Hertfordshire County Fourball Championship Tee Sheet

Leaderboard - Wed, April 19

Hanbury Manor
Time Hole Players Hole Players
8:00 AM 1
Michael Rees (1.7) Moor Park
Charlie Southgate (5.3) Moor Park
Nicholas Hadley (8.7) Bishop's Stortford
Steven Wright (9.6) Bishop's Stortford
Sue Knight (8.8) Moor Park
Sarah McAlpine (15.6) Moor Park
Esther Strous (6.4) Welwyn Garden City
Alison Strous (6.3) Welwyn Garden City
8:10 AM 1
Andrew Martin (10.7) Verulam
Sean McCloy (6.7) Verulam
Sarah Marley (4.5) Essendon
Janine Cicchirllo (5.8) Essendon
Anne Coulter (8.5) Letchworth
Debbie Sheard (11.4) Letchworth
8:20 AM 1
Yogesh Patel (2.1) Moor Park
Keval Shah (3.2) Moor Park
Dan Garfield (3.2) Essendon
Ray Walkon (10.2) Essendon
Susan Strang (9.2) South Herts
Liz Audley (5.4) South Herts
Gillian Hanson (10.4) Harpenden Common
Alison Sexton (13.0) Harpenden Common
8:30 AM 1
Kevin Raybould (13.5) West Herts
Don Gordon (16.6) West Herts
Adi Barton (13.6) Chesfield Downs
Martin Bradshaw (9.7) Chesfield Downs
Shirley Hoggarth (23.8) West Herts
Teresa Bovington (16.4) West Herts
Karen Curran (13.1) Aldenham
Lelia Barrett (20.5) Aldenham
8:40 AM 1
Mick Bubb (14.4) The Hertfordshire
Charles Gannon (14.1) The Hertfordshire
Scott Ballentine (10.0) Royston
Peter Rutter (+1.4) Royston
Joshua Ramejkis (+0.3) The Shire London
Steve Hunt (2.4) The Shire London
Ryan Hodges (1.1) Harpenden Common
Alex Turner (1.8) Harpenden Common
8:50 AM 1
Stuart Edwards (9.5) Welwyn Garden City
Dan Baldock (20.5) Welwyn Garden City
Mark Lewis (6.5) East Herts
Kevin Seaman (15.4) East Herts
Roger Pearsall (8.9) Letchworth
Bruce Sigley (4.7) Letchworth
Ray Maginley (10.2) Berkhamsted
Simon Beddall (7.3) Berkhamsted
9:00 AM 1
John Kilbey (10.9) South Herts
Ed Clark (6.3) South Herts
Matt Nelson (8.5) The Hertfordshire
Rhys Chambers (9.2) The Hertfordshire
Scott Alexander (4.0) Brookmans Park
Bob Morris (18.8) Brookmans Park
Bryan Rees (14.1) Mid Herts
Alastair Clarke (7.0) Mid Herts
9:10 AM 1
Gary Morris (15.2) The Hertfordshire
Paul Chappel (13.6) The Hertfordshire
Craig Delves (8.8) Harpenden Common
Richard Willett (3.8) Harpenden Common
Peter Gillies (13.9) Royston
Arthur Brennan (13.7) Royston
Steve Rosier (10.9) Ash Valley
Mitchell Garner (16.2) Ash Valley
9:20 AM 1
Lee Goldhill (17.1) Aldenham
Simon Veysey (15.4) Aldenham
Mike Barker (19.1) Hanbury Manor
Peter Doughty (17.9) Hanbury Manor
Janet Biscoe (9.7) Mid Herts
Stephanie Parry (24.1) Mid Herts
John Skinner (15.3) Ash Valley
Paul Ireland (18.7) Ash Valley
Hanbury Manor
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Adi Barton (13.6) Chesfield Downs
8:30 AM 1 Yellow - Men Don Gordon + Kevin Raybould + Martin Bradshaw
Alastair Clarke (7.0) Mid Herts
9:00 AM 10 Yellow - Men Bob Morris + Bryan Rees + Scott Alexander
Alex Turner (1.8) Harpenden Common
8:40 AM 10 Yellow - Men Joshua Ramejkis + Ryan Hodges + Steve Hunt
Alison Sexton (13.0) Harpenden Common
8:20 AM 10 Red - Ladies Gillian Hanson + Liz Audley + Susan Strang
Alison Strous (6.3) Welwyn Garden City
8:00 AM 10 Red - Ladies Esther Strous + Sarah McAlpine + Sue Knight
Andrew Martin (10.7) Verulam
8:10 AM 1 Yellow - Men Sean McCloy
Anne Coulter (8.5) Letchworth
8:10 AM 10 Red - Ladies Debbie Sheard + Janine Cicchirllo + Sarah Marley
Arthur Brennan (13.7) Royston
9:10 AM 10 Yellow - Men Mitchell Garner + Peter Gillies + Steve Rosier
Bob Morris (18.8) Brookmans Park
9:00 AM 10 Yellow - Men Alastair Clarke + Bryan Rees + Scott Alexander
Bruce Sigley (4.7) Letchworth
8:50 AM 10 Yellow - Men Ray Maginley + Roger Pearsall + Simon Beddall
Bryan Rees (14.1) Mid Herts
9:00 AM 10 Yellow - Men Alastair Clarke + Bob Morris + Scott Alexander
Charles Gannon (14.1) The Hertfordshire
8:40 AM 1 Yellow - Men Mick Bubb + Peter Rutter + Scott Ballentine
Charlie Southgate (5.3) Moor Park
8:00 AM 1 Yellow - Men Michael Rees + Nicholas Hadley + Steven Wright
Craig Delves (8.8) Harpenden Common
9:10 AM 1 Yellow - Men Gary Morris + Paul Chappel + Richard Willett
Dan Baldock (20.5) Welwyn Garden City
8:50 AM 1 Yellow - Men Kevin Seaman + Mark Lewis + Stuart Edwards
Dan Garfield (3.2) Essendon
8:20 AM 1 Yellow - Men Keval Shah + Ray Walkon + Yogesh Patel
Debbie Sheard (11.4) Letchworth
8:10 AM 10 Red - Ladies Anne Coulter + Janine Cicchirllo + Sarah Marley
Don Gordon (16.6) West Herts
8:30 AM 1 Yellow - Men Adi Barton + Kevin Raybould + Martin Bradshaw
Ed Clark (6.3) South Herts
9:00 AM 1 Yellow - Men John Kilbey + Matt Nelson + Rhys Chambers
Esther Strous (6.4) Welwyn Garden City
8:00 AM 10 Red - Ladies Alison Strous + Sarah McAlpine + Sue Knight
Gary Morris (15.2) The Hertfordshire
9:10 AM 1 Yellow - Men Craig Delves + Paul Chappel + Richard Willett
Gillian Hanson (10.4) Harpenden Common
8:20 AM 10 Red - Ladies Alison Sexton + Liz Audley + Susan Strang
Janet Biscoe (9.7) Mid Herts
9:20 AM 10 Red - Ladies John Skinner + Paul Ireland + Stephanie Parry
Janine Cicchirllo (5.8) Essendon
8:10 AM 10 Red - Ladies Anne Coulter + Debbie Sheard + Sarah Marley
John Kilbey (10.9) South Herts
9:00 AM 1 Yellow - Men Ed Clark + Matt Nelson + Rhys Chambers
John Skinner (15.3) Ash Valley
9:20 AM 10 Yellow - Men Janet Biscoe + Paul Ireland + Stephanie Parry
Joshua Ramejkis (+0.3) The Shire London
8:40 AM 10 Yellow - Men Alex Turner + Ryan Hodges + Steve Hunt
Karen Curran (13.1) Aldenham
8:30 AM 10 Red - Ladies Lelia Barrett + Shirley Hoggarth + Teresa Bovington
Keval Shah (3.2) Moor Park
8:20 AM 1 Yellow - Men Dan Garfield + Ray Walkon + Yogesh Patel
Kevin Raybould (13.5) West Herts
8:30 AM 1 Yellow - Men Adi Barton + Don Gordon + Martin Bradshaw
Kevin Seaman (15.4) East Herts
8:50 AM 1 Yellow - Men Dan Baldock + Mark Lewis + Stuart Edwards
Lee Goldhill (17.1) Aldenham
9:20 AM 1 Yellow - Men Mike Barker + Peter Doughty + Simon Veysey
Lelia Barrett (20.5) Aldenham
8:30 AM 10 Red - Ladies Karen Curran + Shirley Hoggarth + Teresa Bovington
Liz Audley (5.4) South Herts
8:20 AM 10 Red - Ladies Alison Sexton + Gillian Hanson + Susan Strang
Mark Lewis (6.5) East Herts
8:50 AM 1 Yellow - Men Dan Baldock + Kevin Seaman + Stuart Edwards
Martin Bradshaw (9.7) Chesfield Downs
8:30 AM 1 Yellow - Men Adi Barton + Don Gordon + Kevin Raybould
Matt Nelson (8.5) The Hertfordshire
9:00 AM 1 Yellow - Men Ed Clark + John Kilbey + Rhys Chambers
Michael Rees (1.7) Moor Park
8:00 AM 1 Yellow - Men Charlie Southgate + Nicholas Hadley + Steven Wright
Mick Bubb (14.4) The Hertfordshire
8:40 AM 1 Yellow - Men Charles Gannon + Peter Rutter + Scott Ballentine
Mike Barker (19.1) Hanbury Manor
9:20 AM 1 Yellow - Men Lee Goldhill + Peter Doughty + Simon Veysey
Mitchell Garner (16.2) Ash Valley
9:10 AM 10 Yellow - Men Arthur Brennan + Peter Gillies + Steve Rosier
Nicholas Hadley (8.7) Bishop's Stortford
8:00 AM 1 Yellow - Men Charlie Southgate + Michael Rees + Steven Wright
Paul Chappel (13.6) The Hertfordshire
9:10 AM 1 Yellow - Men Craig Delves + Gary Morris + Richard Willett
Paul Ireland (18.7) Ash Valley
9:20 AM 10 Yellow - Men Janet Biscoe + John Skinner + Stephanie Parry
Peter Doughty (17.9) Hanbury Manor
9:20 AM 1 Yellow - Men Lee Goldhill + Mike Barker + Simon Veysey
Peter Gillies (13.9) Royston
9:10 AM 10 Yellow - Men Arthur Brennan + Mitchell Garner + Steve Rosier
Peter Rutter (+1.4) Royston
8:40 AM 1 Yellow - Men Charles Gannon + Mick Bubb + Scott Ballentine
Ray Maginley (10.2) Berkhamsted
8:50 AM 10 Yellow - Men Bruce Sigley + Roger Pearsall + Simon Beddall
Ray Walkon (10.2) Essendon
8:20 AM 1 Yellow - Men Dan Garfield + Keval Shah + Yogesh Patel
Rhys Chambers (9.2) The Hertfordshire
9:00 AM 1 Yellow - Men Ed Clark + John Kilbey + Matt Nelson
Richard Willett (3.8) Harpenden Common
9:10 AM 1 Yellow - Men Craig Delves + Gary Morris + Paul Chappel
Roger Pearsall (8.9) Letchworth
8:50 AM 10 Yellow - Men Bruce Sigley + Ray Maginley + Simon Beddall
Ryan Hodges (1.1) Harpenden Common
8:40 AM 10 Yellow - Men Alex Turner + Joshua Ramejkis + Steve Hunt
Sarah Marley (4.5) Essendon
8:10 AM 10 Red - Ladies Anne Coulter + Debbie Sheard + Janine Cicchirllo
Sarah McAlpine (15.6) Moor Park
8:00 AM 10 Red - Ladies Alison Strous + Esther Strous + Sue Knight
Scott Alexander (4.0) Brookmans Park
9:00 AM 10 Yellow - Men Alastair Clarke + Bob Morris + Bryan Rees
Scott Ballentine (10.0) Royston
8:40 AM 1 Yellow - Men Charles Gannon + Mick Bubb + Peter Rutter
Sean McCloy (6.7) Verulam
8:10 AM 1 Yellow - Men Andrew Martin
Shirley Hoggarth (23.8) West Herts
8:30 AM 10 Red - Ladies Karen Curran + Lelia Barrett + Teresa Bovington
Simon Beddall (7.3) Berkhamsted
8:50 AM 10 Yellow - Men Bruce Sigley + Ray Maginley + Roger Pearsall
Simon Veysey (15.4) Aldenham
9:20 AM 1 Yellow - Men Lee Goldhill + Mike Barker + Peter Doughty
Stephanie Parry (24.1) Mid Herts
9:20 AM 10 Red - Ladies Janet Biscoe + John Skinner + Paul Ireland
Steve Hunt (2.4) The Shire London
8:40 AM 10 Yellow - Men Alex Turner + Joshua Ramejkis + Ryan Hodges
Steve Rosier (10.9) Ash Valley
9:10 AM 10 Yellow - Men Arthur Brennan + Mitchell Garner + Peter Gillies
Steven Wright (9.6) Bishop's Stortford
8:00 AM 1 Yellow - Men Charlie Southgate + Michael Rees + Nicholas Hadley
Stuart Edwards (9.5) Welwyn Garden City
8:50 AM 1 Yellow - Men Dan Baldock + Kevin Seaman + Mark Lewis
Sue Knight (8.8) Moor Park
8:00 AM 10 Red - Ladies Alison Strous + Esther Strous + Sarah McAlpine
Susan Strang (9.2) South Herts
8:20 AM 10 Red - Ladies Alison Sexton + Gillian Hanson + Liz Audley
Teresa Bovington (16.4) West Herts
8:30 AM 10 Red - Ladies Karen Curran + Lelia Barrett + Shirley Hoggarth
Yogesh Patel (2.1) Moor Park
8:20 AM 1 Yellow - Men Dan Garfield + Keval Shah + Ray Walkon