee (0)
Oneida Six Nations
George Kosch (0)
Lucas Rogers (+1)
Kettle and Stony Point
11:10 AM |
Rodd Squire Jr (+1)
Mohawk of Six Nations
Shelby Bomberry (1)
Lower Cayuga 1332
Aiden Deng (+4)
Muskoday First Nation
11:00 AM |
Daylon Gee (0)
Oneida Six Nations
George Kosch (0)
Lucas Rogers (+1)
Kettle and Stony Point
11:10 AM |
Rodd Squire Jr (+1)
Mohawk of Six Nations
Shelby Bomberry (1)
Lower Cayuga 1332
Aiden Deng (+4)
Muskoday First Nation
11:20 AM |
Ky Horn (+3)
Mohawks of Kahnawake
Ian Ford (+1)
Lac Seul First Nations
John Monture (0)
Mohawk - Six Nations of the Grand River
11:20 AM |
Ky Horn (+3)
Mohawks of Kahnawake
Ian Ford (+1)
Lac Seul First Nations
John Monture (0)
Mohawk - Six Nations of the Grand River
Handicap Allowance is 95%.
Player | Tee Time | Tee | Other Players | |
Aiden Deng (+4)
Muskoday First Nation
11:10 AM | IOC Men | Rodd Squire Jr + Shelby Bomberry | |
Alisha Jacobs (15)
Delaware Nation
10:20 AM | IOC Woman | Erin Hill + shari hunt | |
Andrew Hill (7)
8:50 AM | IOC Men | Christian Shognosh + Scott Hill | |
Ashley Nate (2)
Eabametoong First Nation
8:00 AM | IOC Men | Roy Mannila | |
Barry Pitawanakwat (11)
8:30 AM | IOC Men | Trevor Desmoulin + Wyatt McKinnon | |
Brent Sault (2)
Mississaugas of the credit
9:00 AM | IOC Men | Della Bomberry + Doug Green | |
Red Rock Indian Band
10:10 AM | IOC Men | Dale Anderson + Rob Atatise | |
Cal Anderson (6)
Six Nations of the Grand River
9:20 AM | IOC Men | Robert Kennedy + Sandy Porter | |
Chad Styres (0)
Six Nations of the Grand River
10:00 AM | IOC Men | Conrad Naponse + Darren Thomas | |
Cheryl Mitchell (+3)
Walpole Island First Nation
10:50 AM | IOC Woman | Kathryn Corbiere + Skyesong Alexis | |
Cheryll Johns (11)
Six Nations-Lower Cayuga
10:30 AM | IOC Woman | Karen Brant-Taylor + Linsey Hill | |
Christian Shognosh (8)
Walpole Island
8:50 AM | IOC Men | Andrew Hill + Scott Hill | |
Conrad Naponse (+3)
atikameksheng anishnawbek
10:00 AM | IOC Men | Chad Styres + Darren Thomas | |
Dale Anderson (3)
Tuscarora Six Nations
10:10 AM | IOC Men | COLIN SOBEY + Rob Atatise | |
Danny Johnson (10)
Mohawk - Six Nations
9:10 AM | IOC Men | Kevin HIll + Steven Styres | |
Darren Thomas (0)
Seneca Nation
10:00 AM | IOC Men | Chad Styres + Conrad Naponse | |
Daylon Gee (0)
Oneida Six Nations
11:00 AM | IOC Men | George Kosch + Lucas Rogers | |
Della Bomberry (3)
Lower Cayuga of the Six Nations
9:00 AM | IOC Men | Brent Sault + Doug Green | |
Doug Green (4)
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
9:00 AM | IOC Men | Brent Sault + Della Bomberry | |
Edwin Brown (7)
Oneida Nation of the Thames
9:30 AM | IOC Men | Kyle Gionette + Zac Howard | |
Erin Hill (14)
Six Nations of the Grand River
10:20 AM | IOC Woman | Alisha Jacobs + shari hunt | |
Evan Tweedle (5)
Six Nations
8:40 AM | IOC Men | George Hill + Tim Sanford | |
George Hill (4)
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
8:40 AM | IOC Men | Evan Tweedle + Tim Sanford | |
George Kosch (0)
11:00 AM | IOC Men | Daylon Gee + Lucas Rogers | |
Greg Leader (5)
Metis Nation of Ontario
8:20 AM | IOC Men | Logan Hill + Troy Merrick | |
Ian Ford (+1)
Lac Seul First Nations
11:20 AM | IOC Men | John Monture + Ky Horn | |
Jake Brant (5)
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
9:50 AM | IOC Men | Lorne Smith + Taylor Jones | |
John Monture (0)
Mohawk - Six Nations of the Grand River
11:20 AM | IOC Men | Ian Ford + Ky Horn | |
John Monture Sr (6)
Mohawk - Six Nations
9:40 AM | IOC Men | SEAN KENNEDY + Tony Manitowabi | |
Joshua Miller (5)
Six Nations of the Grand River
8:10 AM | IOC Men | Peter Jacobs + Stewart McLeod | |
Karen Brant-Taylor (16)
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
10:30 AM | IOC Woman | Cheryll Johns + Linsey Hill | |
Kathryn Corbiere (5)
M’Chigeeng First Nation
10:50 AM | IOC Woman | Cheryl Mitchell + Skyesong Alexis | |
Kathy Jamieson (9)
Six Nations
10:40 AM | IOC Woman | Melanie Burgess + Savana Smith | |
Kevin HIll (3)
Six Nations of the Grand River
9:10 AM | IOC Men | Danny Johnson + Steven Styres | |
Ky Horn (+3)
Mohawks of Kahnawake
11:20 AM | IOC Men | Ian Ford + John Monture | |
Kyle Gionette (2)
Mississauga First Nation
9:30 AM | IOC Men | Edwin Brown + Zac Howard | |
Linsey Hill (13)
Six Nations of the Grand River
10:30 AM | IOC Woman | Cheryll Johns + Karen Brant-Taylor | |
Logan Hill (6)
Six Nations of Grand River
8:20 AM | IOC Men | Greg Leader + Troy Merrick | |
Lorne Smith (4)
Walpole Island
9:50 AM | IOC Men | Jake Brant + Taylor Jones | |
Lucas Rogers (+1)
Kettle and Stony Point
11:00 AM | IOC Men | Daylon Gee + George Kosch | |
Melanie Burgess (2)
Matachewan First Nation
10:40 AM | IOC Woman | Kathy Jamieson + Savana Smith | |
Peter Jacobs (6)
Upper Cayuga
8:10 AM | IOC Men | Joshua Miller + Stewart McLeod | |
Rob Atatise (+4)
Lac La Croix
10:10 AM | IOC Men | COLIN SOBEY + Dale Anderson | |
Robert Kennedy (3)
Cree Nation of Wemindji
9:20 AM | IOC Men | Cal Anderson + Sandy Porter | |
Rodd Squire Jr (+1)
Mohawk of Six Nations
11:10 AM | IOC Men | Aiden Deng + Shelby Bomberry | |
Roy Mannila (3)
Flying Post Band
8:00 AM | IOC Men | Ashley Nate | |
Cree Nation of Wemindji
9:40 AM | IOC Men | John Monture Sr + Tony Manitowabi | |
Sandy Porter (6)
9:20 AM | IOC Men | Cal Anderson + Robert Kennedy | |
Savana Smith (9)
Delaware Nation
10:40 AM | IOC Woman | Kathy Jamieson + Melanie Burgess | |
Scott Hill (10)
Six Nations of the Grand River
8:50 AM | IOC Men | Andrew Hill + Christian Shognosh | |
Shelby Bomberry (1)
Lower Cayuga 1332
11:10 AM | IOC Men | Aiden Deng + Rodd Squire Jr | |
Skyesong Alexis (+9)
Alexis Nakoda Sioux Nation
10:50 AM | IOC Woman | Cheryl Mitchell + Kathryn Corbiere | |
Steven Styres (0)
Six Nations of the Grand River - Tuskarora
9:10 AM | IOC Men | Danny Johnson + Kevin HIll | |
Stewart McLeod (5)
Moose Cree FN
8:10 AM | IOC Men | Joshua Miller + Peter Jacobs | |
Taylor Jones (+1)
Wahta Mohawks
9:50 AM | IOC Men | Jake Brant + Lorne Smith | |
Tim Sanford (+1)
8:40 AM | IOC Men | Evan Tweedle + George Hill | |
Tony Manitowabi (2)
9:40 AM | IOC Men | John Monture Sr + SEAN KENNEDY | |
Trevor Desmoulin (2)
Long Lake #58 First Nations
8:30 AM | IOC Men | Barry Pitawanakwat + Wyatt McKinnon | |
Troy Merrick (3)
8:20 AM | IOC Men | Greg Leader + Logan Hill | |
Wyatt McKinnon (3)
8:30 AM | IOC Men | Barry Pitawanakwat + Trevor Desmoulin | |
Zac Howard (+2)
Hiawatha First Nation
9:30 AM | IOC Men | Edwin Brown + Kyle Gionette | |
shari hunt (17)
St. Mary's First Nation
10:20 AM | IOC Woman | Alisha Jacobs + Erin Hill |
Handicap Allowance is 95%.